Transcript Slide 1

Basic Blood Gas Interpretation
Values Measured
• PaO2 – amount of oxygen in the arterial blood
• SaO2 – percent saturation of the hemoglobin as
measured by a CO-oximeter
Values Measured
• SpO2 – percent saturation of the hemoglobin as
measured by a pulse oximeter
• Hb – amount of hemoglobin present
Values Measured
• Hct (Hematocrit) – percent of the blood that is
composed of cells
• pH – concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in the
arterial blood
Values Measured
• PaCO2 – amount of carbon dioxide in the arterial
• HCO3ˉ – amount of bicarbonate in the arterial blood
Values Measured
• B.E. (base excess/base deficit) – the total of all
buffering systems in the arterial blood
• CO – amount of carbon monoxide present in the
arterial blood
Determination of Oxygenation
• Normal Values
– PaO2
• 80 – 100 mmHg
– Mild hypoxemia
• 60 – 79 mmHg
– Moderate hypoxemia
• 40 – 59 mmHg
– Severe hypoxemia
• < 40 mmHg
– SaO2
• 93% – 97%
• 88-92% COPD/lung
– Hb
• Males: 13.5 – 16.5 g/dl
• Females: 12 – 15 g/dl
– Hct
• Males: 42 – 54%
• Females: 38 – 47%
Determination of Oxygenation
• Normal Values
– CaO2
• Males: 17.1 – 21.7 ml/dl
• Females: 14.9 – 19.7 ml/dl
– COHb
• <3%
Method of Determining
• Evaluate the PaO2
– 80 – 100 mmHg: normal oxygenation
– > 100 mmHg: hyperoxygenation
– 60 – 79 mmHg: mild hypoxemia
Method of Determining
• Evaluate the PaO2
– 40 – 59 mmHg: moderate hypoxemia
– < 40 mmHg: severe hypoxemia
Method of Determining
• Evaluate the SaO2
– > 93%: normal oxygenation
– < 93%: may be hypoxemic; examine the hemoglobin
Method of Determining
• Evaluate the Hb
– 12 – 16 g/dl: normal
– < 12 g/dl: anemic
– > 16 g/dl: polycythemic
Method of Determining
• Evaluate the CaO2
– 17 – 20 ml/dl: normal
– 15 – 17 ml/dl: mild hypoxia
– 12 – 14.9 ml/dl: moderate hypoxia
– < 12 ml/dl: severe hypoxia
Method of Determining
• Other factors in oxygenation
– Abnormal forms of hemoglobin:
• Detectable by CO-oximeter, not pulse oximeter
Estimate PaO2
• Predicated PaO2 based on age= Estimated value of what
there PaO2 might be
• PaO2= 110 – half the person’s age
• example: 20 year old. 110 – 10= PaO2 100
• (PaO2 of 60 will equal approximately 90% saturation based
on the oxyhemoglobin curve)
Determination of Acid Base
• pH is equal to the –log of the hydrogen ion
– pH = – Log [H+]
Determination of Acid Base
• Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
– pH = pK + Log
– pH = pK + Log HCO3 (Renal)
Paco2 x0.03 (Lungs)
Determination of Acid Base
• pH measures the blood’s acidity or alkalinity
– Must always be determined first when assessing
acid- base balance
Determination of Acid Base
PaCO2 is our stimulus to breathe
– A high PaCO2 indicates that not enough carbon dioxide
is being exhaled
– A low PaCO2 indicates that too much carbon dioxide is
being eliminated
Determination of Acid Base
• Evaluate base excess or bicarbonate (metabolic
– Is it acidic or alkaline
– 22- 26 mEq/L is normal
– > 26 Indicates metabolic alkalosis
– < 22 Indicates metabolic acidosis
Determination of Acid Base
• Bicarbonate is the base or buffer that “neutralizes”
hydrogen ions (HCO3)
• Bicarbonate is made in the red blood cells, liver,
and kidney
Determination of Acid Base
• When bicarbonate levels are elevated, an excess
of alkalinity exists in the metabolic systems
• When bicarbonate levels are low, an excess of
acidity exists in the metabolic systems
Determination of Acid Base
• If the pH is not normal, identify whether it is acidic
or alkaline
Determination of Acid Base
• Identify whether the PaCO2 or bicarbonate
disturbance (acidosis or alkalosis) matches The pH
change (acidosis or alkalosis)
– This is the “cause” of the problem and represents where
treatment should be directed. (e.g. if pH is acidic, PaCO2
is alkaline and bicarbonate is acidic, the problem is a
metabolic acidosis)
Determination of Acid Base
• If the pH is not 7.40 but within the normal range
(7.35 - 7.45), the disturbance is fully compensated
• If both the respiratory and metabolic parameters
match the pH, the problem is a combined
Determination of Acid Base
• A change in the opposite direction (acidosis or
alkalosis) by the parameter (PaCO2 or bicarbonate)
