Delivering the Membership Experience through the Lodge
Transcript Delivering the Membership Experience through the Lodge
We have assembled notes on lodges successful
in terms of growing membership for ten
consecutive years, each bucking the national
membership trends.
They displayed many consistencies. Most
notably embracing modern communication
strategies and a strong presence in their
They are all passionate recruiters and provide a
family friendly environment.
All were active Elks Lodges with a bar….not
active bars with an Elks Lodge.
All displayed a good understanding of the
Order’s programs/opportunities and how that
translates back to the community they serve.
Membership Growth
• Lodges that are growing membership have a strong
presence in their communities. Each have from one to
four community service projects which are well
publicized. The Lodges are well known for these
community projects. All have successful Legacy
recruitment drives. Member’s spouses, children and
grand children are joining. Making the Elks a true
“American family tradition”
Get Out in the Community
Falmouth MA #2380 is well known in the
community for their scholarship night,
Dictionary program, and bicycle helmet
giveaway program.
Potsdam NY #2074 is well known in the
community for placing American Flags
throughout the area, and providing “bounce
around” for young children/families to enjoy
from 8 am to 8 pm, strong youth activity
programs, and they partner with other local
organizations to benefit the community.
Hickory NC #1654 is well known in the
community for their projects to assist the
Lake Hopatcong NJ #782 is well known in the
community for their Leap in the Lake for
Special needs children and the largest
Christmas Appeal program in the county.
Recruiting in the Community
What We do and How to Join
All community events should
include a strong Public Relations
and Membership presence.
Set up a table with handouts.
Think of an airplane. Public
Relations and Membership are
wings that allow the plane to take
Earn a good reputation as a
premier charitable organization in
your community.
Provide a family friendly and
member friendly environment.
Recruit From Within
• Member appreciation day.
• Encourage your Members to bring guests.
• Give the guests Lodge pins. Make them feel
• “Ask me” buttons for your Lodge Officers.
Reinstatements-Low Hanging Fruit
• We have more than 10,000 reinstatements a year.
• Review sample reinstatement letter from Manual.
• Ask the Lodge Secretary to run you a list of all the
formers that were dropped for non pay over the past
three to five years.
• Former Members have misperceptions on the costs
and process to reinstate.
• Its easy to come back home to the Elks…show them
how and many will.
We have a Collection Problem!
• We all know getting members to pay dues invoices in a timely manner can
be a gruesome task.
• In fact, nearly 40% of our membership does not pay their dues by the first
week in April.
• More than 30% of our members will be more than 90 days past due.
• More than 15% of our members will be more than 180 days past due.
• We know that more than 6% of our membership will not pay at all.
• We dropped more than 60,000 Elks on March 31, 2014 for non-payment of
• Nationally we lost more than $4.5 million dollars in uncollected dues
• Yes we have a BIG collection problem.
Top Tips to
make ‘em pay!
Let your members pay – in any way possible and as quickly as possible. Online,
mobile, snail mail, or in person. At the end of the day, you need to provide your
members with a quick and easy way to pay you, in a method they prefer. Let
the member click one link to pay you on line via credit card . Don’t make paying
a chore. Period.
If it doesn’t look professional, you’re not a professional. Make the dues invoice
look nice and branded to your lodge. But don’t forget the primary purpose.
Everybody could use a reminder. Make sure all dues invoices are on a healthy
30 day cycle. Bill every month starting on May 1st.
Watch your tone –with collection letters and calls. Don’t get all “official” just
because this is a late invoice and you’re talking about money. Remember that
you have formed a fraternal and social relationship that’s supposed to be
mutually beneficial.
It’s time to get over it- find a solution in your collection letters and calls that
takes the edge off things like understanding that times are hard, or
understanding that many (not just seniors) are on fixed incomes. The economy
stinks. Many people are either unemployed or underemployed.
It’s my Life (membership)- this should be reviewed annually to see who is
eligible by the lodge Secretary ,well before the close of the fraternal year.
People in general are living much longer. Well into their 80’s. However many
are not financially prepared to maintain their membership.
• Step one is to get the Membership
Manual out of the Lodge
Secretary's Office.
• Print or Order additional copies
based on the size of your
Membership (one Manual per
every 100 Members). More on
• Read it Cover to Cover (It’s the
most important 10 minutes you
may spend this year).
• Keep this Manual with you and
refer to it weekly.
You Need an Army to Win this WAR
The Membership Committee
should consist of the following:
Exalted Ruler
Lodge Secretary
Leading Knight
Membership Chairperson
Add at least one additional
committee person per 100
members in your lodge.
200 Member Lodge- add 2
500 Member Lodge- add 5
1000 Member Lodge- add 10
The Secretary
• Bill all delinquents monthly
• Use personal notes on late notices
• Cooperate with the Exalted Ruler and
Membership Committee with up-to-date
• Secretary is a paid Officer of the Lodge, largely
responsible for dues collection.
• Monitor the monthly duties and schedule.
Verify the Secretary Membership work is
getting done.
• Review duties and timeline
with your committee.
• Know your numbers.
• Dig a little deeper so you
know more about
members on the
delinquent list.
• Use your best judgment
with Members in distress.
Membership/Public Relations
Topics will include:
Best membership practices around the nation.
Public Relations tips to promote upcoming venues with Elks annual calendar.
Advice and examples on how to best tie in and leverage all your communication
Lodge bulletin, email blasts, lodge website and members-only social media page.
The coordination and proper use of Elks logos and marks.
How to maximize all of the communication muscle that a Lodge/state has in its
How to communicate with one voice.