Intelligent Agent Technology and Application

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Agent Technology

©Intelligent Agent Technology and Application, 2008, Ai Lab NJU Course overview and what is intelligent agent

Before we start


Software Agent: Prof. Tao Xianping

Intelligent Agent: A. Prof., Dr. Gao Yang

Email: [email protected]


Ai Lab, CS Dept., NJU

Room 403-A, Mengminwei Building


Courseware could be found from my homepage.

©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008


Agents, the next paradigm for software?

Agent-Oriented taking over for Object-Oriented?

Agents is crucial for open distributed systems?

Agents the most natural entity in e-business and other e-***?

Agent and peer-to-peer, sensor network technologies inseparable?

Which is the killer application using the agent technology?


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

What will you learn from this course?

Upon completed this course a student should

Know what an agent and an agent system is.

Have a good overview of important agent issues:

Agent Negotiation, Coordination and Communication.

Micro and macro agent Architectures.

Agent Learning.

Agent Model and Theory.

Agent-oriented Software Engineering.

Get valuable hands-on experience in developing agent system.


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Lectures: Part A

        

1 st Week

Course overview and what is intelligent agent

2 nd 3 rd Week

Negotiation in MAS(i)


Negotiation in MAS(ii)

4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th Week Week Week Week

Agent learning (i) Agent learning (ii) Agent communication language Application: RoboCup, Trading Agent Competition & Intelligent Game

8 th Week

Agent architectures

9 th Week

Agent model and theory


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Other Issues

Other issues:

– –

Architectures of multi-agent system(Macro) Coordination in MAS

Agent oriented software engineering

Agent oriented programming

Agent and p2p computing

Agent and Grid computing

Classification of agents and its application 6

©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Recommended books

      

Michael Wooldridge. “An Introduction to MultiAgent Systems”, 2002 Shi Zhong-zhi. “Intelligent Agent and Its Application” (in Chinese). Science press, 2000.

G.Weiss, editor. "Multiagent Systems". MIT Press, 1999. J. Ferber. "Multi-Agent Systems". Addison-Wesley, 1999. G. M. P. O'Hare and N. R. Jennings, editors. "Foundations of Distributed AI". Wiley Interscience, 1996.

M. Singh and M. Huhns. "Readings in Agents". Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers, 1997.

And other choiced papers and websites.


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008


Lecturee 10%

Experiments 30%

Final Exam(open) 60% 8

©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

What is intelligent agent


 

Field that inspired the agent fields?

Artificial Intelligence

Agent intelligence and micro-agent

Software Engineering

Agent as an abstract entity

Distributed System and Computer Network

Agent architecture, MAS, Coordination

Game Theory and Economics

Negotiation There are two kinds definition of agent

Often quite narrow

Extremely general ?


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

General definitions


American Heritage Dictionary

”... One that acts or has the power or authority to


... or



Russel and Norvig

”An agent is anything that can be viewed as


its environment through sensors and


upon that environment through effectors.”

Maes, Parrie

”Autonomous agents are computational systems that


some complex dynamic environment,




autonomously in this environment, and by doing so


a set of goals or tasks for which they are designed”.

©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Agent: more specific definitions

Smith, Cypher and Spohrer

”Let us define an agent as a persistent software entity dedicated to a specific purpose.


distinguishes agents from subroutines; agents have their own ideas about how to accomplish tasks, their own agendas.

’Special purpose’

distinguishes them from multifunction applications; agents are typically much smaller.


”Intelligent Agents continuously perform three functions:


of dynamic conditions in the environment;


to affect conditions in the environment; and


to interpret perceptions, solve problems, draw inferences, and determine actions.


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Agent: industrial definitions


”Intelligent agents are software entities that carry out some set of operations on behalf of a user or another program with some degree of independence or autonomy , and in doing so, employ some knowledge or representations of the user’s goals or desires ” 12

©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Agent: weak notions

Wooldridge and Jennings

– An Agent is a piece of hardware or (more commonly) software based computer system that enjoys the following properties 

Autonomy : agents operate without the direct intervention of humans or others, and have some kind of control over their actions and internal state;

Pro-activeness : agents do not simply act in response to their environment, they are able to exhibit goal-directed behavior by taking the initiative.

Reactivity : agents perceive their environment and respond to it in timely fashion to changes that occur in it.

Social Ability : agents interact with other agents (and possibly humans) via some kind of agent communication language.” 13

©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Agent: strong notions

Wooldridge and Jennings

Weak notion in addition to

Mobility : the ability of an agent to move around a network

Veracity : agent will not knowingly communicate false information

Benevolence : agents do not have conflicting goals and always try to do what is asked of it.

Rationality : an agent will act in order to achieve its goals and will not act in such a way as to prevent its goals being achieved 14

©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Summary of agent definitions

An agent act on behalf user or another entity.

