Transcript Slide 1

Capacity Development through
Knowledge sharing on EU cooperation
and development
Knowledge Sharing:What is capacity4dev? European Commission’s
Knowledge Sharing Platform on
Development and Cooperation = Capacity Development through
Knowledge Sharing!
4 pillars :
1. Consolidate knowledge and build Institutional Memory
2. Support Thematic Expertise, bridge the silos, Support good practice
and innovation exchange/ help identify specialists
3. Enable cross-learning among practitioners from EC, EEAS, MS,
Donors, International Organisations, private sector, CSOs,
Governments, Academia…
4. Consolidate multiple knowledge sharing tools and communities of
practice around a common environment
1. Consolidate knowledge and build
Institutional Memory
• 20% staff leaves the organisation each year
• 50% of staff on short term contracts or externals
• 90% of the knowledge leaves the organisation when they leave
What is left behind ? Few notes, official documents in Unit drives/ ARES and … a
big mailbox !
 Short Institutional memory =>Constant reinventing of the wheel …
How to tackle the loss of knowledge ?
- Transfer important knowledge exchanges from email to
- Capitalise on your knowledge through groups
2.1. Support Thematic Expertise
Expertise scattered: Need to establish Thematic
networks. But …many of the Thematic Networks
still run on e-mail
 Hi workload for few people running the network
and inefficiency of email as a knowlledge sharing
tool: loss of memory
C4D: decentralised knowledge sharing through
groups, the platform does the emailing, knowledge
shared stays an builds-up in groups
2.2 bridge the silos, Support good practice and
innovation exchange
Thematic experts often work in Silos: No time to
see what is happening in other Themes even it
often has a direct impact on their work:
 Hard to see the big picture
C4D: Content categorised by one or more Theme /
Region – Country
2.3 help identify specialists
Even within Thematics often people are not fully
aware of what other colleagues are doing:
Collaboration opportunities missed
C4D: People section: Find colleagues interested or
with expertise on specific themes or regions then
Contact them or Join/Start a group on a specific
Theme or region and start sharing.
3. Enable cross-learning among practitioners EC,
EEAS, MS, Donors, Int. Organisations, private
sector, CSOs, Governments, Academia…
• Few opportunities for HQ and Delegation staff to meet and
exchange with peers / experts from other organisations
• Only through few annual gatherings / workshops and personal
Our knowledge remains often confined in-house and is not made
available/ used by others
Knowledge from other practitioners doesn’t reach us
C4D : share your knowledge and make it available to other
practitioners through groups.
Use to find knowledge and learn from others
4. Consolidate multiple knowledge sharing
tools and communities of practice around a
common environment
• Each Unit, Sector and even large projects and Delegations
invented their own way of being more efficient using online tools
• Email, Wikis, Blogs, CIRCABC, dedicated sites, dedicated
knowledge sharing platforms (ROSA) …
 Knowledge is scatered in multiple locations, the community of
practice is fragmented and users need to learn a great variety of
C4D : Consolidate knowledge sharing around using
groups (web rationalisation strategy)
Results in 2012
• 68% growth with 2500 new members joining the community
• 65 new knowledge pieces (Voices and Views) on a great variety of themes
backed with video and references.
• Knowledge sharing in groups: 3800 new documents blog posts, 300 new
workshops shared
• Key new functionalities added: project management tool in groups, Peer
support functionality
• Security and governance reinforced, migrated to EC data-centre
Quick fly-by of
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As simple as … 1,2,3
1. Become a member of
2. Join the groups you are interested in
3. … start learning and contributing your experience!
We are here to help you come on-board!
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