Functional Reporting

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Transcript Functional Reporting

Functional Reporting
Hands on Technology
1 E. Oak Hill Drive Suite, 400
Westmont, IL 60559
Phone: 866.562.8413
Facsimile: 630-455-1865
Overview of Functional Limitation Reporting
• Required by section 3005 (g) of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Jobs
Creation Act amended Section 1833 (g) of the Social Security Act
• Purpose is to collect data on beneficiary function during the course
of therapy services to better understand patient conditions,
outcomes, and expenditures
• This data will be used to help develop an improved payment system
• Functional Reporting is not PQRS
Overview of Functional Limitation Reporting
Implemented on Jan 1, 2013
Will become mandated July 1, 2013
– Any claims requiring these G-Codes on or after this day without the applicable
codes will be returned / rejected
Affective for all outpatient therapy services, including physical therapy,
occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology
Applies to Medicare Part B outpatient therapy
G-codes and Modifiers
G-Codes will require a therapy modifier
Each functional G-Code set will contain: current status, projected goal status, and discharge
There are 42 functional G-codes (14 sets of 3 codes each)
PT/OT (6 sets)
SLP (8 sets)
Mobility: Walking & Moving Around
Changing & Maintaining Body Position
Motor Speech
Carrying, Moving, and Handling Objects
Spoken Language Comprehension
Self Care
Spoken Language Expression
Other PT/OT Primary
Other PT/OT Subsequent
Other SLP
How to Select the Right G-codes
When reporting, select the functional limitation that most closely relates to the
primary functional limitation being treated, or the main reason for treatment
With more than one functional limitation, the therapist may need to determine
which functional limitation is primary
The “Other PT/OT/SLP” functional G-codes are used when the other four
categories do not describe the patient’s functional limitation
Only one functional limitation shall be reported at a time
• Two functional limitation categories can be reported consecutively, but not
Each non-payable functional G-code must be reported with a severity/complexity modifier
Modifiers will reflect the patient’s percentage of functional impairment
CH – 0% impaired, limited restricted
CI – at least 1% but less than 20% impaired, limited restricted
CJ – at least 20% but less than 40% impaired, limited restricted
CK – at least 40% but less than 60% impaired, limited restricted
CL – at least 60% but less than 80% impaired, limited restricted
CM – at least 80% but less than 100% impaired, limited restricted
CN – 100% impaired, limited restricted
Choosing the Correct Modifier
Use the modifier that reflects the score from a functional assessment tool
– Therapists are expected to use functional assessment tools (Oswestry, OPTIMAL, Berg Balance)
to assist in determining the level of impairment
– IF the therapist feels there additional factors contributing to patient’s impairment that are not
accounted for in this tool, they can choose to change the modifier to what they feel is
• It is crucial that this be documented in the modifier justification section as to why
this adjustment was made
In cases where the therapist does not expect improvement, the modifier for the
projected goal status will be the same as the one for the current status
– Submitting a goal status that is equal to the current status will most likely result in a denial
from Medicare
– Appropriate documentation to prove medical necessity will be required to receive
payment on these claims
Successfully Reporting G-codes
Functional G codes are required to be reported at least every 10 visits
If you do a re-evaluation and have a 97002 code you have to report regardless of which visit it is
The first claim submitted to Medicare with these codes starts a reporting period
When a discharge code is used, the current reporting period is closed
Any claims submitted to Medicare after July 1st, 2013 will need to be within a
reporting period or they will be rejected
If the reporting period was started before July 1st, the rule for every 10 visits
continues to apply through the transition
Required on Claims:
– Functional severity modifier
– Therapy modifier indicating related discipline
– Date of therapy service
The number of G-codes required on a claim under one therapy POC is two
– Current status and goal status
– Discharge status and goal status
When reporting a one-time visit where there is no plan of care, submit all three
functional G codes within that category:
– Current
– Goal
– Discharge
Example of Required Reporting
• Mobility: Walking and Moving Around
– Evaluation/beginning of reporting period #1
• G8978-Current
• G8979-Goal
– End of reporting period #1 (10th visit)
• G8978-Current
• G8979-Goal
– Visit #14/End of reporting on Walking & Moving (Patient is Discharged)
• G8979-Goal
• G8980-Discharge
Functional Reporting in TheraOffice: What’s New?
