Transcript Slide 1

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Suggested Answers
Russian Revolution Topic Test
1. Write the definition of
-Leader in total control of the state and
2. What was ‘russification’?
-forced attempt to make non-Russians
adopt Russian language and culture
3.What did Marx mean by these
 bourgeoisie - middle class
 Proletariat – working class
 means of production - ownership of
assets enabling people to produce goods
class war - struggle and conflict between
the rich and the poor
Socialism - sharing the wealth and the
opportunities of the state
4. Why, according to Marx,
was Russia unlikely to
experience a revolution?
- Not enough discontented factory
workers – too many peasants
5. What event in Lenin’s early
life influenced him to
become a revolutionary?
- His older brother was hanged for being
a revolutionary
6. What was the main difference
in the philosophy of the
Mensheviks and the
- Mensheviks believed that a period if bourgeoisie
dominance was necessary and that the stages predicted
by Marx were essential and inevitable – led by Leon
Trotsky. Bolsheviks believed that revolution could take
place if led by small groups of dedicated revolutionaries
using violence – led by Lenin.
7. Why did Lenin think that a
revolutionary newspaper
was necessary?
- To reach other revolutionaries and
spread his ideas to a wider audience
8. Why did the birth of the
Tsarevich make the royal
family vulnerable?
- He had haemophilia which reduced his
chances of survival to the throne and it
made his mother dependent on
9. What were the names of
the Tsar’s children?
-Olga, Maria, Tatiana, Anastasia, Alexis
10. Why did Russia come into
conflict with Japan in 1904?
- Russia wanted to expand in the East
which conflicted with Japanese
ambitions of expansion in the same
11. Why did Russia fail in its
war with Japan?
- Russia was ill-equipped, ill-prepared
and severely underestimated the
newly industrialised Japan
12. What were the 5 key
points that Father Gapon
wanted to present to the
-8 hour day-improved working
conditions-election of a constituent
assembly-freedom of speech-end to
the war with Japan
13. What evidence was there
that the Bloody Sunday
march was intended to be
- Family groups, religious icons, led by
religious leaders
14. What did the Tsar promise
in the October Manifesto?
- Freedom of speech, promise of a trial if
charged, a Duma to approve all new
laws, voting qualifications to be lowered
15. What were the ‘Black
- Gangs of conservative supporters of the
Tsar’s counter revolution who murdered
opponents of the Tsar
16. Was the 1905 Revolution a
failure or not? Why?
-Over all it was a failure – nothing really
changed- the Tsar remained in power
17. What was a ‘soviet’?
- A committee, set up spontaneously by
supporters of the revolution
18. What were the main
difficulties that the Duma
-the Tsar retained ultimate power and
sole right to dissolve the Duma, he did
not enact their recommendations, he
resented them
19. What were Stolypin’s land
reforms supposed to achieve?
-he believed that by allowing land to be
bought by the peasants they would
increase productivity and a new class of
peasant landowners would develop-there
were some good effects but it needed a
longer time to show positive results
20. How did Stolypin deal with
civil disorder?
- He ruthlessly put down civil disruption by
hanging- the noose came to be known as
‘Stolypin’s necktie’
21. What event was celebrated
by the aristocracy in 1913?
- 300 years of Romanov rule
22. Why did Russia enter WWl?
- Russia had an alliance with France and
stepped in to defend the Balkan nations
23. Why was the name of St
Petersburg changed?
- It was changed to Petrograd in 1915Russians felt it was too ‘German’
24. What sort of problems did
the ordinary soldier face in
- Lack of; supplies,food, munitions and
training and competent leadership
25. What were the consequences
of the Tsar becoming
Commander-in-Chief in 1915?
- He left the country in control of his wife who
was German born and under complete
control of Rasputin, if the war was lost then
the Tsar alone could be blamed
26. What did the Tsaritsa
consider as her main duty as
ruler during WWl?
