Transcript Document

Measures of Progress
Technology Directors
March 12th, 2015
James Herynk and Nick Studt
Webinar Logistics:
• Audio will be streamed through Adobe Connect.
• Audio is also available by calling 877-278-8686 Pin: 961449
— If using the phone as the audio source, MUTE the Adobe connect sound to prevent
feedback. On the phone, press *7 to mute yourself.
• Please hold questions until the end.
• All questions must be asked through the chat box in the bottom right corner.
Whitelisting and Firewalls
What are Teachers and DTCs doing
Educator Portal Demos
Releases and Report Data Extracts
Test Ticket Transfers
Local Caching Server (LCS)
— Modes
— Setup
— Administration
• Daylight Savings and the LCS
• What if?
— Technology
— Human
• Submitting to the Help Desk
• LCS Logs
• Help Desk
Whitelisting and Firewalls
• Whitelist the following:
— * &
• Under Network Address Translation (NAT),
— Send us your IP address/range and whitelist our IP addresses
• Allow through the firewall the following:
— kiteclientae.exe & kiteclient.exe & tde.exe
A. KITE Client
B. Educator Portal (Updated Feb. 6th)
• Educator Portal Manual
• Educator’s Guide to KITE Client
• .CSV Templates for Users, Enrollment, Rosters, TEC
C. Local Caching Server (Updated Feb. 6th)
• Manuals for Mac, Windows, and Linux
• Request the Local Caching Server (LCS) Software
D. How-To Videos
E. EED DTC Corner
What Folks are Doing in
the System
• Teachers
—Completing PNPs (depending on the district)
—Troubleshooting KITE Client and local network
• District Test Coordinators
—Uploading Test records
—Editing users, students, and rosters
—Exiting student who move out using TEC file
—Adding students who move in
—Generating report data extracts
—Planning how to distribute test tickets.
—Troubleshooting KITE Client and local network
Educator Portal: Demos EP,
(From Input to Output)
• TEC Upload AMP
—TEST- assign to a summative assessment
—EXIT - remove from EP
—CLEAR - remove TEST record
• Enrollment Upload
• Print Tickets
• Monitoring Summative (EED policy/document)
—End Test Session
—Reactivate Test Session
—Special Circumstances/Reasons Not Tested
• Report Data Extracts
Releases and Report Data
• Dec 19th, Feb 6th, Mar. 20th
—The March release will bring minimal changes
to KITE Client and Educator Portal
• Data Extract Reports in EP
—Current Enrollment*
—Accessibility Profile*
—Test Records*
—Accessibility Profile Summary*
—Test Administration*
—Test Tickets*
Test Ticket Transfers
• Request “distribution folder” in HawkDrive
• Go to
—Complete request
—Receive and email with a link and a password
for Read/Write and Read Only access
—Download .CSV or PDF of tickets
—Upload tickets into HawkDrive folder
—Share the link and password with the host
Local Caching Server (LCS)
• A local computer or server that is set up
to store data from students testing in KITE
Client and then send that data all at once.
LCS: Release 2015,
February 6th
• Expansion of the LCS/Admin features
—Semi-Offline Mode
LCS p 2.1
• Ability to continue ongoing testing if internet is
lost or bandwidth reduced, saves
—Fully Offline Mode
LCS p 4.1
• Ability to begin testing with no internet if tests
have been downloaded to the LCS
LCS: Semi-Offline Mode
LCS p 1.2
• This is how the current LCS functions
—Protection against temporary loss of Internet
—Variable Internet
—Low bandwidth
LCS: Bandwidth Usage
LCS Manual p 2.2
LCS: Fully Offline Mode
LCS: Reasons to Use Fully
Offline Mode
• Remote location with no internet where testing
machines and LCS machine will be delivered.
LCS: Criteria for Fully
Offline Mode
• Not compatible with DLM tests.
• Cannot run on 32 bit.
• Before fetching tests, make sure students
are in EP, and Test Records are uploaded
and correct.
• Allow sufficient time to download the
information before testing begins.
• When testing in KITE Client, the 90 minute
inactivity timeout may not apply
LCS: Email with Download
• We strongly advise that you use the 64-bit.
LCS: Manual
• Chapter
• Chapter
• Chapter
• Chapter
1: Welcome/Introduction
2: Installing and LCS
3: Administering the LCS
4: Configuring for Fully Offline
LCS: Setup
1. Configuring the Properties File
• Identify the IP address and port
2. Configure the Settings.js File
• Semi-Offline-Do nothing
• Full Offline-Change “exports.offline” to True
3. Allowing Access through your Firewall
• Identify the port or application, allowing the testing
machines access to the LCS
4. Starting the LCS
• Open folder or application to run or start
• Note: may require administrator password
5. Test the LCS Settings
• Enter LCS into address bar of Firefox
LCS: Point the Testing
Machines toward the LCS
• Configure each testing machine with the
LCS p 2.13
IP Address and Port of the LCS
—Refer to the KITE Client Installation Guides:
Inst. p 5
Inst. p 5
Inst. p 8
Inst. p 5
LCS: Admin Logging In
• Open the LCS Admin Page
—In a browser address bar enter:
• IP address:port number/TDE/admin/index.htm
LCS: Admin Logging In
• Enter username and password from your
original email.
• Contact the Help Desk if you forgot.
LCS: Admin Dashboard –
Semi Offline Mode
• Students Test Status
• Three Buttons: DO NOT CLICK unless advised by Help Desk
LCS: Admin Dashboard –
Fully Offline Mode
• Students Test Status
• Three Buttons: DO NOT CLICK unless advised by Help Desk
• Two Buttons: Click to Fetch and Push
LCS: Admin Dashboard –
Fully Offline Mode
• Click on “Fetch Student Tests”
• Enter your Educator Portal Username and Password
LCS: Admin Dashboard –
Fully Offline Mode
• Select Building, Content, and Grade from dropdowns.
• Click “Fetch” (takes approximately 20 minutes).
LCS: Admin Dashboard –
Fully Offline Mode
• Click “Push Student Responses” to send data to AAI once
the LCS server/computer has been reconnected to the
• NOTE: confirm no students are testing
Daylight Savings: Restart
• Issue: the LCS responded to daylight
savings by only caching data and not
• Fix: restart the LCS and the data will
release to the KITE servers.
• Shutdown
• Start
LCS p 3.6
LCS p 2.11
Note: use the Admin Dashboard to determine if any
students are actively testing before shutting down.
Student Cannot Advance:
On the Technology Side
• What if the computer or testing comes to a halt
and the student cannot move forward?
— Answers will be saved, in any situation
— Tickets are still valid
• Stop KITE Client (EED policy/document)
— Recover the device
• Shutdown computer
• Ctrl+Alt+Delete (PC)
• Restart the KITE Client and resume testing
• Document and Contact the help desk
Student Cannot Advance:
On the People Side
There are a range of reasons students might not test or
advance on a test (consult EED, DTC, and DTCM)
• Reason Not Tested (EED policy/document)
— Test Management, Monitoring, “Reason Not Tested” dropdown
• Invalidations (EED policy/document)
— TEC CLEAR for test not started
— End Test Session for test in progress
• Person/Individual Event (EED policy/document)
• End Test (reactivation required)
Advance to Review and End in the student’s test
End Test Session in Educator Portal
• Stop KITE Client
Shutdown computer
Ctrl+Alt+Delete (PC)
Submitting Issues to the
Help Desk: DOLBERP
• Describe the issue
• Operating System
• LCS?
• Browser and Browser Version
• Educator/Student/Building/District
• Rate and frequency of event
• Phone Number
LCS: Logs and Help Desk
Upcoming Webinars
District Test Coordinators
March 24th, 2015
Help Desk
• Hours
—5:00 am to 4:00 pm Alaska
—8:00 am to 7:00 pm Central
• Email
[email protected]
• Phone
—855-277-9752 (toll-free)
KITE Client: iPad App and
General Installation
• Now available for all supported platforms
• iPad Client in App Store Feb 7th
—This upgrade is required for testing on iPads
—If you have auto-update enabled then this
update should happen automatically
Note: Macintosh, there is a difference in adjusting security
preferences between OS 10.9+ and 10.8- as noted in the KITE Client
Installation Guide.
Note: Chromebook, both unmanaged and managed, requires Kiosk
Mode be set to prevent students from exiting KITE Client during
testing. Be sure and follow the KITE Client Installation Guide to set
Kiosk Mode.
KITE Client: Updates
• KITE Client Chrome App now Disables
Settings Tab
—When opening KITE, before logging in, the cog
wheel icon for settings would occasionally
• IPad Application now allows IP Address For
Host Setting
—Can now use IP address of LCS or host name of
LCS. You’ll want to use whichever your LCs is