At Risk Students and Teaching Strategies for Cognitive

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Transcript At Risk Students and Teaching Strategies for Cognitive

At Risk Students
Teaching Strategies
Cognitive Learning
Table Of Contents
Slide 1
Slide 2
Slide 3
Slide 4
Slides 5-8
Slides 9-21
Slides 22-23
Slide 24
Slide 25
Title Page
Table of Contents
Focus Questions
Strategies and Methodologies
Questions for Thought
Do you remember classmates in school that
never seemed to complete in class assignments
or do their homework?
Do you remember classmates in school who did
poorly in most of their classes and rarely
participated in extracurricular activities?
How many of those students actually graduated
from high school?
(Ormrod, 2006)
The National Center for
Education Statistics
Drop Out Rates (1999)
25.3% Hispanic
13.4% black
7.6% White
(Johannessen, 2004, pg. 638 )
Who are at risk?
“Students who have a high probability of
failing to acquire minimal academic skills
necessary for success in the adult world.”
(Ormrod, 2006, pg. 129)
At Risk Students
Approximately 12 million students in the largest
urban school districts are labeled at risk.
Schools and teachers have been defining a
majority of their students as unable to educate.
( Haberman, 1995)
These facts define the necessity of teaching
teachers how to teach the unteachable.
The essence of this presentation.
Labels of Students
Least Likely To Succeed
Struggling Students
 Reluctant Students
 At Risk Students
 Disadvantaged Students
 Alienated Students
 Resistant Students
 Educationally Deprived
(Johannessen, 2003, pg.6)
Characteristics of
Students At Risk
Low socioeconomic status families
Minority ethnic groups
Linguistic minority background
History of academic failure
Older in age than classmates
Emotional and behavior problems
Lack of psychological attachment to school
List your most at-risk students---these are the ones we
want YOU to focus on—the ones who need YOUR help
the most!
(Ormrod, 2006)
Teachers Encouraging
At Risk Students
Make the curriculum relevant to student to students’ lives
and needs
Use students’ strengths to promote high self-esteem
Communicate high expectations for students’
Encourage and facilitate school involvement and
extracurricular activities
How can you do this with the students you listed???
(Ormrod, 2006)
Teachers Promote
Self-Determination in
At Risk Students
 Present rules and instructions in an
informational rather than controlling manner
 Give students opportunities to make choices
(individually or as a group)
 Evaluate students’ performance in a noncontrolling manner
 Use extrinsic reinforcers selectively
(Ormrod, 2006)
Teachers Promote
Self-Efficacy in
At Risk Students
 Teach basic skills
 Use effort and achievement rubrics
 Assure students they can be successful
 Promote mastery or challenging tasks
( Marzano, Pickering, and Pollock, 2001)
How do teachers know if at risk
students are learning?
permanent changes in behavior as a result of life
 permanent changes in mental representations or
associations as a result of life experiences
(Both definitions describes learning as a
permanent change due to experiences)
(Ormrod, 2004)
Student characteristics and instruction determines
learning outcomes. (NASSP, 1979)
Teachers Make Learning
Meaningful for At Risk Students
Student-directed instruction promotes prior
knowledge activation
 Meaningful learning occurs only when students
can relate new information to prior knowledge
 Meaningful learning facilitates both storage and
retrieval of information
 Discuss with your table—how can YOU make
learning meaningful to students? Think of the
students you wrote down that YOU will focus
(Ormrod, 2004)
Transfer and Problem Solving
Strategies for At Risk Students
Allow students many opportunities for practice
and learning
Use scaffolding for complex tasks
Implement authentic activities:
Assignments must require prior knowledge
Create activities that promote HOTS
Convey high performance expectations
(Ormrod, 2004)
Teachers Can Motivate
At Risk Students
Intrinsic (internal) motivation has more
advantages than extrinsic (external) motivation.
Intrinsically motivate students by
Creating meaningful lessons
Promoting authentic engagement
Encouraging students’ success
Promoting pleasure and enjoyment
Needs Deficiencies in
At Risk Students
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
 Physiological Needs
 Safety Needs
 Love and Belongingness Needs
 Esteem Needs
 Need for self-actualization
(Ormrod, 2004)
Teachers Can Satisfy Non-Academic
Needs of At Risk Students
Help low income families apply for free lunch
Create an orderly and predictable environment
Acknowledge students’ special occasions
Listen to students’ ideas
Acknowledge students’ accomplishments
Assess students’ based on individual
achievement and not in comparison to peers
(Ormrod, 2004)
At Risk Students
Need Goals
Goal setting influences motivation
Goals influence choices and consequences that
are reinforcing
Goals effect the extent that students become
cognitively engaged
Avoidance Goals vs. Mastery Goals
(Ormrod, 2004)
Benefits of Goal Setting
Goal attainment results in considerable selfsatisfaction, greater self-efficacy, and higher
standards for future performances.
Goals are beneficial only to the extent that they
are accomplishable.
Setting goals is an important part of selfregulated behavior and learning.
How does goal setting relate to motivation???
When have YOU set a goal and how did it
motivate YOU?
Teachers Can Motivate Goal
Setting in At Risk Students
Communicate high student expectations
Establish routines
Positive feedback
Encourage individual mastery goal setting
Relate failures to controllable external factors or unstable
and controllable internal factors
Relate successes to stable and unstable internal factors
Are these motivators for students???
(Ormrod, 2004)
Teachers Foster Positive
Attributions of At Risk Students
Teachers communicate their attributions for learners’
performances directly through statements and indirectly
through emotional reactions. (I knew you could do it!)
Teachers evaluate students on the basis of mastery and
not one another.
Teachers should encourage students to take on
challenges and risks
Classroom activities should be noncompetitive
List ideas for working with at-risk students academically
in your classroom---try to focus on the students you
listed earlier.
(Ormrod, 2004)
Teachers Promote Learning
in At Risk Students
Teachers must believe that they
themselves have some control over
students’ learning and achievement. By
using instructional strategies that promote
long-term memory storage, by scaffolding
challenging tasks, and promoting HOTS
they can genuinely help students master
school subject matter. Teachers must
believe that all students can learn.
Cognitive Learning Theory
The ability to reason depends on a number of factors.
“Today, there is a demand for men and
women who can think, reason, and use
their minds well.”
(Schlechty, 2002, pg. 94)
The cognitive approach to teaching and learning
focuses on complex, meaningful questions and
problems that make connections with students’
life experiences and cultures. Students who are
at risk for academic failure are a diverse group
of individuals with a diverse set of needs, and so
there is probably no single strategy that can
keep all of them in school until graduation.
However, a combination of strategies can help
many at risk students succeed and stay in
(Ormrod, 2006)
Haberman, Martin. (1995). Star Teachers of Children in Poverty.
Indiana: Kappa Delta Pi Publishers.
Johannessen, Larry. (September/October, 2003). Achieving success
for the “resistant” student. Clearing House, 77(1), p. 6-13.
Johannessen, Larry. (May, 2004). Helping “struggling” students
achieve success. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy,
47(8), p. 638-647.
Marzano, Robert, Pickering, D., Pollock Jane. (2001). Classroom
Instruction That Works. Virginia: McRel.
Ormrod, Jeanne. (2004). Human Learning. New Jersey: Pearson
Education, Inc.
Ormrod, Jeanne. (2006). Educational Psychology Developing
Learners. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
Secondary School Principals. (1979). Student Learning Styles.
Virginia: National Association of Secondary School Principals
Schlechty, Phillip C. (2002). Working On The Work: An Action Plan
For Teachers, Principals, and Superintendents. California:
Jossey-Bass Publishers.