Transcript Document

Electronic Data Exchange
- 2014 National Institute for Animal Agriculture Meeting -
John Picanso
Chief Information Officer
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Veterinary Services
Why Standards?
A national-scale picture of U.S. cattle movements obtained
from Interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection data
Images are from the information described in the following article. Based on a 10% of ICVIs in 49 states.
A national-scale picture of US cattle movements obtained from Interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection data
MG Buhnerkempe, DA Grear, K Portacci, RS Miller, JE Lombard, CT Webb.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 2013
- NATIONAL STRATEGY The Strategy focuses on achieving five goals:
Drive Collective Action through Collaboration and Accountability. We
can best reach our shared vision when working together, using
governance models that enable mission achievement, adopting
common processes where possible to build trust, simplifying the
information sharing agreement development process, and supporting
efforts through performance management, training, and incentives.
Improve Information Discovery and Access through Common
Standards. Improving discovery and access involves developing clear
policies for making information available to approved individuals.
Secure discovery and access relies on identity, authentication, and
authorization controls, data tagging, enterprise-wide data correlation,
common information sharing standards, and a rigorous process to
certify and validate their use.
Optimize Mission Effectiveness through Shared Services and
Interoperability. Efforts to optimize mission effectiveness include
shared services, data and network interoperability, and increased
efficiency in acquisition.
Strengthen Information Safeguarding through Structural Reform,
Policy, and Technical Solutions. To foster trust and safeguard our
information, policies and coordinating bodies must focus on identifying,
preventing, and mitigating insider threats and external intrusions, while
departments and agencies work to enhance capabilities for data-level
controls, automated monitoring, and cross-classification solutions.
Protect Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties through Consistency
and Compliance. Integral to maintaining the public trust is increasing
the consistency by which we apply privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties
protections across the government, building corresponding safeguards
into the development of information sharing operations, and
promoting accountability and compliance mechanisms.
Responsible information sharing contributes to
decision-making before, during, and after an animal
disease event
One of the
group’s* goals is
to draw up
standards so that
the devices,
sensors and
members create
can communicate
with one another
and the data they
exchange can be
* Intel, Cisco, AT&T,
GE, and IBM
Concerns With Respect to Effective Data Exchange
Between the Public and Private Sector:
• Current privacy protection laws and procedures are not
well adapted to rapidly advancing technology.
• Inaccurate information entered could lead to
mismatches and false conclusions.
• With a growing number users of this data, there is also
concern about the security guidelines and mechanisms
in place to prevent unauthorized access and use of this
Important Questions That Guide This
• What information do we want to acquire, retain and
• What rules should govern the acquisition, retention
and dissemination of that information—including
what oversight mechanisms?
• How can technology help with both tasks—assuring
that we can use the information effectively while
protecting its sensitivity?
The Path Forward
1. Standardization of animal health data
elements (eCVI)
+/- 2. Development of technical communications
protocols (starting with eCVI’s)
3. Information sharing principles and guidelines
Build a strong foundation where all participating
groups can work together
Harmonization and Reliability: the need for policies,
data standards and data exchange/interoperability –
Pietro Gennari, Director, Statistics Division