Diapositiva 1 - Mercatino Biologico di Ostia

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Transcript Diapositiva 1 - Mercatino Biologico di Ostia

• Gladiator's diet
• as from the scientific findings
• in the Gladiators’ Cemetery
• Ephesus, Turkey,
• as recently re-analyzed
• 240-40-40 ordinary people GOLDEN formula
of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids,
• becomes 520/130/43 (750x4=3000),
• or about 3.000 calories per day.
• Ordinary training days, not for fighting days.
• It is what we would call a maintenance diet for
training athletes.
• Morning meal
• Oats, figs, dates, pears or apricots on summer,
dry fruits.
• A sort of in between liquid muesli and
american porridge with pieces of very sweet
fresh fruit on season.
• A bomb of diuretic energy, good for lasting an
entire day of an ordinary people.
• In a 2 liters bowl, the following ingredients get mixed:
• 1 liter of plain pure spring water;
• 100 grams of dried oat seeds squashed and boiled in
half a liter of water (300 calories, 60-9-1,5)
• 100 gr. of dried figs and dates or apricots (250 calories,
• 1 kg. of fresh pears (350 calories, 83-2-1);
• 30 grams of cracked hazelnuts, almonds, pine seeds
(200 calories, 3-2-20).
• Noon meal.
• Soup of barley and lentils, with fresh fruits
from the garden, onion, garlic, herbs.
• 100 gr. of dry barley (300 calories, 60-9-1,5);
• 200 gr. of beans (600 calories, 100-40-3,5).
• 1 kg. of fresh fruits from the garden (200
calories, 34-14-1,5).
Sunset meal.
Lentils and vegetables.
200 gr. of dried lentils (600 calories, 100-42-2);
500 gr. of fruits from the garden (100 calories,
• Few olives or olive oil dressing (50 calories,
• 1 raw warm egg (50 calories, 0-2,5-5).
• Totals:
• Morning 1100 calories;
• Noon 1100 calories;
• Sunset 800 calories;
• Daily 3000 calories.
• Note:
• for a weight loss or low metabolism of ageing people
just cut to half the gladiators fruitarian diet, rebalance
it to keep the lipids to 40 grams, and you will stay fit
until you live.
• 1500 calories (375 x 4 = 1500)
• 243+43+43 (89) = 375 x 4 = 1500 c.
• We got back to the golden basic formula of fruitarians,
that is 240/40/40 carbo/prote/lipids = 364 x 4 = 1456
daily calories.
• About the same as half a gladiator.
• The morale of the tale is: ancient
behaviors mean long properly
tested experiences. This is a
scientifical attitude in historical
• Especially in nutrition, prolonged
testing means safety.
•Gladiator's diet
•as an introduction to
•a complete long lasting
•fruitarian nutrition
•Especially in nutrition,
prolonged historical
testing means safety.
Do never forget that
the scientific laboratory
of human sciences
needs historical experience
and anthropological comparison
(as it was conceived by Raffaele Fabretti
(1618-1700), a founder of Roman Archeology)
To all the mothers
that in over 40 years of fruitarian conferences
have been expressing concern about
their children being fond of a frugivorous
nutrition, possibly lacking B12 nutrients,
• we can today say: do not worry, and let your
kids imitate properly the gladiators diet.
• And now let us instead answer
with a simplified
• mnemonic formula,
• easy to remember and practice
• for all those who want to try a
100% fruitarian nutrition
a 100% fruitarian nutrition
in an artificial urban environment,
for some prolonged time,
without any lack of nutrients,
and reducing the body fat
to the healthiest OMS requirements,
at a lower cost
than ordinary consumerist nutrition,
and by mean of a time saving
fast process
of finding, preparing, eating food,
compatible with 9-to-5 working hours
and rhythms.
• The fruitarian formula
• of Prof. Giorgio Fabretti,
• starts with a setting of 1500 daily
• an average amount for men & women,
• old & young,
• fat & muscular people.
It is a basic diet,
meaning that proteins and lipids
cannot be further reduced,
and only carbohydrates can be proportionally
adapted to larger energy consumption,
• while protein and lipids have to respect the
minimum daily requirements for a kilo of
natural weight
• (about 0,75 grams of protein and fats for kilo
of normalized weight).
• So let us remember
• a daily 3 meals set,
• of 400 calories each,
• plus a fat additional intake
• of seeds for 300 calories.
is essential,
and it makes the scientific fruitarianism
of Prof. Giorgio Fabretti
• the first and the only
• "Fruitarian Chrono Diet"
• ever practiced and theorized.