that does not match the pH is an attempt to restore
the pH (referred to as partial compensation)
Evaluation of Compensation
pH Normal
PaCO2 Normal
HCO3 Normal
Normal Acid-Base
PaCO2 Elevated
HCO3 Elevated
Fully Compensated
Acidemia or Fully
Metabolic Alkalemia
PaCO2 Decreased
HCO3 Decreased
Fully Compensated
Respiratory Alkalemia
of Fully Compensated
Metabolic Acidemia
Arterial Punctures
• Indications1
– Need to evaluate ventilation, acid-base balance, and
oxygenation of blood
– Assess the patient’s response to therapy
– Monitor and assess the severity and progression of a
disease process
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Sampling for Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
Arterial Punctures
• Contraindications1
– Negative Allen test
– Presence of a surgical shunt proximal to the sample site
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Sampling for Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
Dialysis shunt
Arterial Punctures
• Contraindications1
– Presence of a lesion at the sample site
– Coagulopathy or medium to high dose anticoagulation
therapy (relative contraindication)
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Sampling for Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
Arterial Punctures
• Hazards and complications1
– Arteriospasm
– Air or clotted blood emboli
– Hematoma
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Sampling for Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
Arterial Punctures
• Hazards and complications1
– Hemorrhage
– Pain
– Arterial occlusion
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Sampling for Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
Arterial Punctures
• Hazards and complications1
– Trauma to the vessel
– Vasovagal response
– Patient or sample contamination
– Anaphylaxis (if local anesthetic used, Xylocain)
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Sampling for Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
Arterial Punctures
• Assessment of need for arterial sample1
– Initiation, change, or discontinuation of therapy (oxygen
or ventilatory support)
– History and physical indicators
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Sampling for Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
Arterial Punctures
• Assessment of need for arterial sample1
– Presence of other abnormal diagnostic tests or findings
– Baseline study for pulmonary rehabilitation program
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Sampling for Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
Arterial Punctures
• Frequency of monitoring1
– Dependent upon clinical status of the patient and
presence of indications
– If frequent monitoring required, use alternating sites or
indwelling arterial catheter
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Sampling for Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
Arterial Punctures
• Allen Test
– Performed to determine presence of adequate collateral
circulation in the hand
– Cannot be used with uncooperative or unconscious
Arterial Punctures
• Allen Test
– Procedure
• Have patient clench hand into a tight fist
• Apply pressure to occlude flow through the radial and ulnar
• Open hand; observe to ensure that the palm and fingers are
Arterial Punctures
• Allen Test
– Procedure
• Remove pressure from the ulnar artery
• Observe time necessary for flushing of hand
• Test is negative for collateral circulation if flushing does not
occur within 20 seconds; an alternative site is chosen
The Modified Allen Test
The modified Allen test. A, The hand is clenched into a tight fist and
pressure is applied to the radial and ulnar arteries. B, The hand is
opened (but not fully extended); the palm and fingers are blanched. C,
Removal of pressure on the ulnar artery should result in flushing of the
entire hand.
Which Artery to Choose?
• The radial artery is superficial, has collaterals and is easily
compressed. It should almost always be the first choice.
• Other arteries (femoral, dorsalis pedis, brachial) can be
used in emergencies.
Preparing to perform the
• Make sure you and the patient are comfortable.
• Assess the patency of the radial and ulnar arteries.