An agent has the weak agent characteristics . (Autonomy, Pro activeness, Reactivity, Social ability)

An agent may have the strong agent characteristics . (Mobility, Veracity, Benevolence, Rationality) 15

©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Dear child gets many names…

Many synonyms of the term “Intelligent agent”


Software agent or softbots




…… 16

©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Why the buzz around the agents?

Lack of programming paradigm for distributed systems.

Tries to meet problems of the “ closed world ” assumption in object-orientation.

Agents is a frequently used term to describe software in general (due to vague definition) .

Massive media hype in the era of the dot-coms.


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Autonomy is the key feature of agent



Control / Regulator

Any control system

Software Daemon

Print server

Http server

Most software daemons

Sensor Input


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU Agent Environment Action Input

Sept. 2008


Give other examples of agents (not necessarily intelligent) that you know of. For each, define as precisely as possible:

(a). the environment that the agent occupies, the states that this environment can be in, and the type of environment.

– –

(b). The action repertoire available to the agent, and any pre-conditions associated with these actions; (c). The goal, or design objectives of the agent – what it is intended to achieve.


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Thinking again…

If a traffic light (together with its control system) is considered as intelligent agent, which of agent’s properties should be employ? Illustrate your answer by examples.


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Type of environment

 

An agent will not have complete control over its environment, but have partial control, in that it can influence it.

Scientific computing or MIS in traditonal computing.

Classification of environment properties [Russell 1995, p49]

Accessible vs. inaccessible

Deterministic vs. non-deterministic

Episodic vs. non-episodic

Static vs. dynamic

Discrete vs. continuous 21

©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Accessible vs. inaccessible

Accessible vs. inaccessible

An accessible environment is one in which the agent can obtain complete, accurate, up-to-date information about the environment’s state. (also complete observable vs. partial observable)

Accessible: sensor give complete state of the environment.

In an accessible environment, agent needn’t keep track of the world through its internal state.


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Deterministic vs. non-deterministic

Deterministic vs. non-deterministic

A deterministic environment is one in which any action has a single guaranteed effect , there is no uncertainty about the state that will result from performing an action.

That is, next state of the environment is completely determined by the current state and the action select by the agent.

Non-deterministic: a probabilistic model could be available.


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Episodic vs. non-episodic

Episodic vs. non-episodic

In an episodic environment, the performance of an agent is dependent on a number of discrete episodes, with no link between the performance of an agent in different scenarios. It need not reason about the interaction between this and future episodes. (such as a game of chess)

In an episodic environment, agent doesn’t need to remember the past, and doesn’t have to think the next episodic ahead. 24

©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Static vs. dynamic

Static vs. dynamic

A static environment is one that can assumed to remain unchanged expect by the performance of actions by the agents.

A dynamic environment is one that has other processes operating on it which hence changes in ways beyond the agent’s control.


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Discrete vs. continuous

Discrete vs. continuous

An environment is discrete if there are a fixed, finite number of actions and percepts in it.


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Why classify environments

The type of environment largely determines the design of agent.

Classifying environment can help guide the agent’s design process (like system analysis in software engineering).

Most complex general class of environments

Are inaccessible, non-deterministic, non-episodic, dynamic, and continuous.


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Discuss about environment: Gripper

Gripper is a standard example for probabilistic planning model

Robot has three possible actions:

paint (P)


dry (W)


pickup (U)

State has four binary features:

block painted


gripper dry


holding block

, gripper clean

Initial state:

Goal state: 28

©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Discuss about environment: Gripper

(P,1,1) s8 s12 (U,0.95,1) (P,1,-1) s7 (W,0.8,-0.1) s4 (U,0.95,-0.1) (P,0.1,-1) s6 (U,0.05,-0.1) s10 (P,0.9,-0.1) (W,0.8,-0.1) (W,0.2,-0.1) s3 (U,0.5,-0.1) (U,0.05,-0.1) s2 (W,0.8,-0.1) (U,0.5,-0.1) s9 (W,0.2,-0.1) (P,0.9,-0.1) (P,0.1,-1) s5 s1 (U,0.5,-0.1) (W,0.2,-0.1) s11 (U,0.5,-1) Gripper


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008


Please determine the environment’s type.

Chess Poker Mine sweeper E shopping Accessible??

Deterministic ??





©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Intelligent agent vs. agent

An intelligent agent is one that is capable of flexible autonomous action in order to meet its design objectives, where flexibility means three things:

Pro-activeness : the ability of exhibit goal-directed behavior by taking the initiative.

Reactivity : the ability of percept the environment, and respond in a timely fashion to changes that occur in it.

Social ability : the ability of interaction with other agents (include human).


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008



In functional system (goal must remain valid at least until the action complete.), apply pre-condition and post condition to realize goal directed behavior.

But for non-functional system (dynamic system), agent blindly executing a procedure without regard to whether the assumptions underpinning the procedure are valid is a poor strategy.

Observe incompletely

Environment is non-deterministic

Other agent can affect the environment 32

©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008



Agent must be responsive to events that occur in its environment.

Building a system that achieves an effective balance between goal-directed and reactive behavior is hard.


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Social ability

Social ability





with others.


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Agent vs. object


Are defined as computational entities that




, are able to perform


, or


on this state, and


by message passing.

Are computational entities.

Encapsulate some internal state.

Are able to perform actions, or methods, to change this state.

Communicate by message passing.


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Agent and object

Differences between agent and object

An object can be thought of as exhibiting autonomy over its state: it has control over it.

But an object does not exhibit control over it’s behavior.

Other objects


their public method. Agent can only


other agents to perform actions.

Objects do it for free, agents do it for money.”

(implement agents using object-oriented technology)……

Thinking it.


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Agent and object

In standard object model has nothing whatsoever to say about

how to build systems that integrate reactive, pro-active, social behavior


Each has their own thread of control. In the standard object model, there is a

single thread

of control in the system.

(agent is similar with

an active object



Agent embody stronger notion of autonomy than object

Agent are capable of flexible behavior

Multi-agent system is inherently multi-threaded 37

©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Agent and expert system

Expert system

Is one that is capable of solving problems or giving advice in some knowledge-rich domain.

The most important distinction

Expert system is


, rather than being situated.

It do not interact with any environment. Give feedback or advice to a third part.

Are not required to interact with other agents.


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Example of agents

Mobile Customer

Agent (Peer) Mobile Customer


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU Agent (Peer) Agent (Peer) Mobile Customer Agent (Peer) Mobile Customer

Sept. 2008

Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI)


DAI is a sub-field of AI

DAI is concerned with problem solving where agents solve (sub-) tasks (macro level)

Main area of DAI

Distributed problem solving ( DPS )

Centralized Control and Distributed Data (Massively Parallel Processing)

Multi-agent system ( MAS )

Distributed Control and Distributed Data (coordination crucial) Some histories

©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

DAI is concerned with……

   

Agent granularity (agent size) Heterogeneity agent (agent type) Methods of distributing control (among agents) Communication possibilities

Distributed AI 


Coarse agent granularity

Distributed Computing –

And high-level communication

Artificial Intelligence


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU Distributed Problem Solving Multi-Agent Systems

Sept. 2008

DAI is not concerned with……

Issues of coordination of concurrent processes at the problem solving and representational level.

Parallel computer architecture, parallel programming languages or distributed operation system.

No semaphores, monitors or threads etc.

Higher semantics of communication (speech-act level) 42

©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Motivation behind MAS

To solve problems too large for a centralized agent

E.g. Financial system

To allow interconnection and interoperation of multiple legacy system

E.g. Web crawling

To provide a solution to inherently distributed system

To provide a solution where expertise is distributed

To provide conceptual clarity and simplicity of design 43

©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Benefits of MAS

Faster problem solving

Decreasing communication

Higher semantics of communication (speech-act level)


Increasing reliability 44

©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Heterogeneity degrees in MAS


Identical agents, different resources


Different agent expertise


Share only interaction protocol (e.g. FIPA or KQML) 45

©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Cooperative and self-interested MAS


Agents are designed by interdependent designers

Agents act for increased good of the system (i.e. MAS)

Concerned with increasing the systems performance and not the individual agents


Agents are designed by independent designer

– –

Agents have their own agenda and motivation Concerned with the benefit of each agent (’individualistic’)

The latter more realistic in an Internet-setting?


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Our categories about MAS


Both has a common object


Each have different objects which are contradictory.


Each have different objects which are conflictive, but the total system has one explicit (or implicit) object The first now is known as TEAMWORK.


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Distributed AI perspectives

Distributed AI Reactive Delibe rative Hyb rid Theory Ar ch it ec tu re La ng ua ge Agent Group Specific Approaches Designer Coopera tion Coor dina tion Ne go ti at io n in nn la Cohe rent Ap pl ic at io ns Testb eds Methods To ol s An al ys is Des ign


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Our Thinking in MAS

Single benefit vs. collective benefit

No need central control

Social intelligence vs. single intelligence

Self-organize system

Self-form, self-evolve

Intelligence is emergence, not innative



©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008

Conclusions of lecture

Agent has general definition, weak definition and strong definition

Classification of the environment

Differences between agent and intelligent agent, agent and object, agent and expert system

Multi-agent system is macro issues of agent systems 50

©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008


[Russell 1995] S. Russell and P. Norvig. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Prentice-Hall, 1995.


©Gao Yang, Ai Lab NJU

Sept. 2008