JRAX/SA3: Title of Activity

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Transcript JRAX/SA3: Title of Activity

Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
eduGAIN profiles
And how they are applied
Diego R. Lopez - RedIRIS
Jürgen Rauschenbach -DFN
DICE meeting @ Bruges
May 2008
The JRA5 Team
eduGAIN in a Nutshell
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
• Based on the national federations, operated by NRENs
– And a community-operated one: EFDA-Fed
• eduGAIN is a confederation infrastructure
– Federates federations
• SAML 1.1 (and soon SAML 2.0) is the lingua franca
• Specific software developed
– eduGAIN base libraries (Java)
– simpleSAMLphp (PHP)
– eduGAINFilter (javax.servlet.filter)
• Direct use of Shibboleth 2.0 being investigated
The JRA5 Team
Confederation Service
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
• Metadata Service - MDS
– Repository of metadata of all connected IdPs and SPs
– Upload by authorised components
– Queried by user interfaces or autonomous services
– Establishes component identity
– Multi-rooted
– Includes component identifiers
– Verified at the registry
• URN Registry
– Unique, well-structured component identifiers
– Delegation schema
• Attribute Mapping or Credential Conversion service
– Coding about to start
The JRA5 Team
eduGAIN Profiles
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
• WebSSO
– Shib 1.3 for SAML 1.1
– SAML2 (except artifact-based) for SAML 2.0
• AC
– Certificates plus optional attribute access
• UbC
– Convey user credentials introduced at the client
• WE
– Constrained delegation
• DAMe
The JRA5 Team
WebSSO Profile
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
The JRA5 Team
WebSSO in Practice
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
Current Inter-Federation Usage
Qui ckTime™ and a
are needed to see this pi cture.
Qui ckTime™ and a
are needed to see this pi cture.
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QuickTime™ and a
are needed to see this picture.
Qui ckTime™ and a
are needed to see this pi cture.
Qui ckTi me™ and a
are needed to see this pictur e.
Qui ckTime™ and a
are needed to see this pi cture.
Qui ckTime™ and a
are needed to see this pi cture.
Qui ckTime™ and a
are needed to see this pi cture.
QuickTi me™ and a
are needed to see this pi cture.
The JRA5 Team
Preparing for WebSSO
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
• Select a suitable BE and put it at the appropriate place
– Top of your federation
– Co-located with your SP/IdP
– As your only SP/IdP
• Optionally, register your BE in your local federation
• Get component identifier(s)
• Obtain certificate containing component identifier(s)
• Deploy the BE using the certificate
• Register your metadata at the MDS
The JRA5 Team
AC Profile
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
The JRA5 Team
AC in Practice
The perfSONAR Case
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
Unique and non-transferable ID for each client
– URN obtained from eduGAIN registry service
Private and public key valid in the eduGAIN trust model
– Subject Alternative Name of the cert contains the URN
– Obtained from eduGAIN PKI
Security Token is based on the X.509 certificate
The JRA5 Team
Preparing for AC
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
• Incorporate software able to generate requests according to the
– Currently, part of the perfSONAR codebase
– Seems easy to generalize
• Deploy and configure a Home BE (H-BE) if you do not have one
– Including registration and certificate
• Register an URN/branch for your client(s)
– Optionally, assign individual identifiers
• Obtain certificate(s) containing component identifier(s)
• Incorporate data about the clients at your H-BE
• Deploy the clients
The JRA5 Team
UbC Profile
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
The JRA5 Team
UbC in Practice
The perfSONAR Case
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
A similar case to AC
– An online CA for getting the certificate: SASL CA
The JRA5 Team
Preparing for UbC
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
• Incorporate software able to generate requests according to the
– Currently, part of the perfSONAR codebase
– Seems easy to generalize
• Deploy and configure a Home BE (H-BE) if you do not have one
– Including registration and certificate
• Deploy and configure a SASL online CA
– Including certificate
– It must have direct access to user credentials
– It must be able to provide a session to user attributes
• Deploy the clients
The JRA5 Team
Why Current UbC Does Not
Fly... And How To Fix It
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
• Deployment and configuration of the SASLCA
– Certificate... Stretches CA policy to the limit
– User credentials... Where to locate it
– Session to user attributes... How to establish the link
• Use an already existing credential exchange infrastructure
– Aligned with CA policies
– Pervasive
– With a profile allowing attribute retrieval
• Hey, we have the eduroam infrastructure!
– DAMe extensions to convey attributes
– And RadSec to enable H-BE location
The JRA5 Team
UbC Profile Revisited
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
The JRA5 Team
Preparing for New UbC
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
• Incorporate software able to generate requests according to the
– Can be based on the DAMe codebase
– And the relayed-trust management library
• Deploy and configure a Home BE (H-BE) if you do not have one
– Including registration and certificate
• Deploy and configure a RadSec server
– Including certificate
– Several choices: FreeRadius, radsecproxy,...
– Enable the DAMe extensions
• Deploy the clients
The JRA5 Team
WE Profile
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
The JRA5 Team
WE Profile in Practice
The perfSONAR Case
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
Uses the eduGAIN webSSO profile
SAML assertions contain user’s credentials
Clients must have a pair of keys valid in the eduGAIN trust model
Security Token is based on SAML assertions
The JRA5 Team
WE Profile in Practice
The AutoBAHN Case
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
User authN is
performed through
DM fetches user
data and includes it
in the WS message
using SAML Parser
Each IDM may use
the data to perform
authorization locally
The JRA5 Team
Preparing for WE
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
• Deploy a H-BE according to WebSSO requirements
• Deploy and configure eduGAINFilter as R-BE for the client
– Similar solution for other environments being
• Install and configure the relayed-trust software
– In the perfSONAR codebase
– Working in its generalization
– Needs a specific identifier and certificate
The JRA5 Team