Mind in Mind - Colorado School of Mines

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Mind in Mind
Chapter 3
We seek structure
Don’t bury information
Remove repetition & noise
Use contrast
Structures is Easier to Scan
Dates and Email
Create a Visual Hierarchy
Hierarchy in Controls
About Face 3, The Essentials of Interaction Design
• Programs have a dominant way of presenting
• May be bold or timid, colorful or drab, but it
should be so for a specific, goal-directed
• Two of interest: sovereign and transient
Sovereign Posture
Monopolize the user’s attention for long periods of time and are best used full-screen.
Offer a large set of related functions and features.
Examples are word processors, spreadsheets, email and many vertical applications.
These programs are often the user’s primary tool.
Most users are perpetual intermediates, but first-time and infrequent users cannot be
ignored. Example: WordStar was great for intermediates, but difficult for infrequent
users. Final lost market (mostly to Word).
These applications should take as much screen real estate as needed. Windows should
default to maximized.
Should use a conservative visual style. Colors and texture should be muted.
Toolbars and controls can be smaller, because users spend many hours getting familiar with
Extra information can be added to the interface, such as in the status and title bars, as long as
the effect is not too cluttered. Beginners won’t notice, but intermediates will make use of
this info.
Every frequently used aspect of the program should be controllable in several ways. Direct
manipulation, dialog boxes, keyboard mnemonics and keyboard accelerators are all good.
Beginners should be protected from visually dislocating functions (e.g., page layout and
outline views in Word)
Transient Posture
• Program comes and goes, presenting a single function with a tightly
restricted set of accompanying controls.
• Because it is temporary, user doesn’t become very familiar with controls.
• User interface needs to be unsubtle, presenting its controls clearly and boldly
with no possibility of mistakes. Big buttons with precise legends spelled out
in slightly oversized, easy-to-read typeface are recommended.
• Should conserve total amount of screen real estate consumed.
• Should be painted in brighter colors to help differentiate it from the hosting
• Should have instructions built into their surface.
• Nothing should be abbreviated.
• Keep to a single window and view. Don’t force the user into subwindows or
dialog boxes to take care of main function of program.
• Keep demands on user’s fine motor skills to a minimum.
• Don’t use the window bottoms, status bar or sides.
Transient Continued
• Provide a keyboard interface, but keep it simple. Enter,
Escape and Tab should suffice (possibly include arrow keys).
• If program have several functions (e.g., import and export),
evenly and visually split the main screen into two halves.
• Program must be movable, so it must have a title bar.
• Should remember size and placement from one invocation to
the next. Also remember any logical settings.
• May not need to be resizable (e.g., calculator)
About Face 3, The Essentials of Interaction Design
Flow: What is it?
• Flow (Csikszentmihalyi): when people
concentrate wholeheartedly on an activity,
they lose awareness of peripheral problems
and distractions.
• Gentle sense of euphoria
• Can be extremely productive, especially when
engaged in process-oriented tasks such as
engineering, design, development and writing.
Flow: How?
• No matter how cool your interface is, less of it would be better.
• Follow mental models. People form mental images about how software
should function. Example: it makes most sense to find patient information
using names. For business office, support finding bills that are overdue.
• Direct, don’t discuss. Ideal interaction is not a dialog, it’s more like using a
tool. Compare to driving a car.
• Keep tools close at hand. Must ensure that tool information is plentiful
and easy to see (on palettes or toolbars) and attempt to make transitions
between tools quick and simple.
• Modeless feedback. Jet fighters have a heads-up display (HUD) that
superimposes the readings of critical instruction onto the forward view of
the cockpit’s windshield.
• Constantly strive to reduce the number of elements in the interface
without reducing the power. This means reducing the user actions
required to achieve a task, NOT reducing available options.
More HOW
Design the interface to assume the probable, but allow for the possible. E.g.,
assume spreadsheet will delete formula, allow to delete notes or formats.
Raw numbers (such as number of free bytes and total size) are precise, but
don’t help users with questions such as whether the disk is getting full as
much as percentages. Make good use of charts.
Graphical input is rare, but could be helpful. Setting tabs by dragging a marker
on a ruler is an example.
When a program is asleep, it should look asleep. When it is awake, it should
look awake. When it is busy, it should look busy.
For users, it can be disconcerting to know all the details of what is
happening. Don’t use dialogs to report normalcy.