Procedure For Obtaining an
Arterial Sample (Radius)
• Confirm the order in the patient’s chart
• Note any contraindications and notify physician if
any exist
Procedure For Obtaining an
Arterial Sample (Radius)
• Ensure that patient is in a steady state (no changes
in oxygen status for at least twenty minutes)
• Obtain and assemble necessary equipment
Procedure For Obtaining an
Arterial Sample (Radius)
• Wash hands, don protective equipment, explain
the procedure to the patient
• Position the patient correctly
Procedure For Obtaining an
Arterial Sample (Radius)
• Perform an Allen test and confirm collateral
• Cleanse the site with 70% isopropyl alcohol or
other antiseptic
Procedure For Obtaining an
Arterial Sample (Radius)
• Inject local anesthetic, if hospital protocol
• Heparinize the syringe, if not already heparinized
Procedure For Obtaining an
Arterial Sample (Radius)
• Palpate and secure the artery
• Insert the needle, bevel up, at a 45° angle through
the skin until blood pulsates into the syringe
Procedure For Obtaining an
Arterial Sample (Radius)
• Withdraw the needle when sufficient sample is
• Apply firm pressure to the puncture site using a
gauze pad
Procedure For Obtaining an
Arterial Sample (Radius)
• Maintain pressure for a minimum of five minutes,
longer if patient is on anticoagulant therapy
• Expel any air bubbles from the syringe
Procedure For Obtaining an
Arterial Sample (Radius)
• Mix the sample and label it
• Place the sample in an icy slush (only if a delay in
running the sample is expected)
Procedure For Obtaining an
Arterial Sample (Radius)
• Dispose of any waste material in the appropriate
• Document the procedure
Arterial Puncture
The Kit
Air bubbles
• Gas equilibration between ambient air (pO2 ~ 150,
pCO2~0) and arterial blood.
• pO2 will begin to rise, pCO2 will fall
• Effect is a function of duration of exposure and
surface area of air bubble.
• Effect is amplified by pneumatic tube transport.
• After specimen collected and air bubble removed, gently
mix and invert syringe.
• Because the wbcs are metabolically active, they will
consume oxygen.
• Plastic syringes are gas permeable.
• Key: Minimize time from sample acquisition to analysis.
• Placing the AGB on ice may help minimize changes,
depending on the type of syringe, pO2 and white blood cell
• Its probably not as important if the specimen is delivered
Pre-Analysis Errors
• Presence of air in the sample
– Recognized by presence of bubbles or froth,
inconsistent PaCO2
– Allows diffusion of CO2 into the air, lowering the PaCO2
– As the CO2 diffuses, pH is raised
Pre-Analysis Errors
• Presence of air in the sample
– In low PaO2 states, O2 diffuses into the blood, raising
the PaO2
– In high PaO2 states, O2 diffuses out of the blood,
lowering the PaO2
Pre-Analysis Errors
• Venous admixture
– Recognized by failure of syringe to fill by pulsations,
inconsistent PaO2
– Higher PaCO2 than expected
Pre-Analysis Errors
• Venous admixture
– Lower pH than expected
– Lower PaO2 than expected (may be significantly lower)
Pre-Analysis Errors
• Metabolic effects
– Caused by excessive time lag between sampling and
analysis or improper storage of sample
– Increase in PaCO2 as cellular metabolism continues
– Decrease in pH secondary to increase in PaCO2
– Decrease in PaO2 as cells use up oxygen
Pre-Analysis Errors
• Excessive anticoagulant in syringe
– Caused by allowing excessive heparin to remain in
syringe (dead space only should have heparin)
– Lowers PaCO2
– Raises pH
Pre-Analysis Errors
• Excessive anticoagulant in syringe
– Raises low PaO2
– Lowers high PaO2
Capillary Sampling
• Used as an alternative to arterial sampling in
infants and small children.
