Richard Elliott - Programme Manager

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Transcript Richard Elliott - Programme Manager

Richard Elliott
Programme Manager - Change
Network Rail
New Sentinel & SkillsID
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Richard Elliott
Network Rail Programme Manager
7th March 2013
• 2012: The Sentinel Enhancement
Programme obtains approval for funding
to introduce the new enhanced Sentinel
card for the rail industry. Full market
tender exercise undertaken. Mitie is
selected to run new Sentinel.
• 2013: The ‘rules’ for Sentinel are rewritten
in consultation with industry to make
• 2000 – 2010: Various
them fairer, more transparent and clarify
improvements made (e.g. website
• 2013: The new Sentinel service will be
introduced from June. The first phase of
• 2011: The Sentinel Enhancement
rollout will be at three NR sites – Saltley,
Programme formed to look at
Perth and Carlisle. Followed by full NR
taking Sentinel to the next level.
rollout, followed by Supply Chain.
Making it smarter, simpler, more
cost effective and leading to safer • 2013: Sentinel and SkillsID will be
working practices.
integrated to establish a single point of
entry for railway skills data for use by
training organisations and sponsors.
• 1999: The Sentinel card is
introduced for Railtrack, covering
its own workforce and the supply
chain. Used for ‘on or near the
track’ ID & Competence Checks.
Information held centrally on the
NCCA database, run by Capita.
About Sentinel
The Sentinel journey
Sentinel: Safer, Smarter,
Our Purpose
Our Mission
Our Vision
Deliver an
service that
underpins the
Fully engage
and end-users
so they
accept new
Sentinel as
safer, smarter
That Sentinel
is recognised
globally as
the model for
safe working
access across
New Sentinel is an enhancement of the existing service providing
capabilities and opportunities to further improve site safety, increase
New Sentinel
New Sentinel
Sentinel: The Aims
• Sentinel will become:
– Smarter – using the latest ‘smart’ technology to deliver and
exploit information where it’s needed at all times
– Simpler – one card solution, easy to verify, single source of
Sentinel aims
– Safer - “no-one undertakes an activity unless they have
been trained and assessed as competent”
What’s in it for you?
Cost: Fairer and more transparent cost to the industry
Efficiency: Reduction in administrative burdens on your COSS and Site
Managers by replacing manual paper based COSS forms with an
electronic approach using smart phone applications.
Security and transparency: Tightening the control of access to our sites
(without reducing productivity) to levels that are common practise in
other sectors and other parts of the construction industry.
Safety: Supporting Network Rail’s Life Saving Rules will further keep
the industry as safe as possible – getting everyone home safe, every
We will challenge, review and eliminate or simplify existing processes,
procedures and administration which no longer add value but do
costs (time and money).
We will explore new and expand existing services and capabilities that will derive real
cost, efficiency and safety value to you from the information that Sentinel can access.
Data integrity
• Data Cleansing as part of migration from
old Sentinel to current Sentinel
• The data migration from NCCA to new
Sentinel will be in 2 tranches due to the
3 month first stage roll-out.
• We are also designing a direct link
between SkillsID and Sentinel so that
skills data can be added once and
collated across the entire industry.
Existing NR Systems & Services
Oracle HRMS
Oracle CMS
NR Hazards
Sentinel Online Users
External CMS
Sentinel Service Platform
Training Providers
and Finance
Medical Providers
Skill-Safe Database
Skills ID
Lone Worker
Network Rail
Mgmt & Assurance
Service delivered over SSL/HTTP
internet connection
Lone Worker
All data exchanges with Sentinel2
Service performed using MS .NET
Web Services over SSL/HTTPS
Online Card Check/
Update via Mobile
Internet (GSM/GRPS/
3G Data networks)
Online Card Check/
Update via Internet
Sentinel2 Client App
(C# .NET 2.0)
RFID: Mobile Contactless Card Read /
Competence Check & Swiping using NFC
(Offline & Online)
QR Code: Mobile Card Read / Competence
Check & Swiping using QR Code (Online and
limited Offline)
PC Based Contactless
Card Read / Competence
(Offline & Online)
PC/SC Smartcard
All communications with the Smartcard are securely encrypted using SCP02 (AES encryption).
Smartcard security ensures data cannot be read updated without secure authentication.
How it works
• One of the big challenges of new
Sentinel is to ensure that we have ‘one
version’ of the truth. Successive
upgrades have been built upon legacy
platforms – leading to data
• All data must be as accurate and up-todate as possible.
The objective…
To provide a simple, single point of entry for all supply chain
skills through SkillsID.
• Network Rail actively supports
• Sentinel will provide the passport
for working on and around our
infrastructure safely.
•SkillsID will provide the whole
industry with vital information to
meet the challenges of the future.
•Used together they will deliver
huge and ongoing benefit to the