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Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Test 3
A. Use a lifeline.
C. Ask the class.
B. Ask a classmate.
D. Take a 50 / 50.
The time before writing:
A. Ancient
B. Historic
u D. Prehistoric
Building up thick layers of paint:
A. Linear
u B. Impasto
C. Cake
D. Stucco
Who invented the wheel in 3000 BCE:
u A. Sumerians
C. Olmecs
B. Egyptians
D. Shang
Caravaggio was from what period:
u A. Baroque
B. Medieval
C. Classical
D. Renaissance
A. Wounded a cop.
B. Killed a man.
C. Liked to fight.
u D. All of the above.
She was a great Baroque painter :
A. Holofernes
B. Judith
C. Danae
u D. Artemisia Gentileschi
Spanish renaissance artist:
A. Demoiselles
u B. El Greco
C. D’ Avignon
D. Van Dyck
A civilization in the Gulf of Mexico 1200 – 400 BCE:
A. Sumerian
B. Egypt
u C. Olmec
D. Shang
What is not a preoccupation of the renaissance:
A. Humanism
u B. Faith in revelation
C. Reason an science
D. Perspective in painting
What period of art was Raphael?
A. Baroque
B. Medieval
C. Classical
u D. Renaissance
From 1600-1750 an ornate, colorful, dramatic, period:
u A. Baroque
B. Medieval
C. Classical
D. Renaissance
Someone who excels in many fields is a:
u A. Renaissance Man
C. Savant
u B. Polymath
D. Savantist
What civilization had pyramids:
A. Sumerian
B. Egypt
C. Olmec
u D. All of the Above.
Human anatomy was first studied by:
u A. Andreas Vesalius
C. Galileo
u B. Leonardo da Vinci
D. Leibniz
Rembrandt was from what period:
u A. Baroque
B. Medieval
C. Classical
D. Renaissance
What renaissance architect reinvented the dome?
A. Vasari
B. Santa Maria del Florence
C. Ghiberti
u D. Filippo Brunelleschi
The Earth revolves around the Sun was discovered by?
A. Andreas Vesalius
u B. Copernicus
C. Galileo
D. Leibniz
The father of modern science and astronomy:
A. Andreas Vesalius
B. Copernicus
u C. Galileo
D. Leibniz
The first civilization from 6000 – 1000 BCE:
u A. Sumerian
B. Egypt
C. Olmec
D. Shang
The first civilization to build ships:
A. Sumerian
u B. Egypt
C. Olmec
D. Shang
Name this prehistoric figure:
A. Lascaux
B. Olmec
C. Sumer
uD. Venus
The name Renaissance means:
A. React
u B. Rebirth
C. Age of Reason
D. Revelation
What civilization inspired the renaissance?
A. Spain
u C. Greece
B. Egypt
D. Rome
What period of art was Leonardo Da Vinci?
A. Baroque
B. Medieval
C. Classical
u D. Renaissance
Where did the renaissance begin?
A. Spain
B. Egypt
C. Greece
u D. Rome
Who painted the Sistine Chapel?
A. Polyclitus
B. Kritios
u C. Michelangelo
D. Myron
The period that came after the renaissance:
u A. Baroque
B. Classical
C. Medieval
D. Middle Ages
Akhenaton and Nefertiti were the parents of:
A. Horus
B. Ramesses II
C. Gilhamesh
u D. Tutankhamun
Painting with colored plaster on a wall:
A. Mosaic
u C. Fresco
B. Prosaic
D. Freeze
China’s first dynasty in 1400 BCE:
A. Quing
B. Xia
C. Ming
u D. Shang
The first Olympic game was in 776 BCE:
A. Spain
B. England
u C. Greece
D. Rome
What period of art was Michelangelo?
A. Baroque
B. Medieval
C. Classical
u D. Renaissance
What period of music was Bach?
u A. Baroque
B. Medieval
C. Classical
D. Renaissance
Lascaux is a?
u A. Cave
B. Church
C. Period
D. Poem
Realistic to ideal Greek art from 500 – 323 BCE:
A. Baroque
B. Medieval
u C. Classical
D. Renaissance
The period after the fall of Rome 476 – 1400 CE:
A. Baroque
u B. Medieval
C. Classical
D. Renaissance
The period of rebirth from 1400 - 1700 CE:
A. Baroque
B. Medieval
C. Classical
u D. Renaissance
Egyptian writing:
u A. Hieroglyphics
B. Kouroi
C. Akhenaton
D. Cuneiform
Art of a recognizable but radically changed object:
A. Dadaism
B. Realism
C. Abstract Expressionism
u D. Abstract
Art fired from clay:
u A. Ceramics
B. Mache
C. Haiku
D. Collage
The Old Stone Age is what era:
A. Neanderthal
B. Olmec
C. Neolithic
u D. Paleolithic
The New Stone Age is what era:
A. Neanderthal
B. Olmec
u C. Neolithic
D. Paleolithic
Farming began in 8000 BCE in what era:
A. Neanderthal
B. Olmec
u C. Neolithic
D. Paleolithic
Civilization requires what things:
A. City
C. Government
B. Writing
D. Trade and Religion
What Greek artist created the first realistic sculpture?