• Sample may approximate pH and PaCO2 values;
PaO2 value is generally inaccurate
Capillary Sampling
• Indications2
– ABG analysis is indicated, but access is not possible
– Assessment of initiation, administration, or change in
therapy is indicated
– Change in patient status is detected
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Capillary Blood Gas Sampling for Neonatal and
Pediatric Patients
Capillary Sampling
• Indications2
– Monitoring severity or progression of disease is
– Noninvasive monitor readings are abnormal
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Capillary Blood Gas Sampling for Neonatal and
Pediatric Patients
Capillary Sampling
• Contraindications2
– Capillary punctures should not be performed at or
• The posterior curvature of the heel (Bone Damage)
• Fingers of neonates (nerve damage)
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Capillary Blood Gas Sampling for Neonatal and
Pediatric Patients
Capillary Sampling
• Contraindications2
– Capillary punctures should not be performed at or
• Heel of an infant who has begun walking
• Previous puncture sites
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Capillary Blood Gas Sampling for Neonatal and
Pediatric Patients
Capillary Sampling
• Contraindications2
– Capillary punctures should not be performed at or
• Inflamed, swollen, or edematous tissue
• Localized areas of infection
• Cyanotic or poorly perfused areas
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Capillary Blood Gas Sampling for Neonatal and
Pediatric Patients
Capillary Sampling
• Contraindications2
– Contraindicated:
• In patients less than twenty-four hours of age
• When there is a need for direct analysis of oxygenation
• When there is a need for direct analysis of arterial blood
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Capillary Blood Gas Sampling for Neonatal and
Pediatric Patients
Capillary Sampling
• Contraindications2
– Relatively contraindicated:
• When peripheral vasoconstriction is present
• In the hypotensive patient
• In polycythemia
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Capillary Blood Gas Sampling for Neonatal and
Pediatric Patients
Capillary Sampling
• Precautions and/or complications2
– Contamination and infection of the patient
– Inappropriate management through use of capillary
rather than arterial samples
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Capillary Blood Gas Sampling for Neonatal and
Pediatric Patients
Capillary Sampling
• Precautions and/or complications2
– Burns
– Bone calcification
– Bruising
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Capillary Blood Gas Sampling for Neonatal and
Pediatric Patients
Capillary Sampling
• Precautions and/or complications2
– Pain
– Hematoma
– Nerve damage
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Capillary Blood Gas Sampling for Neonatal
and Pediatric Patients
Capillary Sampling
• Precautions and/or complications2
– Scarring
– Bleeding
– Tibial artery laceration
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Capillary Blood Gas Sampling for Neonatal and
Pediatric Patients
Capillary Sampling
• Assessment of need2
– Should be performed only when a documented need
exists and arterial access is unavailable or
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Capillary Blood Gas Sampling for Neonatal and
Pediatric Patients
Capillary Sampling
• Assessment of need2
– When initiation, administration, or change in therapy
– When noninvasive monitoring and assessment indicates
a change in condition has occurred
Excerpt from the AARC Clinical Practice Guideline for Capillary Blood Gas Sampling for Neonatal and
Pediatric Patients
Procedure for Obtaining a
Capillary Sample
• Verify the order and the need for a capillary sample
• Note any complications and notify the physician if
any exist
Procedure for Obtaining a
Capillary Sample
• Ensure that patient is in a steady state (no changes
in oxygen status for at least twenty minutes)
• Wash hands and don protective equipment
Procedure for Obtaining a
Capillary Sample
• Select the site
• Warm the site up to 42° C For ten minutes using a
compress, heat lamp or commercial hot pack
Procedure for Obtaining a
Capillary Sample
• Cleanse the skin with an antiseptic solution
• Puncture the skin (less than 2.5 mm) with a lancet
Procedure for Obtaining a
Capillary Sample
• Wipe away the first drop of blood and observe free
flow (do not squeeze)
• Fill the sample tube from the middle of the drop
until it is full
Procedure for Obtaining a
Capillary Sample
• Place the flea in the tube and seal the ends
• Tape sterile cotton or a bandage over the puncture
Procedure for Obtaining a
Capillary Sample
• Mix the sample by moving the magnet back and
forth along the tube
• Place the sample in an icy slush
Procedure for Obtaining a
Capillary Sample
• Dispose of waste materials properly
• Document the procedure
Capillary Tubes
Neonatal Puncture Site
Capillary Sampling
Finger Stick
Heel Stick
Capillary Blood Gas
Capillary Blood Gas
Cord Gas
Arterial Lines
• The arterial line with transducers is usually used to obtain
accurate blood pressure readings every few seconds. This
is especially important in monitoring the hemodynamic
status of a critical patient. With an arterial line, the
immediate effects of medication can be seen. Both systolic,
diastolic and mean pressures can be monitored
immediately. This is especially important when pressors
such as Nipride, dopamine or Levophed are being used.
• Another advantage of using an arterial line is that frequent
blood samples can be obtained.
A-line monitoring
This system consists of
• arterial line connected by saline filled non-compressible
tubing to apressure transducer. This converts the pressure
waveform into an electrical signal which is displayed on the
bedside monitor
• pressurized saline for flushing
A-Line Monitoring
• Sources of error
• failure of any one of the components in system
• transducer position
– pressure displayed is pressure relative to position of transducer
– in order to reflect blood pressure accurately transducer should be at
level of heart. Over-reading will occur if transducer too low and underreading if transducer too high
– transducer must be zeroed to atmospheric pressure
• damping. Important to have appropriate amount of damping in the
system. Inadequate damping will result in excessive resonance in
the system and an overestimate of systolic pressure and an
underestimate of diastolic pressure. The opposite occurs with
overdamping. In both cases the mean arterial pressure is the
most accurate. An underdamped trace is often characterized by a
high initial spike in the waveform.