• Functional Limitation Reporting Update will come with two phases:
– Phase 1
• Updates within TheraOffice
– The new sections that will be added to the Document Designer are
» Functional Testing
» Functional Reporting
– Phase 2
• App: Function Vibe, will be used for tablets which will perform all of the scoring for
the functional tests
– For IPad or Windows 8
• Scores will be directly downloaded from the Functional Testing App right into
• Impairment ratings will be done automatically or can be customized
Functional Testing and Functional Reporting in
Functional Testing and
Functional Reporting will be
the two new sections added to
the Document Navigator
TheraOffice Document Navigator
Depending on how long you have been using TheraOffice, you may or may not
have two sections in the Document Navigator titled:
– Outcomes
– Optimal Form
These sections will eventually be phased out once TheraOffice has been
updated with the functional reporting update
Therapists or system administrators can delete these sections or change the
names to say Outcomes Legacy or Optimal Form Legacy
Therapists will then need to train staff not to use these options any longer
About a month or so after updating TheraOffice with the functional reporting
update, these two sections can be closed out
Functional Testing
When in the Document Editor, click on Manage Data at the top and a list of functional test
categories will appear
– There will be 2 categories for each discipline
• Pre-populated G-Codes will appear after updating TheraOffice
– G-Codes and modifiers will also be pre-populated with the update in the Contracted Fee
Schedule for Medicare
• GP = PT
• GO = OT
• GN = Speech
Once in the Functional Testing section in the Document Navigator, a box with Functional Tests
will appear
– There are 15 tests total
• The scores and the impairments will be listed
• Based on the functional tests, the impairment rating will be done automatically
Functional Testing Process
First Step:
– Fill out scores which will populate the impairments
Second Step
Go into the Functional Reporting section in the Document Navigator
Functional Testing Process – “Suggest From
Functional Test”
Third Step
You can choose the option for “Suggest From Functional Tests” and the document will automatically
suggest categories and modifiers based on results from the functional testing section
By choosing this, the tests will be tabulated, impairments will be summed and then averaged, and
average impairment will be sorted (by highest impairment)
“Suggest From
Functional Tests”
“Suggest From Functional Tests”
Data, including the CPT code and modifier for the current status and goal CPT code, will be populated
based on the results from Function Vibe
“Suggest From Functional Tests”
Fourth Step
Selecting a modifier for the Goal Status, and a blue dot will appear on the graph that will display
where the goal status is compared to the current status (blue bar)
“Suggest From Functional Tests”
Fifth Step
Enter any additional documentation justifying the selection of the modifiers at the bottom of the screen
Because you are being notified that this report is required by Medicare, ensure that you have the “Send” box
• By checking this box, you will be sending these charges to Medicare on your next claim
Functional Testing
If a Therapist chooses not to use Function Vibe to suggest tests, they can choose the “Therapist
Discretion” dropdown option which will allow them to manually input codes and modifiers
– They will need to document why they chose those codes
Functional Testing
• Example:
– If your current patient is on their 30th visit you will need to update their scores with
Functional Vibe or manually update scores
– If their current status went up to the next level and they are less impaired, the graph will
show that they are closer to reaching their goal
– A yellow alert will appear informing you that you need to send this report, so therefore,
you will need to click on the “send” box
– Suggest charges as normal
The treatment charges will go in as normal
The Functional Reporting Charges will go in below the treatment charges
2 or 3 CPT codes that you will be reporting will appear along with their modifiers and descriptions
MOD 1 will classify the discipline (GP- PT, GO- OT, GN- Speech)
MOD 2 will display the necessary modifiers
After adding the suggested charges, a PQRS questionnaire will appear asking you if you would like to run it
– Click yes if you want to run the PQRS questionnaire
Functional Testing: Other
If the patient is not Medicare, a pop up will appear that will inform you that this functional
reporting section is not required
We will eventually add an alert in the TheraOffice Scheduling module that will inform you
upon check-in whether or not this patient is Medicare and needs to perform the functional