- Preserve the autocracy
27. Why was the Russian army
so demoralised in 1917?
- Troops were short of food, war was
unpopular, lack of faith in the
command, soldiers felt they were
missing out on land distribution at
28. What was the first major
event of the 1917 February
- Peasants began to seize land
29. How did the Duma respond
to the revolution?
- It formed the Provisional Government
which issued decrees
30. What were the immediate
consequences for the Tsar of
the February Revolution?
- His abdication
31. Which two forms of
government operated out of
the Tauride Palace during most
of 1917?
-Provisional Government and the Petrograd
32. Why were the German’s
keen to help Lenin return to
Russia in 1917?
- Beginning a revolution would take
Russia out of the war
33. What were the four main
points of Lenin’s April
- The Provisional Government was not to
be supported, soldiers at the front were
to fraternize, all land was to be
nationalised, capitalism in Russia was to
be abolished
34. Why might Soviet Order
Number One have a
revolutionary effect on the
-authority was removed from the
officers, desertions increased, war
35. Why might the Bolsheviks
be pleased about the
growing unrest in Russia in
-it gave them the opportunity to recruit
support and publicise their aims
36. What were the ‘July Days’?
- Regiments of soldiers refused to go
back to the front, there was civil unrest
in Petrograd, the Bolsheviks were
unprepared to take control, the
government falsified reports that Lenin
was working for the Germans, Lenin
fled to Finland, many Bolsheviks were
37. Why did Kornilov attempt to
send troops into Petrograd?
-PM Kerensky tried to restore order but his measures did
not go far enough for some conservative army officers.
General Kornilov decided to march on Petrograd and
arrest Kerensky. Kerensky denounced Kornilov and
asked the Soviet for help. Trotsky organised the Red
Guard to protect the Provisional Government and
gained a degree of legitimacy for their actions.
38. Why did the Provisional
Government ultimately fail?
-it failed to end an unpopular war, it
failed to transfer land to the peasants
fast enough, it failed to alleviate food
shortages in the cities, it failed to
prevent the collapse of industrial
39. Why was the Bolshevik
Revolution successful?
- The army wanted decisive leadership,
peasants were looking for faster
changes to their lives and conditions,
ordinary people wanted changes in
the political system, Lenin was
40. Why did the Russians sign
the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?
-the Russian army was in disarray,
Russia’s allies did not recognise the
Soviet regime and did not support
Russia withdrawing from the war,
Ukraine declared itself independent
and signed a separate peace
41. What was the function of
the Cheka?
-to prevent a counter-revolution, arrest
counter-revolutionaries, seek out
enemies of the party
42. What was the Red Terror?
- A period following the revolution where
perceived enemies of the state were
43. Which three countries
sent money to help Lenin’s
cause before 1917?
- Japan, Germany , USA
44. Which foreign countries
supported the White Armies
and why?
- Britain, France, USA and Japan. They wanted
to preserve the supplies they had already
invested in Russia, to keep any willing
Russians fighting in the war, to challenge
the Bolshevik regime, prevent Bolshevism
from spreading
45. Why were the White Armies
-they were not united, their morale was
low, foreign support was disillusioned
with helping Russian Whites, the Red
Army was well equipped and organised
46. How did War Communism
impact upon ordinary
people in Russia?
-food was taken for the Red Army, an
expensive black market developed,
fuel was short, transport stopped
47. Why was NEP an attempt
at stimulating the economy?
-food requisitioning was stopped, private
enterprise was allowed, compulsory
labour ceased, bonuses introduced for
extra work, currency was stabilised
48. Who did Lenin not want
to be his ‘heir’?
-Stalin – Lenin thought he was a
49. Which of the Tsar’s children
was rumoured to have
survived the revolution?
-Anastasia and sometimes Alexis as well
50. What characteristics made
Lenin a leader?
- determined, single minded, educated,
orator, dedicated, ruthless