Building Leadership Capacity to Effectively Roll Out Data

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Transcript Building Leadership Capacity to Effectively Roll Out Data

Presenters: Maria Dorr & Susan Simonds Quick Write:

From what you know right now, what are the most important things you would need to launch a data-driven instructional model in your school?

Data & Data-Driven Decision Making

 Data  Factual information such as measurement or statistics that are used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation  Data-Driven Decision Making  The process of making data informed decisions

Inquiry-Based Data-Driven Decision Making

 Purpose - to increase student achievement and prepare learners for college and career readiness  Utilizing meaningful data to make informed decisions  Almost all decisions we make on a daily basis are data driven

Meaningful Data:

 Uncovers needs, priorities and resources  Builds a school profile to better understand a schools strengths and weaknesses  Can develop intrinsic motivation identifying a need for change  Creates a focused direction for change  Establishes a baseline against which to monitor progress  Provides information to design a plan to evaluate programs and practices

Data Inquiry Basics

 Establishing student achievement outcomes and goals and accepting responsibility for them as a school  Identifying important questions that need to be answered regarding student achievement and goals  Collecting data to answer the questions that have been posed regarding student achievement goals  Conducting purposeful data analysis  Establish student achievement goals

 Identify important questions  Collect data to answer the important questions  Perform purposeful data analysis  Generate theories about data and utilize these theories to create a plan of action

Steps for Data Inquiry

 Establish student achievement goals  Identify important questions  Collect data to answer the important questions  Perform purposeful data analysis  Generate theories about data and utilize these theories to create a plan of action  Develop an action plan

I nterim


D ata





n a Data-driven



Common Interim

At least quarterly

Common across all teachers on the same grade level

 

Transparent Starting Point

Teachers see interim assessment in advance

The assessment defines the roadmap for teaching

 

Aligned to

State Tests (format, content, length)

 

Instructional Sequence (curriculum) College ready expectations

 


Standards that appear on the 1 st subsequent assessments assessment appear again on the

* Interim Assessment Calendars

 Elementary  Middle School  High School



Assessment results should ideally be within 48 hours, max 1 wk. turnaround

Bottom Line:

(How well did the students do as a whole?)

Data Reports should be succinct item analysis, standard level analysis and b ottom-line results

Teacher- owned:

Analysis facilitated by effective leadership preparation

Test-in-hand analysis:

Between teacher and instructional leader together

Deep analysis:

Moves beyond What students got wrong to answer WHY they got it wrong

Precursors to Effective Analysis Meetings

 Did the teachers see the assessment in advance? (Transparency)  Did they mark it up: Confident, Not Sure, No way? (Test-in-hand, Teacher-owned)  Did they fill out an analysis sheet? Did they answer the fundamental questions: Why the student did not learn the material? (Teacher Owned)  Did they have to fill out an action plan? Did you model how to fill out an action plan using the analysis questions? (Action Plan, Accountability)

 Did you model a poor and a good conversation so they hear your expectations? (Professional development, deep)  Did you analyze their results (above and beyond them analyzing their own) in preparation for the meeting? (Leadership)  Did you collect their analysis ahead of time and see if it looked acceptable? ( Leadership, accountability)  Did you have a plan ready to access content experts if the problems were beyond your expertise? (Professional development)

Tips for Running Data-Driven

Analysis Meetings

Let the data do the talking

Let the teacher do the talking

Always go back to specific questions around the test

You’ve got to know the data yourself to lead an analysis meeting effectively

Make sure the analysis is connected to a concrete action plan

Create an instructional plan to meet the needs of whole class needs, small group needs as well as ideas for how to teach each standard.


RESULTS MEETING Running Effective Meetings

(50 min) IDENTIFY ROLES: Timer, facilitator, recorder (2 min)  IDENTIFY OBJECTIVE to focus on (2 min or given)  WHAT WORKED SO FAR (5 min)  [Or: What teaching strategies did you try so far]  CHIEF CHALLENGES (5-10 min)  BRAINSTORM proposed solutions (10 min)  REFLECTION: Feasibility of each idea (5 min)  CONSENSUS around best actions (20 min)  PUT IN CALENDAR: When will the tasks happen? When will the teaching happen? (10 min)




PROTOCOLS FOR BRAINSTORMING/CONSENSUS • • Identify key actions from brainstorming that everyone will agree to implement Make actions as specific as possible within the limited time Identify key student/teacher guides or tasks needed to be done to be ready to teach—Identify who will do each task • Spend remaining time developing concrete elements of lesson plan: • Do Now’s • Teacher guides (e.g., what questions to ask the students or how to structure the activity) • • Student guides HW, etc.

NOTE: At least one person (if not two) should be recording everything electronically to send to the whole group

Ideal Choices for Planning Your Time: RESULTS MEETING


  


Design the agenda for the whole-staff meeting introducing the data driven instructional model you will launch Assume that the school has done very little in this area, and the teachers associate “data-driven” instruction with state testing and test prep

  


Design the agenda for the first meeting with the grade-level team that you will lead Assume that the team has done very little in this area, and the teachers associate “data-driven” instruction with state testing and test prep


succeed at the college level For high school administrators, design the steps you will take to adapt your state assessments to prepare students to

    



Using data analysis to create a plan of action such as planning new lessons and developing new strategies


Implement what you plan (dates, times, standards and strategies)

Ongoing Assessment:

Collecting ongoing data on the plans effectiveness and analysis of the data to monitor student understanding and progress between assessments


Observe changes in the classroom. Instructional leaders review lesson and unit plans and give feedback driven by action plan and student need

Engaged Students:

Students know the end goal, how they did and what actions they are taking to improve

*Assessment Analysis Sheet and Instructional Plan

Part I

     What are the standards and questions I had expected students to do well on? Were my predictions accurate? What are my biggest priorities going forward (which standards)?

Look at bombed questions—did students all choose the same wrong answer? Why or why not?

Who are the strong and weak students in this assessment?

Part II

Standard Analysis (Whole-Class Instruction–RA & Writing) What standards warrant more time for whole-class instruction and review?

Part III

8-Week Instructional Plan

% Class Correc t Analysis of why students did not learn specific standards Instructional Plan What techniques will you use to address these standards?

In a Data-driven


Highly active and trained leadership team

Facilitate teacher leader data analysis meetings after each interim assessment and maintain focus on the process throughout the year

Introductory professional development

Introduction to data-driven instruction effectively

 

Understand how interim assessments define rigor Experience the process of analyzing results and adapting instruction

Implementation Calendar

Begin school year with a detailed calendar that includes

  

Time for assessment creation and adaptation, analysis, and action Planning meetings Re-teaching (flexible to adapt to district changes or mandates)

Ongoing professional development

  

Calendar is aligned with data-driven instructional plan Modeling assessment analysis and action planning Flexible to adapt to student learning needs

Build by borrowing

  

Identify and implement best practices from high achieving teachers and schools Visit schools and classrooms Share and disseminate resources and strategies

Quick Write:

From what you now know, what steps will you take to launch a data-driven instructional model in your school?

What do I want to make sure I remember to do?

• Data-driven instruction & Assessment is quickest, most effective lever for influencing student achievement • Mold everything else around that goal Supervision, Professional Development, Calendar, and Scheduling, etc.

• You Decide.

Thank you for attending

Material in part Copyright © 2010 by Paul Bambrick-Santoyo: Interim Assessment Review Checklist Data-Driven Analysis Meetings: Leading Effective Assessment Analysis Meetings.pdf