A-line Monitoring
A-line Complications
distal ischemia
arterial thrombosis
– disconnection
– around line
• accidental drug injection
• damage to artery eg aneurysm
Drawing Blood from an A-line
A-line Placement
• 1. Prepare a 500 ml bag of normal saline. Most institutions no longer
use a heparinized bag. Spike the bag with the transducer administration
set. Remove all air from the tubing and transducer set. Pay particular
attention to the transducer part of the Tubing and the flush port. The
smallest air bubble must be removed to insure transducer accuracy. The
easiest way to do this is to pressurize the bag up to 300 mm Hg, then
invert the bag, and fast flush it to remove all air from the bag.
• 2. Pressurize the pressure bag to 300 mm Hg. The purpose of this is to
provide backpressure to prevent blood from contaminating the
• 3. With the transducer connected to the monitor, select arterial monitor,
and perform a transducer check by fast flushing the line. As you do this,
you should see a change in the waveform. This is called a square wave
A-line Placement
• 4. Zero the transducer and monitor by placing the
transducer at the phlebostatic axis of the patient. Close the
line off to patient and open to air. Press zero on the monitor.
To monitor pressure, close the port off to an air and open to
• 5. At this point the patient catheter is ready to be connected.
Connect the catheter and fast flush to clear the catheter of
• 6. You should now see an arterial waveform on the monitor
with arterial blood pressure and mean should be on the
monitor screen. Check for good waveform
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
42 mmHg
• HCO3
23 mEq/L
• PaO2
97 mmHg
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
42 mmHg
• HCO3
23 mEq/L
• PaO2
97 mmHg
• Normal acid-base
balance with normal
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
49 mmHg
• HCO3
26 mEq/L
• PaO2
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
49 mmHg
• HCO3
26 mEq/L
• PaO2
• Uncompensated or acute
respiratory acidemia with
mild hypoxemia
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
60 mmHg
• HCO3
29 mEq/L
• PaO2
58 mmHg
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
60 mmHg
• HCO3
29 mEq/L
• PaO2
58 mmHg
• Partially compensated
respiratory acidemia with
moderate hypoxemia
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
60 mmHg
• HCO3
19 mEq/L
• PaO2
60 mmHg
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
60 mmHg
• HCO3
19 mEq/L
• PaO2
60 mmHg
• Lab error
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
63 mmHg
• HCO3
33 mEq/L
• PaO2
60 mmHg
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
63 mmHg
• HCO3
33 mEq/L
• PaO2
60 mmHg
• Compensated respiratory
acidemia with mild
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
28 mmHg
• HCO3
8 mEq/L
• PaO2
104 mmHg
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
28 mmHg
• HCO3
8 mEq/L
• PaO2
104 mmHg
• Partially compensated
metabolic acidemia with
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
24 mmHg
• HCO3
18 mEq/L
• PaO2
109 mmHg
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
24 mmHg
• HCO3
18 mEq/L
• PaO2
109 mmHg
• Fully compensated
metabolic acidemia with
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
48 mmHg
• HCO3
33 mEq/L
• PaO2
79 mmHg
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
48 mmHg
• HCO3
33 mEq/L
• PaO2
79 mmHg
• Fully compensated
metabolic alkalemia with
mild hypoxemia
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
30 mmHg
• HCO3
35 mEq/L
• PaO2
81 mmHg
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
30 mmHg
• HCO3
35 mEq/L
• PaO2
81 mmHg
• Lab error
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
47 mmHg
• HCO3
35 mEq/L
• PaO2
81 mmHg
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
47 mmHg
• HCO3
35 mEq/L
• PaO2
81 mmHg
• Partially compensated
metabolic alkalemia with
normal oxygenation
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
77 mmHg
• HCO3
7 mEq/L
• PaO2
28 mmHg
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
77 mmHg
• HCO3
7 mEq/L
• PaO2
28 mmHg
• Combined acidemia with
severe hypoxemia
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
45 mmHg
• HCO3
25 mEq/L
• PaO2
108 mmHg
Can You Interpret this Blood Gas?
Blood Gas Drawn on Room Air
• pH
• PaCO2
45 mmHg
• Lab error
– ( PaCO2 and PaO2 cannot
• HCO3
25 mEq/L
• PaO2
108 mmHg
total more than 140 on
room air)