Transcript Slide 1

To be a Spirit-filled and lifegiving place where
strangers become friends
and friends become
A Vision for Mission &
for the Parish of
Principles of Visioning for
Mission & Ministry
It calls us to take a new attitude about our
approaches that recognises the following
stewardship principles:
 We recognise that all we have or hope to have is ours in
trust only
 We are called to manage faithfully the resources entrusted
to us in ways that advance God’s Kingdom of love and
Principles, continued
It calls us to take a new attitude about our
approaches that recognises the following
stewardship principles:
 We are called to nurture faithfully all of our God-given gifts; gifts
which we are to share in ways that show the presence of Christ
to those around us
 We are called to grow spiritually as disciples of Christ by seeking
opportunities to be a big part of the family of God locally and
globally through prayer, participation, service, and gifts of money
What does it mean for us to have
a Vision for Mission & Ministry?
It means that we can look at our finances in
a new way so that we can fulfil the mission:
To use the gifts God has given us
to do the work God has called us to do
How do we do this?
Prayerfully create a vision and plan
carefully to do what God is calling us to
do as individuals and as a community
Participate regularly in the life of our
parish through worship, study, service,
and fellowship
How do we do this?
Commit a specific percentage of our
income for the current and future work of
the Church in our congregations, the
parish, the Diocese, and around the
Be imaginative and wise in the use of
resources we are given by others
What does it look like?
A Vision for Mission & Ministry does not look
like traditional “line-item” budgets.
It breaks down costs into categories rather
than items. For example, the Rector’s
stipend is divided up according to the time
spent over the course of the year attending to
each ministry category and the appropriate
portion is placed in each category.
What does it look like?
In 2009, our ministry costs will be proportioned
according to these percentages:
In “Real numbers”:
 Music and Worship
 Evangelism
 Christian Education
 Pastoral Care
 Parish Life
$ 31,270
$ 39,979
$ 5,380
$ 9,890
$ 16,539
$ 17,139
The 6 Categories
A Vision for Mission & Ministry has 6
categories, as we saw in the last two slides
These are our core ministries, that all our
money goes towards supporting in some way
or another
The amount of money diverted into each of
the six categories shows us how much we
value them
So where are our values?
Sharing our Gifts: In Outreach
“In as much as you do for the least of these – you do it for me.”
Matthew 25:40
Single largest expenditure for outreach is Common
Mission & Ministry, which is sent to the Diocese
($23,352 in 2009)
 Maintains the Diocesan Office and the ministry of the
Bishop and the Diocesan Staff
 Helps fund diocesan ministry initiatives, such as Camp
 A portion of the Diocesan apportionment is sent to the
General Synod to maintain the ministry and work of the
National Church
Sharing our Gifts: In Outreach
“In as much as you do for the least of these – you do it for me.”
Matthew 25:40
Common Mission and Ministry
Sharing our Gifts: In Outreach
“In as much as you do for the least of these – you do it for me.”
Matthew 25:40
As part of our ministry to the community, the Queen
Anne Parish Centre is used by various groups and
organisations whose rental fees/donations do not
cover the full expense of their use
 AA
 Quilting Group
 Healthy Mothers/Healthy Babies
Sharing our Gifts: In Outreach
“In as much as you do for the least of these – you do it for me.”
Matthew 25:40
As a parish we have budgeted approximately 10% of
the freewill offering ($8000) to direct outreach. In
2009, some of the things we helped fund were:
The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund
Tyendinaga and Deseronto Food Banks
Rector’s Discretionary Fund
Council of the North
Operation Christmas Child
Salvation Army (Belleville & Napanee)
Town of Deseronto Summer Youth programming
Tyendinaga Angel Tree Program
Club Amick Book Club for Aboriginal Youth
Sharing our Gifts: In Outreach
“In as much as you do for the least of these – you do it for me.”
Matthew 25:40
Here’s what people say about our ministry of
 Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory Food Bank
“Dear Friends,
Thank you very much for your continued support of
Tyendinaga Food Bank. As a congregation, you have
been very generous with your donations of food for those
who are in true need in our community. Marilyn Maracle
is a tireless worker for the Food Bank and she makes
sure your food donations arrive at the Bank to stock the
shelves. Together we can make a difference. Thanks for
--Jean Green, Tyendinaga Food Bank
Sharing our Gifts: In Outreach
“In as much as you do for the least of these – you do it for me.”
Matthew 25:40
Here’s what people say about our ministry of
 Deseronto Helping Hands Food Bank
“Thank you so much for your generous donation of
$300.00 [note: this was one of several throughout the
year] to our food bank. The number of families needing
our help has risen, as has the cost of food. The good
news is: the donations are phenomenal!”
--Gail McGlade
Sharing our Gifts: In Outreach
“In as much as you do for the least of these – you do it for me.”
