Transcript Slide 1

Gathering Requirements
– Customers often have no IT background so
either don’t know what can be done or have
too high expectations
– Communications between techies and
customers can be difficult
• Typical customer feedback
That’s good, but…
What about if we …
I’ll know it when I see it…
Oh. I thought it was going to…
This is not what I expected…
• So there is a need for early prototypes for
customer feedback to resolve problems quickly
• Can’t be sure all requirements have been
discovered so it is better to agree that
enough have been discovered to at least
start a prototype
• Other requirements will come to mind
later, others will occur as a result of the
User – Developer mismatch
• Customers don’t always know what they
• If the customer knows what they want, the
often can’t articulate it
• The developer has to appreciate that the
customer is the domain expert
• Try different approached to try to eek out
the customer’s requirements
• Customers think they know what they want until
the developer gives them exactly what they
asked for. If this is a long way down the
development road, it can be expensive to put
• Use brainstorming, storyboarding, throw away
prototyping, role play etc., to try to try to ensure
that both sides are in agreement
• Differentiate need from want
– Why do we need it?
– What does it need to do?
– Want can be relegated to a wish list
• Not always clearly stated
– It needs to be fast
– It needs to be user friendly
– It needs to be cutting edge
Use-case v Features
• Some systems lend themselves to Feature Driven
– A word processor
• Search
• Change font
• Print
• Others lend themselves to Use Cases
– A lift system
• User calls lift
• User selects floor …
• Others - a combination of both
– The FDD and Use Case development methods are tools to be
used as appropriate – to get the job done
• This will be different if the system is replacing an
existing manual system than if it is a new system
• For a new system
– Define high level features
– Try to keep features < 50 in a new system
– Some systems better defined by features than by use
Example features
• <action> the <result> <by|for|of|to> a(n) <object>
• Calculate the total amount of a Sale
• Calculate the total quantity sold by a Retail Outlet for an
Item Description
• Determine the most recent Cash Register Assignment
for a Cashier
Categorise Features
• Features:
Add a student to a seminar waiting list.
Calculate fee for a parking pass.
Calculate the average mark on a transcript.
Display the name and address of a student on a transcript.
Drop a student from a seminar.
Enrol a student in a seminar.
List the prerequisites for a seminar.
List the seminars of a student on a transcript.
– Track number of parking passes.
Categorise Features
• Categories
Calculate the average mark on a transcript.
List the seminars of a student on a transcript.
Display the name and address of a student on a transcript.
List the prerequisites for a seminar.
Enrol a student in a seminar.
Drop a student from a seminar.
Add at student to a seminar waiting list.
Parking Passes
Calculate fee for a parking pass.
Track number of parking passes.
Use Cases
• Good for illustrating functional
requirements of systems with a lot of user
interaction – user centric
• A use case describes a sequence of
actions a system performs that yields an
observable result of value to a particular
• UML provides a set of symbols
Use Case Diagram
• Illustrates interaction with the system with UML
use case notation
Use Case Story
Each case is explained in sequential steps
DepositMoney (basic flow)
1) The Customer inserts the bank card into the ATM and enters the
Personal Identification Number (PIN).
2) The system validates the PIN and queries BankSystem to validate
the Customer’s account.
3) The Customer indicates the wish to deposit cash and inserts all
banknotes for deposit.
4) System checks the banknotes and notifies the overall amount of
inserted money.
5) The Customer approves the amount.
6) The system informs the BankingSystem to book the amount on the
Customer’s account.
7) The system ejects the card.
8) The Customer takes the card.
9) The use case ends.
Interviewing to Elicit Requirements
• Simple, direct and very useful
– avoid biases by the interviewer as don’t want
the question to influence the answer
• Ask context-free questions
Who are the users?
Who wants to buy this?
