Transcript Main Title

ERP Project Status Report
for CFC
30th Dec 2014
Ganda ERP Project | 0
Progress update
Module / Function
Basic Data
User Skill
Module / Function
Inventory / Warehouse
Basic Data
User Skill
Progress Update
Next Plan
1. All Customization have been Tested & OK
1. Ligu Integrate execute field test
2. All Opening Data have been Complete
2. Ready to Go-Live
3. Parallel Transaction have been up-to-date.
(TKP  PR:30/12/14, 2102 ; PO:30/12/14, 672)
(HPGP  PR:29/12/14, 227 ; PO:30/12/14, 147)
4. No any Major Outstanding Issue
Progress Update
Next Plan
1. All Customization have been Tested & OK
1. Ligu Integrate execute field test
2. All Opening Data have been Complete
2. Ready to Go-Live
3. Parallel Transaction almost up-to-date.
(TKP  GR:29/12/14, 830 ; MISC:30/12/14, 2222)
(HPGP  GR:29/12/14, 121; MISC:30/12/14, 134)
4. No any Major Outstanding Issue
Ganda ERP Project | 1 1
Progress update
Module / Function
Progress Update
1. All Customization have been Tested & OK
Sales & Marketing
Next Plan
1. Fixed 6 minor Issue, have been
2. All Opening Data have been Complete
2. Ready to Go-Live
Basic Data
User Skill
Module / Function
Logistic & FG Warehouse
3. Parallel Transaction have been up-to-date.
(TKP  SO:28/12/14, 1092 ; DO:29/12/14,1630)
(HPGP  SO:28/12/14, 276 ; DO:29/12/14, 271 )
4. There still have 6 minor issues, will be solved
before 20/12/14.
(B2B : 1 issue ; Report : 5 Issues)
Progress Update
1. All Customization have been Tested & OK
Next Plan
1. Fixed 2 minor Issues, have been
2. All Opening Data have been Complete
Basic Data
User Skill
2. HPGP Parallel Progress have to
catch up
3. TKP Parallel Transaction have been up-to-date,
but HPGP have input few transaction data.
(TKP  LC:29/12/14,18000; DN:29/12/14,10446) 3. MainGate Scanner and Truck Queue
functions execute field test
(HPGP  LC: 26/12/14, 28 ; DN: 25/12/14, 19)
4. There still have 2 minor issues, will be solved 4. Can Go-Live when HPGP Progress
before 20/12/14.
Ganda ERP Project | 2
Progress update
Module / Function
Progress Update
Next Plan
1. All Customization have been Delivered
1. Fixed 11 minor Issues
2. All Opening Data have been Complete
2. Execute Truck Scale Field Test
3. Parallel Transaction Almost up-to-date,
(TKP  Up to 29/12/14)
(HPGP  Up to 28/12/14)
3. Ready to Go-Live
Basic Data
User Skill
4. There still have 11 minor issues, will be solved
before 26/12/14.
: 7 minor issues to enhance functions ;
Packing : 4 minor Issues about Reports)
Ganda ERP Project | 3 3
Progress update
Module / Function
Progress Update
Next action Plan
1. All Customization have been Tested.
1. Fixed 3 minor Issues
2. Parallel Transaction have been up-to-date
(TKP  QC: 29/12/14, 4174)
(HPGP  QC: 29/12/14, 1151)
2. Ready to Go-Live
Q.C Reports
Basic Data
Module / Function
3. There are 3 minor issues regarding to QC
Reports, and will be fixed before 20/12/14
Progress Update
1. All Customization have been Tested & OK
Next action Plan
1. Ready to Go-Live
Electric Power
2. All Opening Data have been Complete.
Basic Data
3. Parallel Transaction have been up-to-date
(TKP  Elec: 29/12/14, 137)
(HPGP  Elec: 29/12/14, 65)
4. There are no any outstanding Issue now.
Ganda ERP Project | 4 4
Progress update
Module / Function
Equipment Maintenance
Basic Data
Progress Update
Next Plan
1. All Customization have been Delivered.
1. Fixed 6 minor Issues
2. All Opening Data have been Complete.
2. Can Go-Live Independently
3. Start to trail run Equip Maintenance Module
(TKP  RN:12/12/14, 242; WO:11/12/14, 64)
(HPGP  RN: 10/12/14, 8; WO: None, 0)
3. Prepare to Go-Live
4. There are still have 6 minor issue , and will
be solved before 25/12/14.
Module / Function
Progress Update
1. All Customization have been
Delivered and Functional Test OK !
Next Plan
1. Join Parallel Testing for Validation
2. Prepare to Go-Live
2. Start to Joint Parallel Simulation Test
Basic Data
Ganda ERP Project | 5 5
Progress update
Module / Function
Progress Update
Next action Plan
1. All Customization have been Delivered.
1. Keep fine tuning Report minor Issues
2. Most of Report have been join Parallel
Testing and keep fine tuning
2. Ready to Go-Live
Customization Reports
Basic Data
3. There are still have some minor Issues
about Report contents and Layout need
to be adjusted, and those Issue will be
closed before 30/12/14.
Ganda ERP Project | 6 6
Progress update
Module / Function
Finance & Accounting
Basic Data
User Skill
Progress Update
1. All Customization have been Delivered and
Testing now.
2. New Dual Currency Customization Solution
can meet CFC Accounting Requirement.
Next Plan
1. Complete Nov-2014 Accounting
Monthly Closing and Financial
Report Comparison before 20/12.
2. Prepare to Go-Live
3. All Opening Data have been Complete.
4. Parallel Transaction about 5 days behind
Current MIS system.
(Now is around 1st week of Dec-2014)
5. There are no any critical issue now, and all
of minor issue can be fixed in 2 days.