Matthew 25:40
Donation to rebuild the
“When I heard that the
church people gave us a
thousand dollars to rebuild
our longhouse, I just sat
down and wept in thanks to
the Creator. Not long ago,
this never would have
happened. Thank you so
--A caller who wished to
remain anonymous
Sharing our Gifts: In Outreach
“In as much as you do for the least of these – you do it for me.”
Matthew 25:40
Here’s what people say about our
ministry of outreach:
 Council of the North
“Thanks be to God for the ongoing support
of Anglicans across Canada. Thank you for
your prayers, your support of this ministry,
and your generosity.”
 “We who are many, are one in Christ and
individually members of one another”
(Romans 12:5).
-The Rt Rev’d David Ashdown, Chair
Sharing our Gifts: In Outreach
“In as much as you do for the least of these – you do it for me.”
Matthew 25:40
Here’s what people say about our ministry of
 Tyendinaga Angel Tree Program
“Our Angel Tree program has been providing a service to
the children on the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory for
several years. The success of this program is owed to
community organizations and members such as
YOURSELF. With your giving, 68 children have been
provided with warm winter clothing for the cold season
which is upon us along with toys from Santa.”
-Tina Brant, Coordinator
Sharing our Gifts: In Outreach
To ensure that this vital ministry continues this
year, we need your faithful and generous
The cost of this ministry is
$31,270 (26%)
Sharing our Gifts: In Music & Worship
“Come let us sing unto the Lord and with our hearts rejoice in our salvation.”
Psalm 95:1
Two Sunday services most weeks
Third Sunday combined service every month
Rich selection of music to accompany Scripture and
 Common Praise and Hymns for the Family of God hymn
books plus praise songs
 Mohawk hymns many Sundays
at Christ Church
 Anthems and other special music
 A gifted director of music
Sharing our Gifts: In Music & Worship
“Come let us sing unto the Lord and with our hearts rejoice in our salvation.”
Psalm 95:1
Provision of Pastoral Offices to parishioners and
other community members (Baptism, Marriage,
Visitation of the Sick, Funeral)
Eucharistic worship
calls us deeper into
the Communion of
Special liturgies
 Lent and Holy Week
 Mohawk Landing
Sharing our Gifts: In Music & Worship
To ensure that this vital
ministry continues this year,
we need your faithful and
generous support.
The cost of this ministry is
$39,989 (33%)
Sharing our Gifts: In Evangelism
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Matthew 25:19
This is the smallest category of spending in the
parish, at 5% of the total budget. Evangelism
doesn’t have to cost a lot so this isn’t necessarily a
reflection of our evangelistic efforts
Judging from the make-up of our congregations,
though, we might be led to ask: “Are we fulfilling the
Gospel command to make disciples?”
Sharing our Gifts: In Evangelism
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Matthew 25:19
Some of the things we did as a parish to evangelise
in 2009 include:
 “Back to Church Sunday” in October
 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
 Presence at community events, e.g. the Pow Wow
 Increase information published in Deseronto and
Tyendinaga newsletters
Every time one of us talks to somebody about our
faith in Jesus, we’re evangelising. Don’t waste your
Sharing our Gifts: In Evangelism
To ensure that this vital ministry continues this
year, we need your faithful and generous
The cost of this ministry is
$5,380 (5%)
Sharing our Gifts: In Christian Education
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship.”
Acts 2:42
We have several
opportunities for study
throughout the year,
 Lenten Study – Gospel
of Mark
 Summer Study – The
 Advent Study – Infancy
 Dead Sea Scrolls
Exhibit at the ROM
Sharing our Gifts: In Christian Education
To ensure that this vital ministry continues this
year, we need your faithful and generous
The cost of this ministry is
$9,890 (8%)
Sharing our Gifts: In Pastoral Care
“Come let us sing unto the Lord and with our hearts rejoice in our salvation.”
Psalm 95:1
Monthly Eucharist at Parkview Apartments in
Home-bound, sick and dying members of the parish
receive visits, a comfortable presence, and a
connection to the wider parish
The Rector is always available for parishioners
working through times of crisis, uncertainty, or
Some parishioners visit others and offer prayers
and a Christian presence
Parish Visitors deliver By The Way 4x a year
Sharing our Gifts: In Pastoral Care
To ensure that this vital ministry continues this
year, we need your faithful and generous
The cost of this ministry is
$16,539 (14%)
Sharing our Gifts: In Parish Life
“Love one another as I have loved you.”
John 15:12
 Weekly
fellowship/coffee hour after church
 Special events
 Parish Picnic
 Third Sundays
 Rector’s Levée
 Anniversary celebrations
 Concerts, Variety Shows, Fundraisers
 Fun Night once a month
Sharing our Gifts: In Parish Life
“Love one another as I have loved you.”
