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Solution Overview
for Lifeboat CrossChannel Connexion
October 23-24, 2008
© 2008 Acresso Software | Company Confidential
Acresso Software - Introduction
Powering the business of software
• Our Focus: Simplify the business relationship between
software/hardware producers, I.T., and their customers
• 70,000+ customers worldwide
• Over $113M – 2007 revenue
• Provider of industry-leading InstallShield and FLEXnet
product lines
• Over 20-year history of maximizing the value of software
- Previously the software business unit of Macrovision
• Headquartered in the United States (IL) with offices in
CA, the United Kingdom and Japan
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Acresso Software Products & Solutions
Repackaging & Compliance
Installation Development
Repackaging Virtualization
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
Product Release Information
InstallShield 2009 Pro/Premier released June 5
– Hebrew & Arabic support for first time!
– New MSI tools & Value-Added Services (help ISVs earn revenue)
InstallShield 2009 Express released Aug 27
– Quickest and easiest installation solution for creating Microsoft Windows Installer
(MSI) installations
AdminStudio 9 / Workflow Manager 5 released Aug 29
– Updated support for application virtualization solutions (including VMware ThinApp 4)
– Increased value to organizations creating best practices around application readiness
InstallAnywhere 2009 release Nov 3
– Expanded support for customizing installation processes
– Improved localization functionality for multilingual releases
Acresso solutions can be promoted to customers now . . .
– Bundle options save your customers money and time
– Guarantee they’ll receive all new releases in next 12 months + support!
– Services opportunities potential to grow your business
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
Product Review By Role
InstallShield (Windows)
and InstallAnywhere (Cross-Platform/Java)
Product Manager/VP Development ($)
• Sets annual priorities, allocates resources
and determines scope of initiatives
– Wants products to release on time and on budget
– No hiccups in release cycle
Software Developer/Setup Engineer (Key Influencers)
• Responsible for producing product deliverables, creating release
candidates of software
– Wants bullet-proof deliverables for release to market
– Maximize development resources
• Minimize customer support issues
• Apply patches and hot fixes seamlessly
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
Product Important Notes
InstallShield 2009 GA June 5th! (Pro/Premier only)
New key features:
Value-Added Services (industry first!)
MSI 4.5 and Visual Studio 2008 support
Setup chaining and multi-instance support (industry first!)
New .msi Package Tools (Diff, Query, Sleuth, Grep)
Hebrew and Arabic support (Premier only – InstallShield first!)
And much more!
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
Product Review By Role
AdminStudio / Workflow Manager
IT Director/VP ($)
• Sets annual priorities, allocates resources
and determines scope of initiatives
– Wants migration to occur smoothly on-time and on-budget
– Expects downtime and disruption to IT environment to be minimized
Project Manager (Key Influencer)
• Responsible for defining processes and tools required to execute a
large-scale project like an OS migration
– Reliability of application packages → all compatibility issues must be
identified and resolved prior to deployment
– Maximize IT productivity
• Minimize packaging and testing costs
• Manage the migration process efficiently
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
Acresso Mission: Enterprise Solutions
Reducing the Costs of Application Ownership
from Package Preparation through License Utilization
• AdminStudio Enterprise Edition
– Prepare Reliable MSI and Virtual Packages for Error-free Software
• Workflow Manager
- Streamlined, Process-Driven Project Management for Software
Packaging and Deployment
• License Compliance Solution
– Optimize Software Investment and Ensure Compliance
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Challenge: Total Cost of Ownership
Client hardware
Server hardware
Source: IDC
Summary of TCO Studies
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Challenge: Application Deployment
Unsuccessful application
deployments cause
significant downtime and
increase support costs
Application management
costs today are a burden:
• $8K for every desktop
• $15K for each server*
“Even after 10 years of
experience, most
companies cannot
automatically deploy
software with a success
rate of 90 percent or
better.” *
* Source: Gartner Whitepaper, June 2005, Desktop Management Best Practices Focus on Policy, Process and People
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
What is Application Packaging?