A. Polyclitus
B. El Greco
u C. Kritios
D. Myron
What Greek artist created the first idealistic sculpture?
u A. Polyclitus
B. El Greco
C. Kritios
D. Myron
Among the Northwest coast Indians, who may perform
a song?
u A. The owner
B. The tribe
C. The owner's family
D. Anyone
The foremost painter of the Harlem Renaissance was?
u A. Aaron Douglas
B. W. E. B. Dubois
C. William Henry Johnson
D. Palmer Hayden
Who was the first Black American artist to draw heavily
on African themes and folklore?
A. Jacob Lawrence
u B. Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller
C. Aaron Douglas
D. Alain Locke
The German movement in art between 1905-1930
that focused on feelings was:
A. Fauvism
B. Cubism
C. Futurism
u D. Expressionism
A style of art created by Picasso that merges
the space around the objects with the objects.
A. Fauvism
B. Expressionism
u C. Cubism
D. Futurism
An identifying characteristics of African music:
A. Four-part harmonies
B. Duple meters
u C. Drone notes
D. Simple rhythms
The earliest pioneer of African-American dance was:
A. Alvin Ailey
B. Talley Beatty
C. Pearl Primus
u D. Asadata Dafora Horton
The mobiles of Alexander Calder represent what style?
u A. Abstraction
B. Expressionism
C. Futurism
D. Surrealism
Who was called the "poet laureate of Harlem"?
A. Jacob Lawrence
u B. Langston Hughes
C. Aaron Douglas
D. Alain Locke
Who sculpted Unique Forms of Continuity in Space?
A. Picasso
u B. Boccioni
C. Beckmann
D. Matisse
Fascination with dreams and the subconscious mind
is a characteristic associated with what style?
u A. Surrealism
B. Expressionism
C. Futurism
D. Abstraction
What style excludes representational subject matter?
A. Abstraction
B. Surrealism
C. Expressionism
u D. Abstract Expressionism
Dripping paint on a canvas is best associated with
what artist?
u A. Jackson Pollock
B. Helen Frankenthaler
C. Roy Lichtenstein
D. Claes Oldenburg
The Ben Day screen of dots is a technique associated
with what style?
A. Op Art
u B. Pop Art
C. Photo Realism
D. Hard Edge
The Prairie Style was the creation of what architect?
A. Louis Sullivan
B. August Perret
u C. Frank Lloyd Wright
D. I. M. Pei
The most influential figure in modern dance was:
A. Ruth St. Denis
B. Merce Cunningham
C. Alwin Nikolais
u D. Martha Graham
Henri Matisse is best associated with what style?
A. Futurism
C. Abstraction
u B. Fauvism
D. Surrealism
Believing your culture is the most important, and
measuring other cultures by your own is called:
u A. Ethnocentrism
B. Pluralism
C. Cultural Relativism
D. Minoritism
Evaluating a culture by its own values, beliefs, and
customs is called:
A. Ethnocentrism
B. Pluralism
u C. Cultural Relativism
D. Minoritism
Including works of artists from other cultures is called:
A. Postmodernism
u B. Pluralism
C. Modernism
D. All of the above.
What movement of art that believes no single theory
can completely explain human nature?
A. Ethnocentrism
B. Modernism
u C. Postmodernism
Pablo Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d'Avignon –
1907 was the first:
u A. Cubist painting
B. Ethnocentric art
C. Pluralist painting
D. Cuneiform painting
This movement started in Italy in 1910. It's expresses
modern society, motion, energy, and machinery.
A. Cubism
C. Dada
B. Realism
u D. Futurism
An art movement started in Switzerland during
World War I, is anti-art, anti-war, and anarchistic.
A. Futurism
u B. Dada
C. Mechanism
D. Cubism
What kind of artist is Salvador Dali?
A. Realist
B. Abstract Expressionist
u C. Surrealist
D. Cubist
What woman artist was a surrealist?
A. Georgia O'Keefe
B. Louise Nevelson
u C. Frida Kahlo
D. Judy Chicago
An art movement from the1950s. It uses cultural
subjects from advertising, comic books, etc:
B. Abstract
C. Ephemeral art
u D. Pop Art
Andy Warho and Roy Lichtenstein were from
what art movement?
u A. Pop Art
C. Cubism
B. Dada
D. Realism
Who designed The Pompidou Center?
A. Joel Shapiro
u B. Renzo Piano and
Richard Rogers
C. Michael Graves
D. Ricardo Bofill
The Harlem Renaissance is an example of:
A. Renaissance art
u B. Pluralism
C. Expressionism
D. Pop Art