Keynote - June 26, 2013 - Student Centered

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Transcript Keynote - June 26, 2013 - Student Centered

Student Centered Assessment
A Classroom Look at Growth
The Role of Assessment in a Community
Shared Vision
Stop and Jot
What is your vision for your writers?
What is your vision for your writers’
Individual identities?
Their collective identity as a community?
Turn and Talk
Please share one thought with a
Then share the “why” behind your
Tools to Promote Instructional Change
“What we do has little impact unless
we are cognizant of how to do those
things in the most effective ways and
for legitimate purposes.”
- Good to Great Teaching
by Mary Howard, 2012
Primary Agent of Assessment
Peter Johnston’s new book:
RTI in Literacy: Responsive and Comprehensive
“Regardless of grade,
students’ development
looks different – so, too,
must literacy instruction.”
Growth Mindset & Skill Progressions
Teaching students to measure their work
against a progression of skills requires:
A vision for the writing work
An expectation that all writers are capable of
sharing that vision, as partners in the process
Peter Elbow’s Evolution as a Writer
Started with a fixed mindset
“I couldn’t write when I tried to write
everything right. And I could write
when I let myself write things wrong.”
Teachers of writers need…
Learning progressions across units of study
Tools that can be used for multiple purposes
Processes for looking at writing with colleagues
Teachers of writers need…
Exemplars of work at all stages
Lesson design with structures for differentiation
Flexibility to USE data to adjust instruction
Where’s the
What Makes a Difference?
John Hattie’s Meta-Analysis
 Learning goals
 Emphasize meta-cognitive strategies
 Multiple exposures / opportunities to practice
over several days
 Feedback
 Formative evaluation
Lesson Structure
All Students - try it
Teacher – observes, gives feedback
Students – enact
Teacher – confers, observes, assess,
reflects, adjusts
Students & Teacher – confer, assess,
reflect, adjust
Direct Instruction
Feedback / Conference
Research – What are you working on today?
Compliment – I see you tried . . .
Decide What to Teach – What is the student
doing/ just about to do?
Teach – Demonstrate/ Model/ Exemplar
Link – Whenever you’re writing . . .
Where’s the
Turn & Talk
What are you thinking about now?
“Audience Participation” time!
Please decide one person per table with a
laptop or tablet to be your spokesperson on
this site:
If you have questions for the teachers on the
panel, please jot and pass to your
spokesperson for submission to the site.
Thank you, Panelists!
Michelle Kemp, 12th Grade
Muskegon Public Schools
Megan Perreault, Middle School Special
Education and Literacy
Orchard View Public Schools
Amy Miller, 5th Grade
Grand Haven Public Schools
Terri Fortmeyer, 3rd Grade
North Muskegon Public Schools
 the day-to-day learning
that we plan for our
 posted in the classroom
 in understandable language
 assessable
Types of Learning Targets
Knowledge Targets
 Reasoning Targets
 Skill Targets
 Product Targets
 Disposition Targets
Megan’s Student-Facing Rubric
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
information into
Organized into a
Used subheadings or clear
sequence of
transitions to separate sections
separate sections
Put sections in an order that
Each section
Wrote each
emphasizes key points
section according
Used transitions and
information that to an
was mostly about organizational plan introductions or topic sentences
to highlight main points
the same thing
Adapted from Writing Pathways by Lucy Calkins and TCRWP Colleagues, 2013
Megan’s “Please Notice” Card
Amy Miller’s Continuum Poster
Summative Assessment
Summative Assessment
Assessment in Writing is coming into
its own…
Quality Assessment Practices
We WILL grow together…
You will grow your practices as you assess for
Our students will grow as writers.
This is just the beginning. We will all share our
findings as a part of this network.
Thank you for doing that today, panelists!