Curriculum Calendar

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Transcript Curriculum Calendar

General Requirements of All Utopias
For your utopia to be complete, you must have a slide for each of the following elements:
Basic Elements:
1. Name Your Utopian Society
2. Declaration of Independence: Write a brief statement citing the reasons for your formation of an Utopian society. In other words, what specifically don't you like about our current society. You might refer to The Declaration of Independence for ideas. You should
also invite some friends to join you: include a persuasive letter on why your utopia is the best one in which to live. This portion of the assignment should consist of a two to three paragraphs. (See hand-out)
3. Utopian Motto & Seal Create a slogan or motto that inhabitants of your utopia would adhere to, and crest a utopian seal.
4. Utopian Animal: What animal would symbolically represent your utopia. Explain your choice.
5. Island markers & map: The map of utopia must have a functioning hyperlink to each of your slides.
6. List of Rules: Develop a list of 10 rules that all community m members would follow. Give a rationale for each rule.
7.Incorporate rules you invented from the utopia book report
8. Bibliography of resources used
Specific Aspects: (see storyboard questions for questions and format)
I. Members; Who will live on your island, chose the people and how they live.
II. Citizens Page: Describe the citizens and their rights
III. Children/Education Page: How will children be raised? What will schools look like?
IV. Island Power: How will the government of this utopia be structured?
V. Governing Body: How will your utopia make decisions?
VI. Work What kind of work do people do?
VII. Leisure: What do they do for fun?
VIII. Economics How do people get things they need?
IX. Values: What ideas are important to the people on your island. Do they share any common values such as a love of liberty or privacy?
X. Antisocial Behavior or Conflict Resolution: When people disagree or hurt each other, what are the consequences or solutions?
Optional Pages (You must pick at least two of the following topics)
A. Plant & Animal Life
B. Gender Differences/Relationships
C. Military/War
D. Alcohol and Other Drugs
E. Religion
F. Scale of Island
G. Science and Technology
H. Arts
I. Media
J. Physical/Architecture
K. Health & Medicine
L. How the Elderly Are Taken Care of
M. Transportation
N. Fashion
O. Music/ Entertainment
Extra-credit Options
Add one slide with answers to any of the following:
A. Add additional description pages (e.g., arts, religion, technology) to your powerpoint.
B. Journal Entry: How will Utopia inhabitants spend their time during the week? Develop a hypothetical schedule that community members might following during a typical day. Write a journal entry for a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday describing daily life for
one of your island inhabitants. Include work, family, worship, school, entertainments, etc.
C. Advertisement: Develop a written advertisement your community. This ad should be complete with pictures that are representative of life in your community.
Utopia Map/Visual
No Map (6 points)
Representation (10 points)
Map incomplete
(7 points)
Members Page: (10 points) Does not adequately describe who
will live on your island, (5 points)
Grading Rubric
Map complete with student
names and island name but
sloppy or minimal effort in
creating links (8 points)
Map completely
Elaborate map completely labeled, all links working
labeled, all links
with many details. Clean and neat. Exceptional effort
working and
(10 points)
acceptable. Meets
teacher expectations (9
Adequately describes who will
Describes in specific detail who will live on your island,
live on your island, (8 points)
Follows paragraph format. (10 points)
Citizens Page: (10 points)
Does not adequately describe the citizens and their
rights (5 points)
Adequately describes the citizens and their rights
(8 points)
Describe the citizens and their rights in spefici detail. Follows paragraph format. (10
Children/Education Page: (10 points)
Does not adequately describe how will children be
raised or what schools look like (5 points)
Does not adequately describe how the government is
structured (5 points)
Does not adequately describe how utopia make
decisions (5 points)
Does not adequately describe work on the island (5
Does not adequately describe fun options on the island.
(5 points)
Does not adequately describes how do people get things
they need (5 points)
Adequately describes how will children be raised
and what will schools look like (8 points)
Adequately describes how the government is
structured (8 points)
Adequately describes how the utopia makes
decisions (8 points)
Adequately describes types of work (8 points)
Describes how will children be raised and what will schools look like in specific
detail Follows paragraph format. (10 points)
Describes the government in great detail, answering all questions Follows paragraph
format. (10 points)
Describes how the utopia makes decisions answering all questions Follows paragraph
format. (10 points)
Gives examples of work and rationale. Follows paragraph format. (10 points)
Adequately describes fun options (8 points)
Gives great detail and explanation of fun in utopia. Follows paragraph format. (10
Give s examples and answer all questions about the island economy. Follows
paragraph format. (10 points)
Island Power Page: (10 points)
Governing Body Page: (10 points)
Work Page: ( 10 points)
Leisure Page: (10 points)
Economics Page: ( 10 points)
Adequately describes how resources are spread
across the island (8 points)
Values Page: (10 points)
Does not adequately describe what ideas people
value (5points)
Antisocial Behavior or Conflict Resolution Does not adequately describe consequences of
Page: (10 points)
inappropriate behavior (5 points)
Adequately describes conflict solutions (8 points)
Optional Pages: (20 points)
Does not adequately describe two additional elements
(10 points)
Adequately describes two additional elelments
(16 points)
Gives specific examples and follows paragraph format (20 points)
Declaration Page: (20 points)
Declaration is incomplete (10 points)
Declaration has a preamble, list of complaints
and an in invitation to join the utopia (16
Needed, but not included or does not follow
format (5 points)
Declaration includes preamble, complaints and invitation and is engagingly worded
(20 points)
ExCred. is attempted (5 points extra)
ExCred. is nicely attempted (10 points extra)
Bibliography: (10 points)
Extra-credit Options: (Additional 10
Class Presentation or
posted to the web (20
Use of Technology (5
No presentation or not posted (10
No technology
utilized (1 point)
Adequately describes which ideas are important to the island. Follows paragraph
format. (10 points)
Describes and gives examples of conflict solution Follows paragraph format. (10
If needed, follows formatting (10 points)
Some group members spoke or
All group members spoke; presentation was
knowledge of product was
outstanding (20 points)
limited, posted incorrectly (15
Minimal use of technology (3 Adequate/partial use of Excellent use of images, layout and permissions asked
image sources,
for all sources (5 points)
permissions and
powerpoint layout. (4
Pick an island image for your map
Look at how we take
care of the elderly !
Look at our methods
of transportation !
This is where
our utopians live
Want to see
our animals?
Want to see our
Want to see
how the children live ?
Want to see what our
utopians value ?
Look at how our people
make money !
Want to see
how our government
Look at the job’s
our people have!
Want to see what happens
when you’re bad !
Want to see what
relationships we allow?
Look at who’s
In charge!
Want to see
Our Declaration
of Independence ?
Want to see what
our utopians for their
leisure ?
Want to see how
members apply?
See what drugs
you can use!
Want to see our seal !
Look at the lifestyle
of our utopians !
The Declaration of Independence
We are tired of being put down because we are of a different race than others, and
have a different belief system.
The citizens of our utopia have 12 rights.
1) They can have their own religion.
2)Freedom of marriage
3)There are no banned colors that you can’t wear.
4) People are innocent until proven guilty.
5) Sunday is a free day when nobody works.
6) People have the right to petition.
7) The right to vote. (Ages 10-up.)
8) Abortion is accepted.
9) Trial by Jury or peers.
10) The right to be a citizen.
11)Freedom of speech.
12) Freedom to join any political party.
In America they don’t allow gay marriages or let gay people have any rights to be with people of the same gender. They tax us, and instead of lowering the taxes
for the poor people they lower them for the rich people. We also don’t like that schools have bad food, and that there aren’t enough supplies for students to enjoy
arts and crafts classes. In addition there are no more school buses to transport students who live far away from school. Next, there are to many so many
unemployed people, that there are many more people living on the streets every year. We also dislike that our schoolbooks are in terrible condition, because we
can’t buy new ones every year, and if you agree with us, come live on our island.
Bill of Rights
The citizens of our utopia have 12 rights.
1.) Freedom of Speech.
2.) Freedom of marriage. (They can marry anyone they want.)
3.) Freedom of Religion.
4.) There are no banned colors you can’t wear.
5.) Sunday is a free day where you don’t have to work.
6.) Freedom of petition.
7.) Right to vote.
8.) Freedom of abortion.
9.) Trial by jury or peers.
10.) Right to be a citizen. (There is a process.)
11.) Innocent until proven guilty.
12.) Freedom to join any party.
I Members
The members of our Utopia must meet our standard expectations before they are allowed to live in our society. To
become a member, you must take a series of lie detector tests. The tests will determine if you are open-minded, caring, a hardworker, law-abiding, responsible, punctual, friendly, and a good Samaritan. To pass the lie detector tests, you must pass with at
least a 90% score; which allows you to miss 5 questions. Our Utopia allows outsiders, as long as they pass the lie detector tests
and become a citizen through an application. If they don’t pass the tests they MUST undergo a training program in which they
try to improve their habits. If they still don’t change in spite of the training course, they will be deported and sent on a ship
back to their country. They can apply later on, once they’ve changed.
We don’t want our Utopia to be overpopulated, so we are only allowing 6,000 (minimum)- 9,000 (maximum)
people. It will cut down space being used for houses, apartments, condominiums, etc. With more space available, that will
allow more habitation space for wild animals. By limiting population, both the animals and the people will be happy.
II Citizens Page Paragraph
The citizens in our Utopia have 13 rights. One of their rights is Freedom of choice.
In Our Utopia we also have members. The members have duties. Their duties are to be kind, and courteous to everyone
including their children. Also, they are responsible for keeping communal facilities clean, and for working hard at their jobs (no slacking!).
Members must also be responsible for their own actions; this also goes for the children.
Our society also has social stratification. We have social stratification because everyone has the same rights but not everyone is
equal. An example would be that in a classroom a teacher is in charge of a student, and so they’re not equal.
In our society, we think the most prestigious job is being President. We choose the job President as being the most prestigious
job because it is a hard job. To be President one must also be trustworthy, law-abiding, non-egocentric, and organized. The President must also
be a non-emotional person. Not only that but they must also think about the country before themselves, even if what happens to the country
might affect him/her.
Every citizen should model themselves as Hilary Clinton and Martin Luther King Jr. We chose Hilary Clinton as on of our idols
because she has made many achievements in her life, and is inspiring to women worldwide. We chose Martin Luther King Jr. as our other role
model because he was an inspirational figure to everyone including whites and blacks all over the world.
There are consequences when someone doesn’t follow the laws. On their 1st offense they get verbal warning. On their 2nd
offence it’s recorded on their permanent file. On their 3rd and final offence, they are arrested. The jail sentence depends on how serious the
crime is.
III. Children/Education
In our Utopia the children will be raised in their caring families and the schools will have great teaching potential. To prevent inflation,
starvation, corruption, and homelessness their will be a limited a number of children to every couple. For a couple that gets paid minimum wage they
are only allowed to have up to four kids. For a couple that gets paid maximum wage they are allowed to have up to seven kids. Children will live with
their parents, but in the unfortunate case that they passed away, their children will live with their immediate family. If for some reason their
immediate family will not take them in to custody they will be put up for adoption.
Children have the right to be educated no matter what their circumstances are. Also, parents cannot be sexist toward their children.
For example: Girls can’t be football players and boys can’t be ballerinas. Like adults, they can have a trial by jury in which the jury is their peers. In
addition, the children are innocent until proven guilty.
Children love to play but their must be restrictions to all their activities. One restriction is they can’t play after dark. The other
restriction is that rough housing isn’t allowed.
In the book Fahrenheit 451 they banned and burned books. In our utopia we want people to read and enjoy books.
In our utopia, we value education. It is mandatory that children go to school all the way from kindergarten to the 12th grade; but
college is optional. Higher Education system, or college will be retained.) Children will be taught by certified teachers who completed their teaching
credential. Their schedule will consist of the following classes: Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, Physical Education, and 2 elective classes.
