Transcript Induction3

Mathematical Induction
Example (of sum of the first n
 In a round-robin tournament each of the n teams
plays every other team exactly once.
What is the total number of games played?
 2 ways to solve:
1) Each of the n teams plays n-1 games; this
gives a total of n(n-1) games.
But each game was counted exactly twice;
Thus, the total number of games is n(n-1)/2.
Example (of sum of the first n
2) Team 1 plays n-1 games;
Team 2 plays n-2 games (not counting the
game with team 1);
Team 3 plays n-3 games (not counting the
games with teams 1 and 2);
Team n-1 plays 1 game with team n (not
including the games counted before).
Thus, the total number of games is
1+2+…+(n-2)+(n-1) = n(n-1)/2 by Theorem 1.
Example (of sum of a geometric
If all of your ancestors were distinct, what
would be the total number of your ancestors for
the past 40 generations?
Solution: The total number is
2 1
 2 2  2
2 2
2 1
by Theorem 2
Example (of sum of a geometric
Assuming that each generation represents
30 years, how long is 40 generations?
Answer: 30·40 = 1200 years
The total number of people ever lived is
approximately 10 billion,
which equals 1010 people.
What is the conclusion based on (1), (2), (3)?
Connection of Mathematical
Induction to traditional principles of
Induction and Deduction
Steps of logical reasoning:
 Conjecture a general principle after observing it in
a large number of specific instances.
(traditional induction)
 Prove the conjecture by mathematical induction.
 Use the (proved) general principle to infer a
conclusion for any specific instance.
(traditional deduction)
Proving a divisibility property by
mathematical induction
• Proposition: For any integer n≥1,
7n - 2n is divisible by 5. (P(n))
• Proof (by induction):
1) Basis step:
The statement is true for n=1:
71 – 21 = 7 - 2 = 5 is divisible by 5.
2) Inductive step:
Assume the statement is true for some k≥1 (P(k))
(inductive hypothesis) ;
show that it is true for k+1 .
Proving a divisibility property by
mathematical induction
Proof (cont.): We are given that
7k - 2k is divisible by 5.
Then 7k - 2k = 5a for some aZ . (by definition) (2)
We need to show:
7k+1 - 2k+1 is divisible by 5.
7k+1 - 2k+1 = 7·7k - 2·2k = 5·7k + 2·7k - 2·2k
= 5·7k + 2·(7k - 2k) = 5·7k + 2·5a (by (2))
= 5·(7k + 2a) which is divisible by 5. (by def.)
Thus, P(n) is true by induction.
Proving inequalities
by mathematical induction
• Theorem: For all integers n≥4,
2n < n! .
• Proof (by induction):
1) Basis step:
The statement is true for n=4:
24 = 16 < 24 = 4! .
2) Inductive step:
Assume the statement is true for some k≥4 ; (P(k))
show that it is true for k+1 .
Proving inequalities
by mathematical induction
Proof (cont.): We are given that
2k < k!
We need to show:
2k+1 < (k+1)!
2k+1 = 2·2k
< 2·k!
(based on (1))
< (k+1)·k!
(since k≥4)
= (k+1)!
Thus, P(n) is true by induction.
Proving inequalities
by mathematical induction
• Theorem: For all integers n≥5,
n 2 < 2 n.
• Proof (by induction):
1) Basis step:
The statement is true for n=5:
52 =25 < 32 = 25.
2) Inductive step:
Assume the statement is true for some k≥5 ; (P(k))
show that it is true for k+1 .
Proving inequalities
by mathematical induction
Proof (cont.): We are given that
k2 < 2k.
We need to show:
(k+1)2 < 2k+1.
(k+1)2 = k2+2k+1 < k2 +2k (since k≥5)
< 2k + 2k (based on (1))
= 2·2k = 2k+1.
Thus, P(n) is true by induction.