Engineering 1020 - Memorial University of Newfoundland

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Transcript Engineering 1020 - Memorial University of Newfoundland

Engineering 1020
Introduction to Programming
Peter King
[email protected]
Winter 2010
ENGI 1020: Update
Date: Feb 17th (unchanged)
Time: 7pm to 8:15pm
This is the same as all other core courses
Location: To Be Announced
ENGI 1020: Control Statements
Up to now all our programming has followed the
following flow:
Start program at main
Execute each instruction once
For instructions that are function calls,
go to the function declaration and start at first
When instruction is finished, go to next instruction
ENGI 1020: Control Statements
How can we solve problems like
Given two numbers, return the largest one
Find the square root of a number, but only when
it's greater than zero
Given a person's age, output whether they are a
child, teenager, adult, or senior
Given the distance to a wall, tell a robot to stop
when it is less than 4m from a wall
ENGI 1020: Control Statements
We need to enable the program to make
Or more formally
Depending on some condition(s), execute
alternative sections of code
At some point in the code, we will choose to
execute one block, instead of another
ENGI 1020: Control Statements
How is this done you ask?
The If statement
“if the door is locked, I will get a key”
“if traffic is bad, I will walk to work”
“if it's later than 9pm, I will go home”
ENGI 1020: Control Statements
You've all probably seen this:
Have more than
Buy Car
Get Job
ENGI 1020: Control Statements
This is an if statement
Have more than
Depending on some condition, we will take a
particular path
ENGI 1020: Control Statements
Let's see it in C++
• If (some condition)
do something
• if (some condition){
do something
do something
do something
ENGI 1020: Control Statements
if (x > 0)
cout << “x is positive.” << endl;
if (x < 0){
cout << “ x is negative.”
cout << endl;
ENGI 1020: Control Statements
The if is a keyword
The ( condition ) is an expressions that is
evaluated as either true or false
y != 5
z == 2*y
When the condition is true, the statement (or
block of statements) are executed
If not true, then the statements are ignored
ENGI 1020: Control Statements
Lets look at the conditions
They are boolean expressions
They are evaluated to either true or false
We can utilize multiple conditions using the
&& → and operator
|| → or operator
If x is greater than 5 and y is less than 2, proceed
If (x > 5 && y < 2)
ENGI 1020: Control Statements
What if we want to select one or the other
statements, based on a single condition?
“IF there is any 7-up, I'll have that, else I'll have a
ENGI 1020: Control Statements
The if-else statement
Picks between two alternatives
if (x >0)
Cout << “x is positive” << endl;
Cout << “x is negative” << endl;
ENGI 1020: Control Statements
Since we know only one of the statements will get
if (x >0)
Cout << “x is positive”;
Cout << “x is negative”;
cout << endl;
ENGI 1020: Control Statements
If the condition is true
We execute under the if
If the condition is not true (false)
We execute under the else
ENGI 1020: Control Statements
We can also nest our if statements
What does that mean?
If time is later than 12pm and earlier than 1pm, eat
if (time > 12){
If (time < 13){
ENGI 1020: Control Statements
Statement blocks after the if can contain any valid
code, even other if statements
ENGI 1020: Control Statements
One more variation
Instead of doing this
if (x < 1)
if(x <2)
if(x <3)
ENGI 1020: Control Statements
We can do this
if (x < 1)
else if(x < 2)
else if(x < 3)
ENGI 1020: Control Statements
Grading Examples