The act of customizing, configuring, and testing
an application, upgrade, or patch before it is
delivered into the production environment.
IT Administrators say:
“Where all the work takes place”
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
Why Do Organizations Invest in Application Packaging?
– Fear: desktop instability – creating packages that
fail or cause crashes
– Pressure: QA is an afterthought (time factor)
– Change: consuming new technologies like Citrix
XenApp or VMware ThinApp
– Challenge: complex environments that support
multiple operating systems, plus encounter OS
compatibility issues
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
When Do Organizations Invest in Application Packaging?
Preparing for Application Virtualization (multiple
options available – more to come too!)
Implementing, using delivery and virtualization tools
Planning OS migration (i.e. Vista)
Citrix® XenApp™ (formerly Presentation Server)
Microsoft® System Center Configuration Manager
Novell® ZENworks®
IBM® Tivoli®
VMware® ThinApp™ (formerly Thinstall Virtualization Suite)
Don’t forget about the applications too!
Increasing IT credibility and reliability
– Ridding the organization of unstable applications (BSOD)
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AdminStudio: Reliable MSI and Virtual Packages
• Create, customize and test MSI packages
• Create and customize Citrix XenApp profiles and VMware
ThinApp virtual packages*
– Only solution to simultaneously create Citrix application profiles or
VMware ThinApp virtual apps, and reliable MSI packages*
– *NOTE: Must buy AdminStudio Enterprise Edition,
Virtualization Pack + Silver maintenance
• Most widely used software packaging solution worldwide
• Recommended by deployment solution leaders
– Citrix,® VMware,® Microsoft,® Novell® and many others
• Customer favorite 3 years running
– Prestigious “Redmond Award”
• Created by makers of InstallShield, software installation
– InstallShield integrated within AdminStudio
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
AdminStudio: Application Packaging and Delivery Prep
MSI Package
 Capture package content
 Manage package content
 Convert to MSI and
application profiles
Package Expert
Finds and automatically
resolves errors
MSI Package
  
Package Content
Legacy Installation
Registry Entries
INI File Entries
 MSI Package Validation
 Profile Validation
 Citrix MSI Multi-User Mode
 Windows Vista Quality
 Custom XML-Based Tests
Virtual Package
InstallScript MSI
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
AdminStudio Business Value
The world's largest airline said that in 2006, they
“reported a 50% reduction in support costs,
leading to lower TCO after the rollout of
AdminStudio and Workflow Manager."
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
Solution Focus
Top Verticals for Large Deals
• Healthcare
• Finance
• Insurance
• Banking
• Oil and Gas
Key Deal Drivers
• Greater than 250 applications or complex applications
• OS Migration - Moving from XP to Vista
• Virtual applications (plans to virtualize in future)
• Lacking defined standards and best practices
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
AdminStudio Editions
AdminStudio Virtualization Pack
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The Repackaging Process with AdminStudio
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Product Details
AdminStudio Enterprise Edition
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
AdminStudio Brings New Services to Your Org.
Reduce packaging costs, while adding
high value/high margin offerings!
Preparing Environments for
Application Virtualization
Strategic Planning for Virtualization
Traditional and Virtual Packaging
Virtualization Best Practices
Packaging Best Practices
Software Management Implementation
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
Earning More Revenue with AdminStudio + Delivery Tools
• Increase value of deployment solution upgrades
– Drive upgrade sales of these products
– Add on services around upgrades
– Expand reach of your services within account
• Opportunities for revenue from existing customers
– Everyone packages in some fashion
• Add on product sales
– AdminStudio
– Workflow Manager
• Add on services
– How much can you imagine?