• Consider tone of voice, body language,
• Prepare questions before interview
• Know the interviewee; avoid questions
they can’t answer
• Repeat the answer back to the client for
• Be flexible…new questions will be
revealed during interview
• Take good notes; elaborate on them soon
after the meeting
• Use the list of questions to keep you on
• Questionnaires
– A very poor substitute for interviews
– Lack the free-form flow of information that
interviews provide
– Inflexible, don’t adapt to new information
– Hard to follow up on unclear responses
– Sometimes unavoidable, but use as last
– Can be used to reach a broader set of users
Elicitation meeting
• Run as a workshop
• A best technique for requirements elicitation is to
meet around the table
• Having key players in same room increases
requirements output and enables consensus
• Facilitator (independent if possible) keeps
meeting focused and on track
• Brainstorming is the most important part of the
• Take about one or two days to do this if possible
• Key workshop benefits
– It’s a team building exercise
– Everyone gets to provide input
– Forges agreement between stakeholders & IT
– Expose & resolve political issues within
– Output is system definition in terms of
• Need to held throughout a project
• For an iterative project, hold workshop at start of
each iteration to agree on what use-cases /
features are to be implemented
• Finding a time when all key players can meet.
Can’t get everyone there so identify key groups
needing representation: manager, user,
Software developers …
• Communicate the benefits of the workshop in
terms of how it benefits each stakeholder
• Facilitator should ideally be independent but have a thorough
understanding of the problem. However, if an independent is not
available, use someone from the team
• The facilitator should:
Avoid taking sides
Avoid selling a solution
Avoid defending the IT team
Establish & maintain professional tone
Start, keep on track & stop meeting
Establish & enforce meeting rules
Introduce goals & agenda
Guide consensus
Ensure minutes are taken or session is recorded
Brainstorming & Idea Reduction
• Key points
Idea generation & idea reduction
Innovative ideas may spring from unrelated ideas
Various voting techniques useful for prioritising ideas
Live brainstorming is preferred
Everyone takes part
Brainstorming & Idea Reduction
• Someone’s idea leads to another person’s idea
• Results in an unpredictable mental chain
• Generates lots of ideas in short time
• Can be very creative; several heads are better
than 1
Brainstorming & Idea Reduction
• Two distinct phases
– Idea generation
• The lively, creative part
– Idea reduction
• Prioritization of ideas – the difficult bit
Brainstorming & Idea Reduction
• Brainstorming technique
– Each person gets pad of sticky notes on which to
write ideas – one note for one idea
– Facilitator explains rules & objectives
No criticism or debate
No limits on imagination
No limits on cost of ideas
Expand and / or combine ideas
Brainstorming & Idea Reduction
• Starting the session
– What features do you want in system?
– What services should system provide?
– What opportunities are we missing?
– If we could have the ultimate system, what would it be
Brainstorming & Idea Reduction
• Don’t stop until the group runs out of ideas
• Read ideas aloud so others can generate spin-off ideas
• Everyone records their ideas
Captured in person’s own words
Avoids bottleneck caused by single note taker
Foster greater sense of participation and contribution
Don’t worry about duplicate or overlapping ideas
• All ideas collected and posted in the room
– Still no criticism allowed at this point
Brainstorming & Idea Reduction
• Idea reduction
– Don’t begin until brainstorming reaches a natural end
– Prune ideas
• For each idea, seek consensus on whether it deserves
further consideration
• If there is disagreement, it stays on the list
Brainstorming & Idea Reduction
• Idea reduction
– Grouping ideas
• Group similar ideas together on wall (removing one may insult its
• Group by related idea categories
New features
UI / ease of use
Types of tasks
Order processing
Marketing & sales
Legal & ethical concerns
Brainstorming & Idea Reduction
• Idea reduction
– Define features
• Write a short description of each retained idea to aid the
prioritisation process
Value delivered
Problem solved
Risk reduced / avoided
Brainstorming & Idea Reduction
• Idea reduction
– Prioritizing ideas
• Categorize ideas by importance
– Critical
» Must haves ; system won’t be useful without it
– Important
» Significant impairment without it; loss of users, productivity,
revenue, etc
– Useful
» Nice to haves; Life would be better with it
• Score ideas
– To determine an idea’s overall score, multiply critical votes by 9,
important votes by 3 and useful by 1