The protein intake
is compatible and high enough
for weight loss,
muscular building
and an easy digestion
for liver, kidneys, intestines
and for due attention
to stressing duties at work.
• Morning breakfast
• is based on oat or barley
• with dried and fresh sweet fruits,
• like dates and pears,
• or figs and apricots.
50 grams of oat seeds
and the rest in fruit chunks
plus a 20-25 grams dressing
with lightly toasted hazelnuts
and raw pine seeds.
It is a kind of muesli porridge
good for mountain trekking,
survival or chain work in a factory
or brick laying in a construction site.
• We now consumed a ration
• of 400 + 150 calories
• = 550 of the daily intake.
• Proteins are about 8 grams,
• while lipids are about 18 grams.
• For B12 intake,
• use pills
• or you can replace
• the cereal porridge
• with affordable boxes of
• B12 fortified cornflakes
• At lunch,
• a lighter meal of 100 grams
• of boiled dried legumes,
chickpeas or beans
• like
• with half a kilo of fruits of the garden,
• chosen among the big five:
zucchini/squash/pumpkin/cucumber botanic
family of fruits, green
beans, peppers,
aubergines/eggplants, tomatoes.
It is a salad
topped with a dense soup
of legumes
in a possibly wooden archaic bowl.
No soap washing is needed after:
just environmental friendly
fast washing running water.
• In fact there are no
oils or fats whatsoever.
• The legumes are 100 grams
• and 300 calories,
• while vegetable fruits
• are about 100 calories.
• Proteins are about 22 grams,
• while fats only 3 grams.
• At this point
• we consumed
• 550 + 400 = 900 calories
• of the 1500 daily intake.
• When on holidays
• lunch can have some more
• of the dinner calories,
• but not in the long hours
• of the working days.
• At dinner
• another 100 grams
• of boiled dried legumes,
• like lentils or green peas,
• plus half a kilo
• of fruits of the garden
• chosen among the same big five families of
botanical non sweet fruits of the earth.
• Dress all dinner
• with a 25-30 grams
• of oily seeds
• like sesame, nuts,
• sunflower, pistachios,
• pumpkin seeds, etc.
• After dinner intake
• calories are about
• 300 + 100 + 150 = 550,
• up to complete
• the daily intake
• of 1500 calories.
•Dinner proteins
•have been 23-24 grams;
•while fats
•were 22-24 grams.
• Total daily macronutrients
have been about:
• 225 grams of
• 53 grams of proteins,
• 43 grams of fats.
• To calculate easier:
• change fat grams into carbos/proteins ratio of 4
calories for each gram,
• by multiplying fat grams by 2 and adding 1/4 of
the grams,
• and adding the result to carbo+proteins sum, to
get the total conversion from macronutrient
grams to calories.
• Example: 225 gr. of carbos + 53 gr. of proteins +
(43 gr. of fats by 2 = 86 + 1/4 of 43 - fats are
about 9 calories per gram, while carbos and
prots are 4 ) = 97
• = total 375 gr. by 4 = 1500 daily calories.
Here has been provided
an easy calculation
to control all variations
to our basic but complete fruitarian
weight loss and muscle making
• Remember variety is essential health.
• But calculate to keep standards.
• The big problem
• is the transition
• from a vicious
• or emotional nutrition
• to a scientific one.
• It might take years
• to convert.
We can recommend one thing:
just try for few days
on holiday time,
the practical effects
are so astonishing
that you might slowly
change your bad attitudes
and vicious nutritional habits.
you are not just
sculpting your body
to become a Greek god
like Apollo or Venus;
you are practicing
an ethical science
of nutrition and harmony,
• an ethical science of nutrition,
• finalized to save your health
• and medical spending,
• to save suffering
• to innocent animals
• and sensitive plants,
• to save waste
• of cultivated lands
• to raise production
• for hungry people,
• to save pollution
• from cattle raising
• and waste of environment.
• In one sentence,
• you are saving
• the planet
• by saving
• your health
• and good shape.
• Harmony is what fruits
and DNAs has been
created for.
• They are synchronized
• reciprocal gifts
• between Nature and Man
• The ethical science of frugivores
• is based on fruits as synchronic gifts
• and is part of Ethical Materialism
• of Professor Giorgio Fabretti
• You can read more on GOOGLE
• and download PDF files about it
•synchronize each other.
•Let fruits
•help you & the planet.
• Let
Remember that Gandhi and Steve Jobs
were fruitarians, and we continue their
search for an ethical and healthy nutrition
Remember: it is over 40 years in 2013, that
the fruitarian movement has been re-founded
by Prof. Giorgio Fabretti in Rome, Italy,
and it has been constantly growing.
Contacts at: [email protected]