Transcript Slide 1

Common Core
Integrating Nutrition
Using Videos
 Addresses Common Core/Smarter Balance
changes that are happening in the district. Videos
are also used in Project Based Learning.
 Sustains nutrition elements and integrates what
we have already put in place.
 Tackles New English Language Arts Standards.
Common Core and
Smarter Balance
 Uses our available technology.
 Integrates themes across the curriculum.
 Supports student learning with contin-
ually updated content and a variety of
words, graphics, and images.
Sustaining a Healthy
 With the loss of chefs in the classroom,
teachers do not need to be nutrition experts –
the video can be the “expert”.
 Maintain consistent and continuous healthy
 Provides healthy marketing.
Shifts in ELA
 Literacy is everyone’s job.
 Building knowledge through content-rich non-
fiction – informational texts (as well as videos).
 Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in
evidence from text (as well as videos).
 Regular practice with complex text and its
academic language.
And . . .
It’s something fun in the day!
 Videos can provide:
 Poetry
 Vocabulary-building
 Differentiation
 Motivation and engagement
 Positive classroom environment
Writing, listening, and speaking opportunities