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DCMS: Training Manual
Help Desk Management
July, 2010
DCMS Web Application
Help Desk Management
Training Manual
21 July 2015
DCMS is a system, demanded by HPCL to remain leader in the
LPG industry of India. This manual makes the user acquainted
with the services offered by the Online Help Desk of DCMS.
21 July 2015
This manual guides the distributors on how to use the Online Help Desk
of DCMS.
Intended Audience
Distributors of HP Gas
21 July 2015
Organization of the Manual
Section/Chapter Name
Short Description
Logging In to the Online Help Desk.
Ticket Management
Logging and Searching Tickets.
Contain Frequently Asked Questions and an
option to download the User manual.
User Management
Allows User to change the Login Password.
21 July 2015
Online Help Desk
Help Desk is an online support system available to the
users of the system in case of any difficulties.
1. To avail the service, one has to log in to the Online Help
Desk with the Log In ID and Password provided to them.
2. To log in, one has to enter the following URL into the
address bar of the Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or
any other like Internet Browser:
21 July 2015
Login screen
Login Id
Log In
21 July 2015
1. On entering the Login ID and the Password, the
user is shown a Select User Role drop down
2. This list is customized to offer only those roles to
an individual user that he should be able to log in
21 July 2015
Login screen after clicking on Log In…
Select User
21 July 2015
The First Screen after a Successful Login…
21 July 2015
Ticket Management
1. Whenever the User reports any difficulty pertaining to the
system, he is said to have “logged a ticket”.
2. Logging a ticket involves generation of a Ticket Number
with which the Ticket can be accessed further.
3. Ticket Management is undertaken through two screens:
a. Log New Ticket
b. Search Ticket
21 July 2015
Log New Ticket
1. This screen is highly customized to help the User identify
and log his Complaint properly.
2. A 4-step hierarchy is used where selection of values in one
step directly affects the values available in the next step.
This helps the User to categorize the Problem step by step.
3. The steps involved are:
b. Type
c. Item
d. Summary
21 July 2015
21 July 2015
1. The Severity indicates Business Criticality of the problem.
2. The Priority indicates the Level of Priority desired by the User.
3. Files upto 2 MB and of specified file types may also be uploaded if
4. Values for the fields Screen Code and the Version can be obtained
by running the Application and checking the Screen Code of the
problematic screen and the Version Number of the Application.
5. Once Submitted, a Ticket Number gets generated and the Ticket
Status gets set Open.
21 July 2015
Version and Screen Code
Screen Code
21 July 2015
Search Ticket
1. Complaints logged by an User can be searched using this screen. An
User can however view only the Complaints logged by himself.
2. Orders can be looked up on the basis of a number of criteria like From
Date and To Date, Ticket Number, Ticket Status etc.
3. Providing two or more of the above inputs greatly refines the Search
4. In the Ticket Details table displayed as result, the Ticket Numbers
remain hyper linked and clicking on each entry shows the details of
the Order in a View/Solve Ticket screen.
21 July 2015
Search Ticket screen…
Ticket No.
21 July 2015
 Once Opened, the Ticket is sent to a suitable Support
Staff who views it, resolves it and leaves a Message to
User regarding the resolution. The Ticket Status is then
set to Resolved.
 The User can again view the Ticket, read the message from
the Support Staff and decide if he is satisfied or not. If
satisfied, the User may set the status to Closed, else he
can set the Status to Reopened and leave User Remarks.
 This cycle of Resolving and Reopening continues till
the User is satisfied with the solution and Closes the
21 July 2015
View / Solve Ticket screen…
to User
User Remarks
21 July 2015
Help to the Users is offered through two options which are
as follows:
1. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
2. Manual
21 July 2015
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. FAQs or Frequently Asked Questions include the
common problems that an User might face while using
the system and their logical solutions presented in a
Question-Answer fashion.
2. Following the solutions suggested on this page, a
number of User quests maybe answered.
3. One can return to the Home Page by clicking on the Back
21 July 2015
Frequently Asked Questions screen…
21 July 2015
1. On clicking the Manual option under Help, the system
prompts the Users whether they would like to Download
the User manual or not.
2. On clicking the Open button the Manual is displayed to
the User while clicking the Save button saves it to the
User's computer.
3. Clicking on Cancel closes the prompting window.
21 July 2015
Pop-up Window for User Manual Download…
Click on
21 July 2015
User Management
1. User Management deals with maintenance of the User Accounts.
2. It involves a Change Password screen.
3. The User has to provide the Old Password, the desired New
Password and a reconfirmation of the New Password an then
click on the Submit the request or cancel the request by clicking on
the Back button.
4. It must however be kept in mind that the New Password must contain
at least one Lower Case character, one Upper Case character,
one Numeric Digit, one Special character. The Password should
have a length in the range of 8-16 characters.
21 July 2015
Change Password screen…
Old Password
Confirm Password
New Password
Click on Submit
21 July 2015
Thank You
21 July 2015