Transcript Variables

"There are 10 kinds of people in the world today – those
who understand binary and those who don't!”
What is a Variable (Object)?
Inside your computer are various bits of computer
 Hard Disk Drives
 RAM (Random Access Memory)
 Variables allow us to control the memory, the RAM
A Simple Calculation
 Consider 3 = 1 + 2
 A computer needs to set aside three areas of RAM
 One for the result
 Two for the other two numbers
 It will also perform the calculation in binary for example…
00000011=00000001 + 00000010
 We as programmers really don’t want to get involved in thinking about
memory and binary so we use variable objects to do the dirty work for
Examining the Swap Offer
 Once we have signed up and logged onto the system
we see the following options…
 We shall examine the code for “Submit Offer”. To do
this we shall add a break point to the code. (F9)
Declaring Variables
 Notice the following lines of code…
 These lines of code “declare” variables. “Dim” tells the
language to set aside sections of RAM with the names
we specify
What this is doing is telling the computer to allocate one or more
addresses in RAM, give it a name and limit the type of data it can hold.
We are creating a variable object so that we can control some of the RAM.
Dim ErrMsg as String
Declares a variable called ErrMsg with the String data type.
(Dim may be thought of as Declared In Memory even though it really
means Dimension.)
So What is RAM?
 RAM may be thought of as a series of boxes that allow us to
store data in.
With these declarations
Dim ErrMsg As String
Dim OfferTitle As String
Dim Description As String
Dim SwapNo As Integer
Dim Userno As Integer
Dim EMail As String
Dim UserName As String
We have created seven boxes in RAM for storing data
Data Types
The data type is the name of the type of data that the variable is able to store
The Integer data type only allows us to store whole numbers
For example we could store in the variable SwapNo the following values…
0, 1 200, 50
i.e. all numeric whole numbers
But not the following…
“Kilroy Wos Ere”, 3.7
“Kilroy Wos Ere”
text not numbers
not a whole number (This would work but it would be rounded!)
Things to try
 What happens if…
 You delete the line Dim Description As String and try
to run the program? (Notice the error messages and the
tools to help you locate problems, use undo to fix the
 You rename the variable SwapNo to SwapNumber and
run the program? (As before notice the error messages
and then fix the error.)
 You change the data type of Description from String to
Integer? (You will need to use the program to see the
What does the word assignment mean?
To assign something to a variable we use the
assignment operator…
So to assign the number 1 to the FirstNumber
variable we would use the following line of code…
FirstNumber = 1
The Assignment Operator
 Using the debugger (F9, F10) we shall examine how the
following highlighted line of code works.
Assigning Literal Constants
There are times when we simply want to give a variable a value, often to
initialise it.
A literal constant is a set value specified by you the programmer.
Take a look at the following…
Dim DaysLeft As Integer
DaysLeft = 365
This could also be written like so…
Dim DaysLeft As Integer = 365
Performing Simple Calculations
Take a look at the following code...
Dim FirstNumber As Integer
Dim SecondNumber As Integer
Dim Result As Integer
FirstNumber = 20
SecondNumber = 30
Result = FirstNumber + SecondNumber
What is happening here and what will be the value of Result?
Finding the Definition of a
 If you are looking at a section of code and you see a variable
but cannot find where it is declared right click on it like
Data Type Conversion Errors
The process of assigning data unsuitable for the
specified data type is called a data type conversion
Dim MyAge as Integer
MyAge = “Fred Bloggs”
Overflow Errors
 Different data types allow different ranges of
values to be stored in them
 For example the largest number a variable with the
Integer data type may store is 2147483647.
Attempting to store a number larger than this will
result in an overflow error.
Dim MyAge As Integer
MyAge = 2147483648
Rules for Naming your
Make your Variable names Meaningful
 Don’t use A B & C for your variable names
Not all characters may be used in variable names
 Spaces are not allowed
My Variable – bad
MyVariable – good
Variables may contain a number but not start with
Use Camel Case when naming your variables
 InputVariable - good
 inputvariable - bad
 A variable allows us to control a section of RAM which has been given a name
by you the programmer
 A variable has a data type which controls what sort of data it may store. (Any
attempts to assign the wrong type of data to a variable will produce an error!)
 A variable must be declared before you may use it. The key word Dim is used
in VB to do this
 A variable has a value this value is the data stored at whatever location in RAM
is used
 The value of a variable is assigned using the assignment operator “=”.
 This may be a discrete value e.g. 1
 Value=1
 or the result of a calculation e.g.…
 Result = FirstNumber + SecondNumber
Write down variable declarations that would store the following values:
For example, an address:
1. A person’s name
2. A person’s age
3. A telephone number
4. A date of birth
5. The price of a kettle
: Dim AnAddress as String
6. Complete the following code that assigns the value 20 to a variable
called ClassSize:
Dim ClassSize as Integer
7. Complete the following code that assigns the name “Fred Bloggs” to a
variable called StudentName:
Dim StudentName as String
8. A form has a text box called txtUserName.
a. Write a suitable variable declaration for a variable to store this data:
b. Write a suitable assignment statement that reads in this value from the
9. Write an assignment statement that assigns the result of 2 + 2 to
variable called Result:
10. Write an assignment statement that assigns the result of 4.5 x 2 to a
variable called Result: