Recycling - State University of New York at Brockport

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Transcript Recycling - State University of New York at Brockport

By Amber Kirley & Colby Stohr
Recycling in Monroe
 Everybody in the
county has been
required to recycle
since 1992
 There is curb-side
pick-up and drop off
centers for recycling
 http://www.monroeco
What is required to be
Recycled in Monroe County?
 Residents are required to recycle the following
things: steel, aluminum, clear, brown, and green
glass, numbers 1 and 2 plastics, paper,
newspapers, magazines, corrugated cardboard,
and large appliances
 Businesses, Institutions and Industries have to
recycle the things above if it applies along with
corrugated cardboard and high-grade office paper
What else can be Recycled in
Monroe County?
 Electronics (computers and televisions
for example
 Places that take these things: Rochester
Computer Recycling and Recovery,
Maven Technologies, and Sunnking Inc.
Recycling in Thompson
 How many students in
Thompson Hall recycle?
 What is being recycled? Are
there things that are not being
recycled that should be?
 Are the custodians that take
care of our recycling well
informed about what should
and shouldn’t be recycled?
 Are students well informed
about recycling?
 We thought that students need more
education on recycling
 75% of our building recycles and
over half are girls
 Our custodians throw things away
that should be recycled
Methods Used
 Counted recycling bins
throughout the building
and kept track of girls
and guys sections
 The next day we
interviewed the
custodian that took care
of the recycling bins
Why would we choose to
do this?
 We thought it would be a good idea to see how
much students know about recycling because
before we took environmental science we had
no idea about all of the things that could be
 Also to figure out how our custodians throw in
the trash that could be recycled. By that we
could tell if they needed to be educated on
recycling or if their bosses were wrong
Thompson Hall Recycling
 2nd Floor
 3rd Floor
Girls- 1st Section
10/11= 91%
Girls- 2nd Section
8/11= 73%
Guys- 3rd Section
4/11= 36%
Girls- 4th Section
9/10= 90%
Girls- 1st Section
11/12= 92%
Guys- 2nd Section
2/11= 18%
Girls- 3rd Section
6/12= 50%
Guys- 4th Section
6/10= 60%
Recycling Percentages
Guys vs. Girls
 Girls:
Average: 79.2% per week
 Guys:
Average: 38% per week
*Girls tend to be more conscious about recycling
then guys.
1) What are you required to recycle from the dorms?
Paper, Plastic, Glass
2) Is there anything you are not required to accept as recyclables?
Anything that has once contained food.
ex: Pizza boxes, paper plates, plastic plates from the union, styrofoam
containers and paper from Trax, plastic silverware.
3) What do you see the most of that students put in their recycling
bins (Both recyclable and not)?
Water bottles, sandwich baggies, plastic plates, styrofoam containers,
cottonballs, plastic silverware.
Interview (cont)
4) Does the amount of recyclables vary from week to week?
No, we are steady with a lot of recyclables each week. Approximately 9
bags per week (3 for paper, 3 for plastic, 3 for glass)
5) Do you see a difference in how much girls recycle each week compared
to how much guys recycle per week?
Girls are more knowledgeable and know what to recycle while they recycle
more of it. Guys tend to be more clueless and recycle whatever and don’t always
6) How much do you personally know about recycling? Do you know about
the Monroe County Recycling Policy?
Knows what she can and cannot recycle on campus and in her home.
Orleans County deals with different policies than Monroe County, As for the
campus policy there are pickier rules because we are a college campus and our
recycling policy comes from the State not the county.
Interview (cont)
7) Do you pick up recycling in any other building for us to compare
Thompson with? If so how does it vary?
No, the only recycling picked up is from Thompson. From earlier labs we do
know that each building and most separate rooms contain both a trash can and a
recycling bin.
8) How much do you recycle at home?
Recycle about the same amount as the students in Thompson Hall. There
are only 2 people living at home. Same rules apply…. Paper, plastic, glass is all
that can be recyled.
9) Do you believe that recycling helps our earth?
“Yes, I truly do.”
Interview (cont)
10) In your opinion how much do you think students know about what they
can and cannot recycle?
50/50. From the recycling picked up among the students of Thompson Hall
some are really conscious and others don’t seem to care. Some educating may be
1) Girls vs. Guys
*Girls care a lot more….guys have some learning to do
*They will throw away recyclables and put trash in the
recycling bins.
2) More education needs to be given to students
and faculty.
*Some student and faculty simply do not know what to
recycle so they just don’t or they recycle the wrong things.
3) Recycling bins need to be accessible and
*Some people do not notice the recycling bins are there or
they cannot find recycling bins when needed.
Need more information…
 To draw further conclusions we could do a
survey of both an academic building, a dorm,
and a cafeteria on campus.
 The girl to guy ratio within Thompson Hall is
uneven. There are 5 girls hall while only 3
guys halls.
 For more information we could interview a
couple different janitors throughout Thompson
instead of just one.
Literature Cited