Transcript Slide 1

Neil Quisenberry (Sociology)
Alan Alewine (Mathematics)
Are you irresistibly drawn to the podium
every time you enter a classroom?
Do you become irritable when a student’s
raised hand interrupts your monologue?
Are members of your class still nameless
and faceless to you by midterm?
Do you still believe that students eagerly
await the pearls of wisdom that drop from
your lips?
The problem is not lecturing but the
abuse of the method by going on
lecture binges.
Excessive, out-of-control lecturing is
an addiction.
Recovery is possible through a 12
step program.
Lecture in moderation.
You control your lectures; your lectures
do not control you.
Use interactive lectures
Acknowledge that you have a problem in your
teaching; it’s not yet perfect.
Each group member receives a number from
1 to 4.
 Begin in pairs (1&2; 3&4).
 Set a time limit.
 Tell your story to your partner; partner
listens. Switch. (I-Step 1)
 Tell your partner’s story to the group.
(I-Step 2)
 Tell the class. (I-Step 3)
Sharing your own ideas
Listening to the ideas of others
Taking turns
Admit that there is an educational power (or
perspective) greater than yourself and turn
yourself over to that higher power or
Active learning may involve…
by doing.
Discussion with others
Thinking, reasoning, problem-solving, etc.
Reading, writing, drawing, computing, doing
kinesthetic activities, making music, etc.
Working with manipulatives
Active learning is NOT simply listening.
This is one example of an active learning
Break class into small groups of 4-5 students.
Make one student from each group the reporter.
Groups will brainstorm about an idea being discussed in
Reporters from each group line up in front of the class.
In round-robin fashion, each reporter quickly explains
one idea from his/her group.
Continue with round-robin until all ideas are shared
with the class.
Make a searching and fearless inventory of
your teaching practices.
Student evaluations
Peer observations
Suggestion box
Classroom assessments
One-minute papers
Comprehension signals (we’ll explain!)
Diagnostic quizzes
Listening in on group discussions
Attending to group feedback
Atone for your “wrongs”
Be action-oriented, not guilt-oriented!
Enroll in workshops for faculty (duh!)
Read about active learning (AL) strategies
Try a new AL strategy with your students
Observe another teaching who uses AL
Co-plan an AL lesson with another teacher
Team teach an AL lesson
Form an AL support group (or join the teaching circle!)
Invite former students to lecture to YOU!
Attend boring, endless lectures (Betsy Gordon!) and
sit in a hard chair in the back of the room.
Listen to tapes of your worst lectures.
Purge yellowed lecture notes from your files.
Volunteer to chair a committee on the importance of
active learning.
Other ideas?
Maintain the
Improvements you have
made in your teaching
Remember to meditate or reflect on your teaching.
Be aware of internal and environmental cues that
can trigger your addiction.
When faced with temptation to lecture,
Call your support team
Make use of affirmations
Lectures all day keep learning at bay.
Lectures through the day keep students in a daze.
A little lecturing goes a long way, a lot of lecturing
makes a long day.
A lecture a day keeps the students away.
Talk the talk and the students will walk, walk, walk!
Other affirmations?
Spread the word to other
Model the techniques of active learning
Embody this higher power in your teaching
Meet regularly with your support group (teaching
Share ideas and resources for active learning
Emphasize interactive learning by alternating short
lectures with brief pair or group activities
Cooperative Learning: Increasing College Faculty
Instructional Productivity
Cooperative Learning Resources
The International Association for the Study of
Cooperation in Education
I am a lecture-hall-ic and I must invoke the help of the
higher power of active learning.
Today, I will control my lecturing. Instead of living to
lecture, I will lecture only to inspire, illuminate,
invigorate, and inform.
I will alternate between little lectures and active learning
When feeling the temptation to go on a lecture binge, I will
recite my affirmation(s), call my support group and
connect to my PAL (power of active learning).
I will reach out and support my brother and sister lecturehall-ics, and help them stay on the wagon of active