Internet Governance

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Internet Maintenance,
Coordination, and
Internet Governance
Fred Baker
One discussion,
many questions
The subject of “Internet Governance”
covers a range of questions, few of which
actually have to do with governing the
Mostly has to do with
The roles of public and private sector
Decision and management processes
Power and control
Broad question:
Who will control the Internet?
Issues of control
Internet names and numbers
Management of the DNS root
Management of the ENUM root
Specification development
Public sector vs. private sector
Public sector
Historically had a lot to do with
Tends to ask why are we not
responsible for its operation?
Private sector
Tends to ask what is so broken about
private sector management that we
have to change it?
Engendered much of Internet
Currently responsible to run Internet.
Issues in power and control
Laws people would like to pass
Services governments would like to
Politics of these services
Laws people would like to
Services governments
would like to mandate
Lawful intercept
Internet intelligence gathering
MLPP/GETS-style emergency
Politics of these services:
Who pays for the service?
Often an unfunded mandate
Privacy issues
Often with technical or economic sideeffects
ITU-T is more familiar to many
nations (de jure)
IETF has historically been writing the
specifications (de facto)
What is the place of the United
States in Internet politics?
Issue of national sovereignty
Basically US vs. everyone else
ICANN politics
Issue of national
If the us government in fact runs the
Internet on behalf of all the other
countries, perhaps through its
surrogates, in what way are those
Basically US vs. everyone
US view
Us has played a custodial role
Is slowly trying to get out.
Sought non-US participation early
Funded initial development
Non-US view
US has played a custodial role
Slowly trying to get out, or perhaps not at all.
ICANN politics
ICANN is seen by some as a private
sector surrogate for the US
Especially as it is licensed by the US
Has to run certain decisions by US DOC
One of two things has to
ICANN has to be/become
independent of the US government,
A replacement acceptable to other
governments must come into being
Broad Question:
Developing nations
What is the role of the developing
What do developing countries want from
the 'digital developments'?
Is it a consumer, a full player, something
in between?
Where does needed education and
development (and money) come from?
Questions before the house
How will the standards process be
timely and effective for all concerned?
How will new Internet applications be
developed and deployed?
National sovereignty issues
Public sector vs. private sector debate
What is the place of developing
Standards for new models,
facilities, and services
Called for by service providers, enterprise
networks, and governments.
The standards process,
The process of writing these technology and
policy specifications,
Now done by a combination of overlapping
National standards bodies
International public-sector-sponsored
International private-sector groups and fora
How will the standards process be timely
and effective for all concerned?
New Internet applications
Innovative services and applications
RFID facilities and inventory management
Social software,
Web services,
File sharing,
Rapidly deploying new services that the
Internet infrastructure was not necessarily
designed to handle.
Questions regarding
Internet applications
With new applications come difficult
policy questions
Detection of, access to, and management of
The devices
The information they exchange.
Where and how will these be discussed,
How will the necessary new policies be
National sovereignty:
International law
Sovereignty has historically meant
A nation is absolutely in control of what
happens within it,
Bears no responsibility for what exits
from its borders.
Changing international law
Maritime law
A nation is responsible for some of the sideeffects of what it permits
Over-taxing of resources.
The Internet challenges that
Robustness principle
Be conservative in what you send and liberal in what
you receive
Do for/to others what you would have them do to you
Internet impact on
international law.
Increasingly, nations are responsible for
spam, viruses, and attacks that cross
their borders.
Changing law regarding
In what areas does the nation-state
remain responsible only to itself, and
in what areas must it forge
agreements with its neighbors?
What structures will best facilitate
brokering and maintaining those
Public sector vs. private
sector in network operation
Are there only two ways?
Is there a third possible way?
What is the best model for managing
the names and numbers in the
What is the best way to build
operational policy for the Internet?
What is the place of
developing nations?
Are they doomed to forever be consumers
of other nations' products?
Can they produce technology? How can
they use Internet technology to overcome
the digital divide?
What is the proper role of more
industrialized countries in facilitating this?
Internet Maintenance,
Coordination, and
Internet Governance
Fred Baker