Transcript Document

Federal Efforts to Combat
Human Trafficking
March 5, 2012
RDIMS # 564894
● Trafficking in Persons (TIP) involves the recruitment, transportation and
harbouring of persons and/or control of their movement for the purpose
of exploiting their labour or services, typically for sexual exploitation or
for forced labour
● True extent of TIP is difficult to measure:
It estimated that between (approx) 700,000 and 2 million people are trafficked
annually worldwide for the purposes of forced labour or sexual exploitation
In Canada, there have been 10 TIP-specific Criminal Code convictions (279.01)
with an additional 57 cases before the courts (91 accused and 156 victims)
Majority of victims Canadians, trafficked for sexual exploitation, although forced
labour cases (foreign nationals) are being more frequently identified
Most likely to be victimized are at-risk youth, persons who are socially or
economically disadvantaged, such as some Aboriginal women and girls,
migrants and new immigrants
Community advocates working with TIP victims suggest the number is much
higher than reported cases
Overview of Federal Strategy
● The Interdepartmental Working Group on Trafficking in Persons
Co-led by PS and DOJ
18 departments and agencies
Central repository of federal expertise and forum for development of
government policy, information exchange and promotion of national and
international cooperation
● Canada’s efforts are guided by the UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress
and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children and
is based on a 4-P approach:
Protection of victims
Partnerships (domestic and international)
Prevention Highlights
● General Awareness campaigns:
Canadian Crime Stoppers Association launched “Blue Blindfold” campaign in 2010 and
acts as Canada’s tipline to report suspected cases
RCMP “I’m not for Sale” campaign: Mass toolkit distribution including posters, Police
Officer’s Handbook, fact Sheets and awareness video
● Regional, national and international expert roundtables to prevent TIP
held in March 2011
● Developed and delivered training for provincial labour inspectors
● Funded the People’s Law School to develop plain-language awareness
materials on TIP
● Funded the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs to develop an Action Plan to
promote national awareness and prevention strategies to eliminate the
sexual exploitation of First Nations women and children in Canada
Protection Highlights
● Enabled Immigration Officers to issue short-term temporary resident
permits (TRP) to trafficking victims for up to 180 days
● Implemented policy for RCMP officers to ensure that victims basic
needs and protection are met throughout TIP investigations including
by linking them to available resources in their community
● Supported Canadian Council for Refugees to host a national
roundtable on improving services and protection for TIP victims
● Partnered with BC OCTIP to launch a training curriculum aimed at
enhancing the ability of first responders and service providers to
identify, assist and protect TIP victims in British Columbia
Prosecution and Enforcement Highlights
Enacted specific TIP offences:
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (2002)
Criminal Code of Canada (2005, 2010)
Established the RCMP’s Human Trafficking National Coordination Centre
(HTNCC) and six regional human trafficking awareness coordinators acts as
focal point for law enforcement to combat human trafficking (2005)
Since 2008, more than 39,000 law enforcement, border and immigration officers,
prosecutors, government agencies, non-government organizations and the general
public across Canada received training and awareness sessions
Released human trafficking threat assessment in 2010 to provide strategic guidance to
law enforcement
Implemented comprehensive policies and procedures for border services
Worked with UNODC to develop anti-TIP manual for criminal justice
practitioners, model anti-trafficking law and needs assessment toolkit on criminal
justice responses to TIP.
Partnerships and Knowledge (Domestic)
● Through the Justice Victim’s Fund, Status of Women’s Community
Fund and Public Safety’s Contribution Program to Combat Child
Exploitation and Human Trafficking, the Government has partnered
with both governmental and non-governmental organizations to
enhance efforts to combat TIP in Canada
● Released a feasibility study on developing a national data collection
framework on trafficking in Canada in June 2009
● Partnered with the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police to host a
national conference on TIP in March 2011
● Funded research to assess whether any increase in TIP occurred as a
result of 2010 Winter Games
Partnerships and Knowledge (International)
● Provided funding to combat trafficking in persons internationally
through the Anti-Crime Capacity Building Program (Americas focus)
● Provided funding to International organizations and NGOs that work to
prevent, protect and rehabilitate trafficking victims (e.g., anti-trafficking
projects and programs in China, West Africa, Central and Eastern
Europe, and Southeast Asia) (CIDA)
● Supported the International Labour Organization in a technical
assistance project (HRSDC – Labour)
Next Steps
● As part of their election platform, the Government committed to
developing and implementing a National Action Plan.
● The release of this Plan is expected in the coming months