Differentiate between command and configuration. If you ask a program to
perform a function, it should simply perform that function. To modify
behavior, user should request a configuration dialog. Ex: print icon vs print
function on menu.
More HOW
• Provide choices, don't ask questions. Asking questions is not the same as
providing choices. Dialog boxes ask questions, toolbars offer
choices. Questions and choices don’t necessarily make the user feel
empowered. More commonly, they make the user feel badgered and
harassed. It’s worse when questions are asked repeatedly and
unnecessarily (do you really want to save your work?)
• Hide the ejector seat levers. One thing that must never happen is
accidental deployment of the “ejector seat.” Two basic varieties: those
that cause a significant visual dislocation and those that perform some
irreversible action.
• Avoid blank slates. People may be uncomfortable explaining to program
what they want (e.g., having to answer a bunch of questions, before
program begins). May be better for program to do what it thinks is right,
and allow users to manipulate.
Excise: a tax, or excise, of cognitive and sometimes even physical effort to use
software. Excise tasks:
Don’t contribute directly to reaching the goal, but are necessary for users to
Are extra work that satisfies the needs of the tools or outside agents.
May be hard to recognize, because we’re so used to excise.
Examples: installation, configuring networks, making backups, connecting to
online services, and virtually all window manipulation.
In command-line interface, excise is requirement for user to memorize
commands. Excise becomes less after user has learned interface.
In GUI, extra effort and time required (excise) to get where you want to go due
to manipulating windows and icons.
Any power user of a command-line interface will quickly become a power user
of any other type of interface. Must be careful when removing excise not to
design to just to suit experts.
Facilities added to software for purpose of training beginners ("training
wheels") must be easily turned off.
Excise Tasks
• Most hardware-management tasks are excise (even for power users).
• Visual metaphors that make it easy to understand program elements can
become excise, due to management of the metaphor (chapter 13).
• Transient posture applications can tolerate more training and explanation
excise than sovereign applications.
• Overemphasis of visual design elements to the extent that they interfere
with user goals and comprehension is excise
• Tasks are only excise if they are forced on the user, rather than being made
available. Example: window management is good when it allows users to
configure work area to meet their needs/preferences.
• Interrupting a user’s flow for no good reason is "stopping the proceedings
with idiocy." Example: automatic windows update that halts program
Excise Tasks
• Error messages and confirmation dialogs may be excise. Example: tell
program to print, should expect that it will print… not that a warning
message will hold up the process.
• Should allow input wherever you have output.
• Useful idiom: tell dialog to close and not display in the future.
• Be careful about the use of passwords.
• Users should be able to cancel time-consuming tasks.
Common Excise Traps
• Don’t force the user to go to another window to perform a function
that affects this window.
• Don’t force the user to remember where he put things.
• Don’t force the user to resize windows unnecessarily. Program
should size child windows appropriately.
• Don’t force user to move windows. If there’s open space on the
desktop, put the program there.
• Don’t force the user to reenter her personal settings.
• Don’t force the user to fill fields to satisfy some arbitrary measure
of completeness.
• Don’t force the user to ask permission.
• Don’t ask the user to confirm his actions (requires robust undo)
• Don’t let the user’s actions result in an error.
Navigation is Excise
• Navigation represents pure excise. Unnecessary or difficult
navigation thus becomes a major frustration. In authors’
opinion, is the number-one problem in any software
application or system. Is also the place where
implementation model is made most apparent. Navigation is
any action that takes the user to a new part of the interface or
which requires him to otherwise locate objects, tools or data.
Common Types of Navigation
• Between multiple windows or screens. Probably most disorienting. Take
care to avoid making users shuttle back and forth between windows.
• Between panes within a window. Panes should match user’s
workflow. Tabbed panes are appropriate for the main work area when
multiple documents or independent views of a document are required.
• Between tools or menus in a pane. Tools that are used frequently and in
conjunction with each other should be grouped together spatially and be
immediately available. Adobe Photoshop exhibits annoying behavior
because different tools share the same location on the tool palette.
Improving Navigation
• Reduce the number of places to go. This includes modes, forms, dialogs,
pages, windows and screens.
• Provide signposts. Users navigate by reference to persistent objects
placed in the user interface.
• Provide overviews. Overviews help to orient the users within the content.
Breadcrumb displays and annotated scrollbars are examples.
• Organize your interface to minimize typical navigation (must really
understand your users)
• Avoid hierarchies. Abstract hierarchies are difficult for users (but
comfortable for programmers).