The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

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The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Sections of the Award
• There are FOUR
sections of the Award
• Volunteering
• Skill (hobby)
• Physical Recreation
Volunteering - Introduction
• This involves doing something which will
be of benefit to somebody else
Volunteering – Self organised
• This means finding somebody, or some
organisation to help.
• This can be an individual
• This can be a charity
Volunteering – the rules
• The service section must last at least 3
months and you can extend this to 6
• It must work out at an average of 1 hour
per week
• This is a hobby which you may already be
doing or you may wish to take up
• This must last for between 3 and 6
• As a guideline, it must not involve doing
anything which involves ‘getting sweaty’!
Skill – School run courses
• These are First Aid course run by Mrs
• Details for these are available from these
staff and on the D. of E. notice board
outside T16
• Many of you may have started already!
Skill – School run courses
• There are other courses / clubs in school
which will count towards the Award.
• Photography Club; Choirs; Angling club;
Warhammer Club as examples
Physical Recreation
• This needs to involve you ‘getting sweaty’!
• You do not need to be a star sports
person to take part.
• You only have to PARTICIPATE
• You only need to show that you have
• For each of these three sections, you need to
have someone who is prepared to supervise you
while you are doing the course; help you with it
and be prepared to sign your record book up at
the end of the course.
These people must be over the age of 18, they
must not be a member of your family and they
must have either experience in the activity
and/or a qualification in that activity!
How long do I have to do it?
• You need to do each of the three sections
for at least 3 months.
• You then need to choose one of the
sections and do that for an extra 3 months
making that section 6 months in total.
• This is the bit which most people find the most
The idea is that you go off as part of a group of
between 4 and 7 people, on your own, into the
wilderness, and find your way from start to
finish along a route which you have devised.
You will need to carry all your food, tents,
stoves and clothes etc to allow you to be totally
self sufficient for the duration of the trip.
There must be a purpose to your expedition
Expedition Training
• You need to be trained in the art of using
camping gear, packing rucksacks so they
don’t hurt when you carry it, putting tents
up, and of course, using a map to
navigate your way around.
Practice Expedition
• You then need to go on a practice
expedition with adult supervisors who will
make sure that you know what you are
doing and that you are safe
Practice Expedition – the rules
• You need to walk for a total of 15 miles
over two days which means one night’s
camping included
Practice Expedition – where?
• Training will take place in the local area at
the end of January.
• The practice expedition will take place in
North Norfolk during March.
• This will involve a weekend for each bit.
Assessment Expedition
• This is the bit where you go up north for
three days.
• Unfortunately this means a day off school!
• Places you may go to include the Lake
District and the Yorkshire Dales
Assessment Expeditions
• These will take place in the Summer Term
• You do not need to buy loads of gear for
• The school has plenty of tents, stoves and
rucksacks, but you will need to have your
own boots, sleeping bags and waterproof
Why join the scheme?
• It is good fun – over half of each year takes part in the
scheme and most complete it, so it must be OK!
It is very worthwhile – it gives you the chance to do
things which you may not otherwise do.
If you see the scheme through all the way to silver and
then Gold level, you will be given an invite to the Palace
to meet Prince Philip himself to get you gold certificate!
Employers like it as they see it as a voluntary activity
which they know has taken a lot of hard work in
completing. It sets you apart from other pupils as – let’s
face it – you will all have GCSE’s and ‘A’ levels or
whatever which you have been told to get!
What will it cost?
• To buy the record book is £12.00
• The school makes a charge of £3.00 each
to pay for extras
• This is a total of £15.00
• The expedition training and practice trip to
Norfolk is £35.00
• This makes a total of £50.00
What do I need to do to join the
• There is a meeting for all of your parents (and
you if you want to come as well!) to find out
more about the scheme.
• This is next Tuesday (222nd Nov) at 7.30pm in
the Hall
• Your parents do not have to come to the
meeting if they don’t want to.
If your parents WANT to come to
the meeting:
• Return the reply slip about the parents meeting
on the letter which you can pick up on the way
• This must be back by next Tuesday
• Your parents can then pay the money for the
record book and expedition at the meeting or
just after it.
If your parents DO NOT WANT to
come to the meeting:
• You must return the “Reply Slip” from the letter.
• You must return the “Parental Consent Form” for
the practice expedition and training
You must bring payment of £50.00 which covers
the cost of joining the scheme and the costs of
the expedition training and the practice
expedition to North Norfolk
When is the final data for handing
in all the forms?
• All forms and all payments need to be handed in
by Monday 28th November.
• This must be handed into the box at the ‘Top
Office’ in an envelope with your name and
form on it, together with the words “Bronze
D. of E. enrolment”.
What to do now:
• If you do not want to join the scheme then you
can now leave and go back to your lessons.
• If you do want to join the scheme, take a letter
from the piles on the tables by the door.
• Remember, applications are limited to 98 and
will be accepted on a ‘first come – first served’