Transcript Slide 1

European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht
The European Institute of Public
Administration (EIPA):
“Learning to Build Europe”
Dr Edward Best
European Administrative School
Brussels, 7 March 2008
E. Best © EIPA, 2008
European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht
E. Best © EIPA, 2008
“Learning to Build Europe”
• focus on public management and the challenges of European
• complementarity with national bodies
• distinctive learning and development opportunities
– multinational context
– practice-oriented, forward-looking, problem-solving
– research-based
• support for administrations and practitioners, as well as input into
the scientific community
• scientific research on EU governance, EU policies, interaction
between EU institutions and Member States
• comparative studies on issues of common concern
• role in relevant European networks
European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht
E. Best © EIPA, 2008
“Learning to Build Europe”
• EIPA and the EU Institutions
• EIPA and EU research
• Three examples: state aid, presidency, comitology
• Common Assessment Framework (CAF)
• Looking forward: some key goals
European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht
E. Best © EIPA, 2008
EIPA and the EU Institutions
• Lot 8 – framework contract for the provision of training
and consultancy on issues of “EU Governance”
• 2002-2007, for the Commission (75 activities in 2007)
– “standard” seminars
(e.g. for DG ADMIN on decision-making, comitology, data
tailor-made activities (esp. RELEX, TREN, SJ, EMPL....)
participation of officials in EIPA courses
• New Framework Contract (3/4 yrs)
now also covers other institutions/bodies/agencies
European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht
E. Best © EIPA, 2008
Commissioned Comparative Research (EU) e.g.
• Regulating Conflicts of Interest for Holders of Public
Office in the European Union
(European Commission, 2007)
• Performance evaluation mechanisms in central
(German Presidency, 2007)
• State of implementation of the CAF in Europe
(Austrian Presidency, 2006)
European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht
E. Best © EIPA, 2008
EIPA and Research Networks: EU-CONSENT
• Network of Excellence supported
by 6th Framework Programme:
research on EU reform and
enlargement, coordinated by the
University of Cologne
• EIPA leads Work Package on EU Institutions
Panels in main EU academic conferences
Book The Institutions of the Enlarged European Union
Academic/Practitioner workshops
Education and dissemination
European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht
E. Best © EIPA, 2008
Comprehensive Approach to EU Policies
e.g. State Aid
Standard seminars on substantive and procedural rules
Seminars on procedures
Sectoral seminars
Advanced seminar
In-house seminars
Mixed audiences of national and EC officials
Comparative case-analysis
Critical analysis of EU policy
European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht
E. Best © EIPA, 2008
EIPA: Preparing for the Presidency
Major integrated programmes for national administrations
e.g. Netherlands, Slovenia (65 seminars 2006-2007)
Specific modules on planning, coordination, chairing, codecision...
• Accumulated experience : expanding knowledge base,
methodological development, benchmarking
• Multidisciplinary learning and skills development through political,
administrative, psychological and cultural angles
• Practical dimension of the EU agenda, governance dynamics and
constitutional debates
• Anchored to the national dimension : coordination, management,
representation and policy styles.
European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht
E. Best © EIPA, 2008
An Example: Comitology at EIPA
• Area in which EIPA has been leading research and
training for many years
• Experienced ‘Comitology Team” at EIPA, including both
in-house experts and regular invited speakers
• Excellent contacts with key players in the EU
institutions and in the Member States
• Training and research activities systematically combine
insights from theory and from practice
• High degree of specialisation, combining legalprocedural analyses with case studies of key sectors
European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht
E. Best © EIPA, 2008
EIPA’s Comitology Training
• Key provider of seminars for the European Commission
(Lot 8), as well regular contributions to seminars for
Council, EAS and other institutions
• Seminars for individual member states
• Multinational ‘open seminars’ organised in Maastricht
and Brussels
• Seminars provide mix of presentations, case studies,
simulations and group work.
• Consultancy services offered to decision-makers on
specific aspects of comitology
European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht
E. Best © EIPA, 2008
EIPA Research on Comitology
• EIPA book publications on important occasions of
comitology reform (pre-1999, post-2006)
• Recent book about the wider question of committee
governance in the EU
• Upcoming edited volume looking at the impact of
enlargement, 2006 reform and Lisbon Treaty
• Ongoing research about ‘comitology in practice’ inside
the committees
• Contribution to the research undertaken in the context
of the Commission-funded EU-CONSENT network of
European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht
E. Best © EIPA, 2008
The Common Assessment Framework (CAF)
• Designed by the Innovative Public
Services Group of EUPAN
• Launched at the 1st European
Quality Conference, May 2000
• CAF 2006 version launched at
4th European Quality Conference
in September 2006
• CAF Resource Centre at EIPA
European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht
E. Best © EIPA, 2008
The Common Assessment Framework (CAF)
• By March 2008, 1167 registered users in
– 36 countries
– Court of Auditors, Europol,
DG Translation, DG Admin
• Objective set by the DG’s :
2010 registered users by 2010
“stressing the importance of CAF for the implementation of
Quality Management in the public administrations of the EU
Member States and the importance of reaching and
maintaining high quality standards in the civil service.
Berlin June 2007.”
European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht
E. Best © EIPA, 2008
Looking Forward: Some Key Goals
• provision of services to the EU institutions
• recognized and innovative “open activities”
• specialised and complementary training modules for
national clients/partners
• studies, policy advice, new training on priority topics
– e.g. implementation of EU law, Better Regulation, the
future of comitology, external action,......
• expansion of CAF and development of consultancy