Ganda ERP Project | 7 7
Ganda ERP Project | 8
CFC ERP Financial & Accounting Issues Trend Analysis
31 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Issue Remain 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 3 3 3 4 9 4 2 8 2 0 6 4 6 6 10 10 10 13 12 8 8 7 7 7 7 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 7 4 1 3 10 3 0 1 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 3 4 0 0 0 3
Issue Raised
5 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 1 6 6 1 12 0 0 10 3 8 6 4 0 0 3 3 2 0 7 0 0 4 1 8 5 0 0 0 0 14 6 6 8 12 2 8 7 4 9 5 0 0 0 4 0 3 6 0 0 6
Issue Soved
4 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 11 3 6 6 2 4 5 6 6 0 0 0 0 4 6 0 8 0 0 4 4 8 4 0 0 0 0 12 9 9 6 5 9 11 6 2 9 4 0 0 0 3 2 2 10 0 0 3
Issue Remain
Issue Raised
Issue Soved
Ganda ERP Project | 9
Progress update
Module / Function
Cost Accounting
Basic Data
Progress Update
Next Plan
1. All Customization have been Delivered and
Under Testing now.
1. Fixed Cost Auto Voucher Transfer
Issue before 20-Dec-2014.
2. Due to Nov-2014 period still have some
transactions need to be input and update,
so now using current ERP data situation
to do Cost Simulation test now.
2. Complete Nov-2014 Period Full
Month Cost Calculation
Validation before 20/12.
3. Prepare to Go-Live
3. There is one Cost Voucher Transfer Issue
need to be solved but not influence Cost
Simulation. And this Cost Voucher Transfer
Issue will be solved before 12-Dec.
Ganda ERP Project | 10
Progress update
Module / Function
Progress Update
Next action Plan
1. All of CFC Additional HRM Customization
Programs have been delivered except
HRM B/C Class Report and new adding
requirement. all of remaining reports will
be delivered before 05-Jan-2015.
1. Deliver ESS final adjustment
customization to CFC before 16-Dec.
2. Complete HRM B/C Class Report s
and new adding requirement on time,
Basic Data
3. Star the HRM/ESS end user training
2. Full Month Salary Calculate Simulation
during 17-Dec ~ 19-Dec.
have been executed and have some P/S
bonus and OT need to adjustment.. These
related adjustment will be complete before 4. Start HRM/ESS Parallel Simulation
Testing from 21-Dec-2014.
3. Finger Printer, Shift Table Upload and ESS
function have been tested and need some
final adjustment. But those adjustment will
not impact HRM operation.
4. Decide to Star HRM/ESS Parallel testing
from 21-Dec-2014, and plan to HRM/ESS
Go-Live on 21-Feb-2014 after two month
HRM Parallel Simulation Testing.
Ganda ERP Project | 11
Progress update
HRM / ESS Outstanding Customization List
Ganda ERP Project | 12
Ganda ERP Project | 13
ERP Issue List for Packing Dept.
Ganda ERP Project | 14
ERP Issue List for Finish Goods Dept.
1. MFG module :
have not interface for keying in F/G part data of the P/K & Finished Goods
Daily report (New Requirement Adjustment)
2. Sales module:
Cxmt480 D/O paid, Completed ,Registered => consider <=Loading Date input
Cxmt480 remain <= 0 will not allow any new register
Cxmt480 remain >0 will alarm when remain < register qty
Cxmt480 D/O paid including deposit and delivery
Cxmt480 default loading date = today
Cxmt610 remain = DO - LC – LN
Remain <=0 ,not allow any new LN
Remain >0 , alert if new LN > remain
Cxmp220 not allow LN > remain = DO - LC
Cxmp220 add query function in first page
Cxmp220 commit very slow
Cxmt470 first time have trouble
Cxmt680 (1) detail merge by D/N No (2) report print DN No after Item No (3) export to pdf Vietnam word
code-error (4) Void invoice DN should release
Axmr500 (loading notice report) print unloading position to unload place only when LN type X or LNIW*
(1) DN select and show LN commit mapping
(2) Hide D/O payment
(3) Switch LN commt and D/N(
(4) Inovice not display still
Axmp410 add detail page
Cxmr101 <= D/O date
Ganda ERP Project | 15
ERP Issue List for Marketing Dept.
Cxmt470 : first time have trouble
Cxmr301 : export to excel no title
B2B Total cement quantity input report by unload place:
need provide click to drill down
CXMR301 :
The data not yet paid, should not appear.
The report output to excel ( data only ), lack off some column title.
Top summary now empty should have data.
CXMR 304 :
The beginned ending - balance volume of agents have not been updated yet.
The Sales quantities have not been updated yet.
CXMR 305 :
The data have not been updated yet.
Can’t export to Excel
In all reports CXMR 301, 302,303, 304, 305) :
Agents of branches are still displayed together, it must be separated agents by branch.
Branch can see their agents only (is not able to see agents of other branch).
Ganda ERP Project | 16
The CFC ERP Schedule for New Scope (1/2)
Parallel Simulation Testing (01-Nov)
Sales & B2B
Logistic / FG
Elec Power
QC Management
ERP Go Live
ERP Go Live
ERP Go Live
ERP Go Live
Basic Data upload
Test / Simulation
End User Training
Parallel Test Run
Ganda ERP Project | 17
The CFC ERP Schedule for New Scope (2/2)
Parallel Test (0\1/11)
SMS Service
Finace &
ERP Go Live
Go Live
Human Resource
Go Live
PLC Integration
Basic Data upload
Test / Simulation
End User Training
Parallel Test Run
Ganda ERP Project | 18