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
Licensing & Compliance: The Business Challenge
Not Buying the Right Number or Types of Licenses Is Costly
Too much
Not enough
License Denials
20% of all installed software
is unused - Forsythe
Unable to meet deadlines
and target time to market
Underutilized Licenses
60% of applications are
overlicensed - Gartner
30% of licensed software is
out of compliance - Gartner
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
Licensing & Compliance: The Business Challenge
Masses of data but shortage of useful information
Myriad of
 Manually created spreadsheets & databases
 No view of usage across the enterprise or forecasting
 No contract or cost information
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
In a Perfect World…
An order is placed…
Applications are deployed…
Usage is monitored
Continual process of checking usage versus contract
to optimize and ensure compliance
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
FLEXnet Manager & Enterprise License Compliance
Three main benefits for your customers:
• Reporting
– LDAP Integration
– Database import functionality
• Administration
– Configurable alarms & alerts
– Control over all licenses from one console
– No need to VPN to servers, etc.
• Compliance
– FLEXwrap in all AdminStudio editions
– Define user groups & individual user specifics
• Geographic location, named user rights, etc.
Average customer saves 30% with this solution
– Gartner expects that level of savings in first year alone!
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
FLEXnet Manager & Enterprise License Compliance
Four quick questions to qualify your customers:
• What are you using for your license management
– You would be surprised how many of your customers are using
nothing or homemade solutions!
• Is it a concern for you (or someone at your company) to
save money on your FLEX-enabled software?
– Over 8,000 applications use FLEXnet licensing technology!
• What applications at your company are important for you
to track their usage?
– Even if apps are not FLEX-enabled, they can be
• What do you spend on your FLEX-enabled software
licensing each year?
– This could easily be $500k to over $1M for a single customer!
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
What your customers will gain…
Reduce Software Spending Over Time
Customer Examples:
Software Spend
 Freescale would be
spending at least
35% more on
software every year
 METRO Group has
not purchased SAP
licenses in 2 years –
despite expanding
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
What your customers will gain…
ROI Opportunities that have your customers take notice
• Optimize their software spending
• Reduce their time and effort wasted manually
managing their licenses and demonstrating
compliance for audits
• Minimize their downtime and delays due to denials
• Minimize their risk and cost of non-compliance
“With Acresso…we now understand - for the first time - exactly
what our license requirements are for the whole corporation… we
can make better, more informed and more strategic decisions.”
Software Asset Management Group Manager
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
What YOU will gain…
Increased visibility and opportunities into your customers
• Allows you to engage as “trusted advisor”
– Helping customers save money!
• Additional opportunities to sell services to
customers in pain / need
• Ability to sell higher in organizations, larger deals!
• Increased revenue and gross profit
Protecting your customers from audits, feel secure
about their compliance
– Very powerful position with your customers!
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
Logistics Information – How Products Are Sold
Order rules pretty straightforward compared to others…
All lines have following options:
1] Product alone (full or upgrade)
2] Product + maintenance bundles (full or upgrade)
3] Maintenance renewals (maint customers only)
*NEW maintenance only sold as a bundle!*
• Definitely a great upsell opportunity for you and great value for
• 3 tiers of maintenance:
– Bronze (email/web only)
– Silver (Bronze + phone access 8x5, 16hr response)
– Gold (Silver + 24x5 phone access, <4hr response avail)
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
Summary & Conclusion
How to increase sales & double your revenue:
• Bundle AdminStudio into all VMware ThinApp,
Microsoft ConfigMgr, Novell ZENworks, & Citrix
XenApp sales discussions
• Ensure when quoting for InstallShield, InstallAnywhere
and AdminStudio you are always using the
maintenance bundles – maintenance can add a
significant revenue amount on your deals
• We have alternate licensing models available for
InstallShield/InstallAnywhere and AdminStudio
(floating, per desktop, etc.) Engage Lifeboat!
© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
Summary & Conclusion (cont’d)
How to increase sales & double your revenue:
• License compliance with Acresso solutions (FLEXnet
Manager, etc.) can add large amounts of revenue to
your company!
• Acresso Software solutions allow you to build
professional services & consulting to compliment and
enhance implementation
• If preferred, also available as a resell option
• Propose training as an option, especially with multilicense opportunities
• When selling other solutions remember the Acresso
solution to compliment these sales …
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© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential
Who has the first question?
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© 2008 Acresso Software | Acresso Partner Confidential