Transcript Slide 1

Salzburg Seminar, Austria
Global Citizenship:
Integrating Global Awareness into the College
Acquiring Global Membership
Teaching survival techniques
Encouraging international “acculturation”
Using international literature, films and other
Promoting global interaction
Encouraging Mutual Cultural Understanding
Developing an international e-mail exchange
Encouraging specific international
communication through Babel Fish program
Promoting collaborative projects
Establishing learning communities & service
learning programs
Inviting speakers from various cultural
The Library at Schloss Leopoldskrom
Dean Lois Lund in Salzburg
Bill in Salzburg’s Schloss Leopoldskrom
Steps at the Castle Schloss Leopoldskrom
Dean Lois Lund: Working Lunch
Sound of Music Location, Schloss Leopoldskrom
In Germany
Eagle’s Nest, Germany
Dean Lund & Dean Gerster
President David Coon
Celia, Lois, and Rita
Dean Lois Lund & Dean Rita Karlsten
William Reckmeyer: Global Citizenship
Dean Patrick Gerster: Salzburg
Global Citizenship Presentation
Global Citizenship Presentation
Global Citizenship Presentation