الشريحة 1

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Array in C++ / review
 An array contains multiple objects of identical
types stored sequentially in memory.
 The individual objects in an array, referred to as
array elements, can be addressed using a number,
called index or subscript.
 The array is the most commonly used data
storage structure.
 It helps us to see how object-oriented
programming and data structures relate to each
 Like a regular variable, an array must be declared
before it is used. A typical declaration for an array in
C++ is:
type name [ no of elements];
 You can create an array from any type with the
exception of some special types.
 An array always occupies a contiguous memory space.
To know how much memory spaces an array needs,
for example, if we have an array of 10 elements, this
space is 10*sizeof(float) = 40 bytes.
 when declaring an array, there is a possibility to
assign initial values to each one of its elements.
 To access the values of an array; being able to
both read and modify its value by using this
format :
 name[index]
# include <iostream>
# include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
int n[10];
for( int i=0;i<10;i++)
n[i] =0;
for(int j=0; j<10;j++)
return 0;
 How to assign initial values to a char array :
char name[ ] = “welcome back";
This definition is equivalent to
char name[ ] = {‘w’,‘e’,‘l’,‘c’,‘o’,‘m’,‘e’, ‘ ‘ ,
Multidimensional arrays
 can be described as "arrays of arrays".
 Multidimensional arrays are not limited to two
#define WIDTH 3
#define HEIGHT 2
int table [HEIGHT][WIDTH];
int n,m;
int main ()
{ for (n=0;n<HEIGHT; n++)
for (m=0; m<WIDTH; m++) {
table [n][m]=(n+1)*(m+1); }
return 0; }
Array Advantages:
 Easier to declare and use.
 Can be used with most of the data types.
Array Disadvantages:
 Fixed size data.
 Ex: if the number of elements to be stored are
more than the maximum size, the array cannot
accommodate those new values.
Any Question?
 Refer to chapter 1 of the book for further reading
 If you are looking to provide a solution for a more
complex problem, it will help to divide the problem into
smaller units.
 Functions can be defined in any order, however, the first
function is normally main.
 Definition syntax:
type name ( parameter1, parameter2, ...)
{ statements }
Prototype and Definition
 In a function definition, the function header is similar in
form to the prototype(declaration) of a function.
 State the differences between the prototype and
function declaration?
 When do the function must be declare?
 The prototype provides the compiler with all the
information it needs when a function is called, what are
these information and what will happen after that?
 Can the function declaration be omitted ? When ?
 When a function is called, an argument of the same type
as the parameter must be passed to the function for each
 Note: the arguments can be also any kind of expressions.
 If the function is any type other than void, the return
statement will cause the function to return a value to the
function that called it.
 When the program flow reaches a return statement or the
end of a function code block, where it goes?
 Passing values to a function when the function is called is
referred to as passing by value, does it access the object it
self directly?
 However, function arguments can also be passed by
Other topics to review
 Overloading function .
 Inline function .
 Recursion .
 Default arguments.
Any Question?
 Refer to chapter 1 of the book for further reading
 Each cell can be easily located in the memory because it has a
unique address.
Reference operator (&)
 The address that locates a variable within memory is what we
call a reference to that variable.
 This reference can be obtained by preceding the identifier of a
variable with an ampersand sign (&), known as reference
 Note that using the address/refrence operator, &, for a given
object creates a pointer to that object.
 Example: given that var is an int variable, &var is address of
the object var
Dereference operator (*)
 A variable which stores a reference to another variable is
called a pointer.
 Using a pointer we can directly access the value stored in
the variable which it points to.
 To do that, precede the pointer's identifier with an
asterisk (*), which acts as dereference operator and that
can be translated to "value pointed by".
Pointer variable declaration and initialization
 A pointer is an expression that represents both the address
and type of another object.
 Any pointer is placed during runtime in the specific
memory address.
 An expression such as &var is a constant pointer; however,
C++ allows you to define pointer variables, that is, variables
that can store the address of another object.
 In a declaration, the star character * always means “pointer
 Example: int *ptr;
 Pointer variables contain memory addresses as their values.
 After declaring a pointer variable, you must point the pointer at
a memory address by using the address operator.
 Example :
int y = 5; // declare variable y
int *yPtr; // declare pointer variable yPtr
the statement
yPtr = &y; // initialize-assign address of y to yPtr
Indirection operator
 The indirection operator(dereference operator) * is used
to access an object referenced by a pointer:
 Given a pointer, ptr, *ptr is the object referenced by
 Example:
long a = 10, b, *ptr;
ptr = &a;
// Let ptr point to a.
b = *ptr;
 Note : The indirection operator * has high precedence,
just like the address operator &. Both operators are
 A reference is another name, or alias, for an object that
already exists.
 Defining a reference does not occupy additional
 Any operations defined for the reference are performed
with the object to which it refers.
 The ampersand character, &, is used to define a reference. Given
that T is a type, T& denotes a reference to T.
 Example:
float x = 10.7; float& rx = x;
//The place contents the value 10.7. have two names and one
cout<<x<< endl;
//output: 10.7
//address of x in memory
cout<<rx<< endl;
// output: 10.7
cout<<&rx<< endl;
//address of x in memory = &x
Any Question?
 Refer to chapter 1 of the book for further reading
In C++
What is a class
 Can make a new type in C++ by declaring a class.
 A class is an expanded concept of a data structure: instead of
holding only data, it can hold both data and functions.
 It is just a collection of variables with a set of related functions.
 The variables in the class are referred to as the member
variables or data members.
