Nurturing the Congregation

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Transcript Nurturing the Congregation

Based on the Elder’s Handbook
Ministerial Association of the General Conference
The Elder and
Chapter 6
The Elder and Church Nurture
Love and unity are Christian
•“We know that we have passed from death to life,
because we love the brethren. He who does not love
his brother abides in death.” (I John 3:14)
Unity empowers the church.
•“Now when the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they
were all with one accord in one place.” (Acts 2:1)
The Elder and Church Nurture
Christian love produces unity despite differences.
The fire of Christian love dissolves the dross of class
hatreds, racial clashes, social ruptures, and
minor theological controversies.
Visitation Essential
• The visitation of members can be vital to their
spiritual nurture and growth.
• This kind of ministry is one of the most effective
ways elders can serve their people.
• Home visitation is important for your people
because they need to know that you care enough
to come.
Visitation Planning.
• Should be part of the board of elder’s or church
board’s agenda.
• An elder, assisted by a deacon and a deaconess,
could be in charge of a parish zone.
• Visiting by appointment can double the effective
use of your time.
Visitation Format.
1. Prepare
2. Be friend
3. Read the Bible
4. Ask
5. Pray
6. Leave
7. Write
Personal Couseling
One of the reasons for which the
church exists is to provides a
place where troubled people can
come and, within the fellowship
and concern offered by its
Membership, find strength and
Personal Couseling
• People come because they care and cannot refuse
to help.
• Some will come seeking only sympathy and
attention rather than help.
• Elders sometimes become susceptible out of
kindness, lack of counseling expertise, or because
of their own egos that demand they have a final
answer for everything.
Counseling Guidelines
Counseling guidelines.
1. Learn to listen.
2. Concentrate on solutions.
3. Help them choose a plan.
4. Pray.
5. Know when to refer.
Small Groups Ministry
• The N. T. Church centered its activities on small
groups; in fellowship, study, sharing, praying, and
eating together (Acts 2:42, 46).
• “The formation of small companies as a basis of
Christian effort is a plan that has been presented
before me by One who cannot err.”
(Evangelism, 115)
Small Groups Ministry
Purpose of small groups.
• Provide an atmosphere in which group members
are able to share in meaningful worship and Bible
study in a setting where they experience a sense of
• Provide an excellent medium for both learning and
• Should be an outreach vehicle for the church.
• Not designed to serve church members exclusively.
Small Groups Ministry
Home small groups.
• Revives members.
• Attracts nonmembers.
• Provides excellent means of
reclaiming inactive members.
Home Group Mettings
Include four basic parts:
1. Sharing
Most home groups have their sharing time at
the beginning of each meeting.
2. Study
May choose a book of the Bible. Members
study it alone during the week, and discuss it
with the group at the weekly meeting.
Home Group Mettings
Include four basic parts:
3. Prayer
Keep a prayer list.
4. Ministry/Outreach
The group tries to invite and include
non-members in the small group.
Small Groups Ministry
Church small groups.
• Sabbath School groups:
• Seminar groups:
• Support groups:
Small Groups Ministry
Organizing small groups.
• Need special planning and organization.
• Identify what kind of needs exist in the church.
• Meet weekly for a given number of weeks.
• Do the appointed study for each meeting.
Small Groups Ministry
Organizing small groups.
• Protect confidences.
• Refrain from negative statements about other
people or organizations.
• Invite others into the group.
Small Groups Ministry
Resourcing small groups.
• Through your local conference/mission or from
Christian bookstores.
• Materials should be available through the Church
Ministries Department.
Prayer Ministry
Primacy of prayer.
• Dynamic churches almost invariable
emphasize the ministry of prayer.
• Emphasize intercessory prayer.
Prayer meeting.
• Those who are really seeking for communion
with God will be seen in the prayer meeting.
Prayer Ministry
Basic ingredients.
• Plan: Start on time.
• Study: No more than 20 minutes. More for teaching
than preaching.
• Share: Testimonies, reflections, and sharing.
• Pray: Prayer meeting is for prayer.
• Prayer: Relevant, specific, intercessory, intelligent,
participatory, short and right to the point.
Social Activities
People need fellowship.
• If people do not find it in the church, they will go
looking elsewhere.
• People are four-sided beings:
• Spiritually
• Mentally
• Physically
• Socially
• Social events assist this kind of balanced
• Socials help to get to know your people.