John 15:12
 Parish
Council and committee meetings
 Communications to parishioners
 Weekly bulletin
 By The Way, the parish newsletter
 Website
Sharing our Gifts: In Parish Life
To ensure that this vital ministry continues this
year, we need your faithful and generous
The cost of this ministry is
$ 17,139 (14%)
Sharing our Gifts: Costs of Doing Ministry
Once again, the costs for ministry in 2010:
 Outreach
$ 31,270
 Music and Worship
$ 39,979
 Evangelism
$ 5,380
 Christian Education
$ 9,890
 Pastoral Care
$ 16,539
 Parish Life
$ 17,139
Sharing our Gifts: What It Will Cost
To put it in terms that we can easily grasp:
All Saints’
Weekly per person
(based on average
Sunday attendance)
Christ Church
Sharing our Gifts: Expected Revenue
Major sources of income will be:
 Offerings/Donations
 Fundraising $ 5,000
 New England Co Grant $ 10,500
 Other
$ 7,000
The Challenge – Last Year
2008 Givings by Amount
(with 2009 required averages per person)
CC: $1,248/person/yr (2008 avg $843)
AS: $1,768/person/yr (2008 avg $1,051)
All Saints'
Christ Church
The Challenge – This Year
2009 Givings by Amount
(with 2010 required averages per person)
CC: $1,429/person/yr (2009 avg $878)
AS: $1,987/person/yr (2009 avg $1117)
The Challenge
“But do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”
Hebrews 13:16
Some notes on the previous slide:
 The number of identifiable givers (i.e. envelopes) in each church
in 2008 was:
All Saints’: 37
Christ Church: 42
 The number of regular attenders (i.e. people who attended a
majority of Sundays in the year:
All Saints’: 39
Christ Church: 46
 The average Sunday attendance (total Sunday attendance over
total Sunday services):
All Saints’: 31
Christ Church: 41
The Challenge
“But do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”
Hebrews 13:16
Some notes on the previous slide:
 The 2009 figures (givings and average givings) are based on the
actual givings by identifiable givers (envelopes).
 The 2010 required amount for each week and for each person
per year in each church is based on average Sunday
attendance not on the number of envelopes (since we, in most
cases, must rely on the people who are actually in the pews
when planning!)
 The numbers for 2010 are not for households, but for adult
individuals (e.g. spouses should double the number)
The Response
“But do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”
Hebrews 13:16
All of us benefit profoundly by our participation in
outreach, worship, evangelism, education, pastoral care
and parish life
 It is important that we realise that all of these ministries
are totally dependent on our willingness to share our
time, talent, energy, and financial resources
 Many of us could sustain a more generous level of
giving than we are currently
 The level of offering we have can support our present
ministries for the time being but increased givings will
allow development of our ministries beyond the current
What can we do?
Seriously consider how much we value our faith and
membership in the Church.
Recognise the Parish of Tyendinaga and its ministries
as something we need to invest in. The “returns” are
Consider carefully our givings to the Church in light of
our annual family income (we might consider a tithe—
10%—or something more that accurately reflects our
gratitude for the work of God and the Church in our life.
“For where your treasure us, there will your heart be also.” Luke 12:34
The Last Words
From Archbishop Michael Peers:
“I have come to understand stewardship as
at the heart of the Christian Gospel. It is not
a program for raising money; stewardship is
the organising of our lives and possessions
in accordance with the teachings of Jesus
Christ. It is a way of living that flows from
our faith in God and encompasses all we
have and do, even the way we see the world
and other people around us.”
The Last Words
From Paul’s Second Letter to the
“The point is this: the one who sows
sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the
one who sows bountifully will also reap
bountifully. Each of you must give as you
have made up your mind, not reluctantly or
under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful
giver. And God is able to provide you with
every blessing in abundance, so that by
always having enough of everything, you
may share abundantly in every good work.
The Last Words
As it is written,
‘He scatters abroad, he gives to the poor;
his righteousness endures for ever.’
He who supplies seed to the sower and
bread for food will supply and multiply your
seed for sowing and increase the harvest of
your righteousness. You will be enriched in
every way for your great generosity, which
will produce thanksgiving to God through us;
for the rendering of this ministry not only
supplies the needs of the saints but also
overflows with many thanksgivings to God.
The Last Words
Through the testing of this ministry you
glorify God by your obedience to the
confession of the gospel of Christ and by the
generosity of your sharing with them and
with all others, while they long for you and
pray for you because of the surpassing
grace of God that he has given you. Thanks
be to God for his indescribable gift!”
--2 Corinthians 9:6-15
Let us pray:
O merciful creator, your hand is open wide to
satisfy the needs of every living creature: make
us always thankful for your loving providence;
and grant that we, remembering the account that
we must one day give, may be faithful stewards
of your good gifts; through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Prayers for Pastor and People, Carl G. Carlozzi