 The functions in the class manipulate the member
variables. They are referred to as member functions or methods
of the class.
 An object is an instantiation of a class. In terms of
variables, a class would be the type, and an object would
be the variable.
 A class enables you to encapsulate these variables and
functions into one collection, which is called an object.
Declaring a Class
 To declare a class, use the class keyword followed by a
class name and an opening brace, then list the data
members and methods of that class.
 End the declaration with a closing brace and a
class Part
int modelnumber;
double cost;
void SetPart(int mn, double c);
void ShowPart();
 Note :
 You cannot initialize data members where you declare
 A method declaration can also include the
implementation, or you can implement it separately).
 All methods can be accessed only through an object of the
Defining an object
 An object is an individual instance of a class.
 To define an object of a new type just as defining an
integer variable (or any other variable):
Part wheel;
 This code defines wheel, which is an object whose
class (or type) is Part.
Calling Data Member and methods
 Once you define an actual Part object, for example, wheel
you use the dot operator (.) to access the members of that
 Therefore, to assign 50 to wheel’s modelnumber member
wheel.modelnumber = 50;
 In the same way, to call the ShowPart() function,
//method calling
Assign Values to Objects, Not to Classes
 In C++ you don't assign values to types; you assign values to
 For example,
int x = 50;
//define x to be an int
int = 50;
// wrong
 In the same way,
Part.modelnumber = 50; //wrong
 you must define a Part object and assign 50 to the
modelnumber of that object.
Part wheel;
//just like int x;
wheel.modelnumber = 50; //just like x = 50;
Using Access Specifiers
 C++ allows to control where the data members of a class can
be accessed to protect them .
 An access specifier is a word that controls where the data
members in a class can be accessed.
 An access specifier affects all members of the class that come
after it until another access specifier is encountered or until
you reach the end of the class.
class ClassName
 A class has two kinds of access specifiers: public and
• public members can be accessed anywhere that an object of
the class can be accessed and from within the class (that
is, in the class’s methods).
• private members can be accessed only from within the class
 Note: an object of the class cannot access the private
members, except through public methods.
 If no access specifier is provided in the class, all members
default to private.
 Example
class Part
int modelnumber;
double cost;
void SetPart(int m, double c);
void ShowPart();
 Now wheel.modelnumber = 50;
compiles without problems.
Private and Public Data
 Usually the data within a class is private and the
functions are public. However, there is no rule for that .
Memory Allocation
 Declaring this class doesn't allocate memory for a Part .
 It just tells the compiler what a Part is, what data it
contains, and what it can do.
 It also tells the compiler how big a Part is (that is, how
much room the compiler set for each Part (objects) that
you create).
Creating Methods
 You can declare a method two ways.
The most common way is to declare a method inside
the class declaration and then implement it outside.
2. The second way is to declare and implement the
method at the same time inside the class declaration.
 However, there is special syntax for the method
definition. A member function definition begins with the
return type, followed by the name of the class, two
colons (::), the name of the function, and its parameters.
 The general syntax for a method implementation that occurs
outside a class:
return_type ClassName::methodName(parameterList)
method implementation;
 The double colon (::) is called the scope resolution operator.
Constructor and Destructor
 These are special kinds of methods that can be in a class, and
they are optional
 They provide special functionality that other methods cannot
 A constructor is executed every time you declare a new
 It is normally used to set initial values for the data
 always has the same name as the class and cannot have a
return value (not even void).
 A destructor is the opposite of a constructor and is
executed when the object is destroyed.
 It is always named the same name as the class, but with
a tilde (~) at the beginning.
 It cannot have arguments or a return value.
 A destructor is often used to perform any necessary
cleanup tasks.
 Both constructors and destructors are like methods; they can
be declared and implemented at the same time or declared
and implemented separately.
 The syntax for declaring and implementing at the same time:
class ClassName
//other members };
 Here is the syntax for declaring and then implementing:
class ClassName
//other Member;
 Notice : the constructor can have arguments. If you create
a constructor with arguments, the user of the class must
supply values for these arguments when creating an object.
 Notice : the destructor cannot have arguments. It is called
automatically, so no chance for the user to provide
 Because a constructor can have arguments, it might
become necessary to overload the constructor. This is legal
in C++ and is quite common in large classes. Overloading
the constructor in this way gives your class versatility and
provides users of the class with many options.
 The destructor cannot be overloaded since there is no
return type or arguments.
Separating Classes into Files
 What are the benefit of separating classes in to files ?
 Normally, to do the separation, the class declaration is
placed in one file (header file), and the implementation of
all the methods is put in another file.
 The class declaration file is normally called ClassName.h.
 The implementation file is normally called
 Then you include the header file in your program with an
#include directive.
 However, instead of including two files (ClassName.h and
ClassName.cpp), you have to include only ClassName.h.
 The compiler will include the .cpp file automatically
 Don’t forget: the two files need to be in the same directory
to achieve that).
Pointers To Objects
 An object of a class has a memory address.
 You can assign this address to a suitable pointer.
 For example
 Part part1(320);
 Part * partPtr = &part1;
 Now we can use the pointer like :
 (*partPtr).setPart();
Arrow Operator
 You can use the class member access operator -> (arrow
operator) instead of a combination of (*) and (.) .
 Syntax:
 objectPointer->member
 This expression is equivalent to
 (*objectPointer).member
 The difference between the class member access
operators (.) and (->) is that the left operand of the dot
operator must be an object, whereas the left operand of
the arrow operator must be a pointer to an object.
Any Question?
 Refer to chapter 1 of the book for further reading