Transcript Chapter 12

Chapter 12
Madison and the Second War for Independence
Madison: Dupe of
Not really presidential
Factions in party, he was
not TJ, could not hold
Non-Intercourse about to
Macon’s Bill #2
If England or France
would trade with us, we
would shut out the other
Napoleon looks at this as
a way to cause trouble
between England and US
Madison fell for it, and we
shut out England
War Hawks
1811 Congress a new
congress, some of the
old timers gone
S and W, want a war
with old enemy
Henry Clay came to be
Ready to wipe out the
Native threat in W
Whites rushing in to
Kentucky, was the
sacred reserve
 Tecumseh and the Prophet
 United natives
 Return to old ways
 No alcohol
 Harrison met Tecumseh on
the field on Nov. 7 1811
 Tecumseh eventually killed
fighting with English in 1813
 Jackson fighting Natives in S
 Battle of Horeshoe bend
crushed native resistence in
S during War of 1812
 Harrison’s fighting pre 1812
fired up war hawks
• War Hawks wanted Free
Trade and Free sailors
• Nationalism: how dare
they grab our people
• War June 1812
• Close vote, which
means not 100% buy in
Mr. Madison’s
Why Brit and not France?
Fr. Republican
Issues with Brit
British repealed Orders in
Council two days before
we declared war, but no
way for us to know
New England against war
Making money, so ignored
Federalists not want
Canada, more farmers
Near treason, trading with
Brits while war went on
Fighting over
Canada on Land
and Lake
Worst fought war
No national anger
Minority led by war
Suffering from embargo
and non intercourse act
Bank of US expired
Army ill trained and
Old generals
• Failed invasion
• Should have taken
Montreal, but decided
on three prong attack
• Defeated at Detroit,
Niagra, and Lake
• Brits captured Mackinac
• British general Brock vs.
Mud and Confusion
• Needed a victory
• Looked to water
Needed to control Great
Oliver Hazard Perry:
controlled Lakes
Won at Put in Bay
We have met the enemy
and they are ours
1813, Harrison won at
Battle of Thames
Napoleon defeated, and
British starting to head to
Canada to fight US
British made mistake
Wanted to attack NY
Had to get supplies over
Lake Champlain, no
US navy led by
challenged Brits
Won by attaching cables
to his ship to turn it!
Saved NY
DC burned, NO
• British came up from
Chesepeake in 1814
• Bladensburg races: US
• Pres had to flea
• Dolly saved paintings
• Fort McHenry was next,
but did not fall
• Then the Brits went for
AJ in NO
Jackson had a force of
all types of people
including free Af/Am
British tried to come
from head on, not good
Actually done after
Treat of Ghent had been
Helped speed the treaty
 Navy better then army
 US: 16 ship navy
 US small but fast, Lake
 USS Constitution: Ironsides
 Privateers did their job too
 Went after merchants,
meant to outrun warships
 Lloyds of London would not
 Britain did blockade us and
lead raiding parties, no
tariffs coming in