Students may choose their two electives from the following options: Art, Home Economics, Crafts, Woodshop, Metal shop, Office Skills, Computers,
Drama, Dance, Music\Band, and Foreign Language. Foreign Language includes the following: Portuguese, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, French, German,
Japanese, Hebrew, and sign language.
IV Island Power: Paragraph
In our Utopia our government is democratic and the type of government is liberal.
Our elected government has three branches, which are the Legislative Branch, Judicial
Branch, and the Executive Branch. The Legislative Branch contains Congress, the Judicial
Branch includes the Supreme Court, and the Executive Branch consists of the President. Our
government has numerous laws, which makes its strong central government.
In our Utopia we will make decisions by the people complaining to the Congress
about problems that need to be fixed. The Congress makes a bill or a law out of it and they
see if it’s necessary or not. After that, the Supreme Court decides if the law is Constitutional
or Unconstitutional. Then, the people vote to pass the law or bill. Finally, the President makes
the law or bill official. Our decision making process has multiple steps. First, they people will
bring up problem that is affecting them. Next, they will send it to the congress they will make it
into a bill and pass it or not. After that, the Supreme Court will check if it is Constitutional or
Unconstitutional. If the Supreme Court says that you can have this law, then the president
has to execute the law. He has to make sure the people are following it. In addition to that the
UP makes sure everything is going as planned.
The Constitution will be retained on our Utopia, and it will have all the laws, and
amendments it has today. We choose to retain the Constitution because we agree with its
laws, and amendments.
Abuse of authority by officials or coordinators will not be tolerated at all. The officials
or coordinators will be deported if they abuse their authority, even if it is their first offense.
V. Island Governing Body:
The President will lead the government of this Utopia. During his/her term he/ she will have balanced power and
when his/ her term is over he loses all his power and becomes a regular citizen. Although the President is
in charge of our government the UP is in charge our Island.
The UP (United People) is in charge of everyone. There are nine selected members. They become a UP first by taking a lie detector test. The lie
detector test is different from the one you take to come to our Utopia. Then the people of our Utopia vote for them if they think that they are the right person for
that job. They have power to over-look everything and they can ask to modify or change the law if they see the people angry or not liking the law. The UP has to
overlook everything the government activities that might affect the city. The President executes the laws that the congress makes. The Congress makes and passes
the laws. The Supreme Court decides if the laws are Constitutional or not.
Their are members in our society. They are selected by the people of our utopia voting for them. The responsibilities of the members are to think
about the people first rather than themselves. They can’t let their emotions get in the way of their job. They make sure everyone is following the rules of the
Utopia and that they have to be a hard worker.
If there are legal disagreements they will be decided by the courts. If it is a serious crime then they will have a trial by jury. If it is a minor crime
then the judge will decide his/her fate.
If you want to become a leader these are the qualifications for leadership: you have to do what's best for the country, not just you. You have to be
trustworthy, law abiding, non-ego centric, and organized. You cannot be an emotional person.
People might get upset because the President that was in office can only be in office for two years. Because, the President is not in office long
enough to make an impact it’s upsetting to the people who voted for him\her to be in office.
Our leader will address these problems by using the process of checks and balances. Some rights the president has is he can make treaties with
other nations, he carries out the laws. He can veto the law that congress passes if he thinks it is wrong. He also writes the budget and if he does not like a law he
can schedule a press conference or go to the public for support. The President appoints judges in the Judicial Branch for a life term.
VI Work Paragraph
People must have a job in our society. The job a person
does depends entirely on them. An Example of some jobs are
gardeners, firemen, paramedics, restaurant manager, teachers,
bakers, chefs, doctors, police officers, veterinarians, fashion
designers, Engineers, librarians, mechanics, etc. People earn
money through their work. With the money they have earned they
can buy goods from the stores. Work is paid by the hour. For
example, a person who works part-time (4-hours) will get only half
the money that a person working full-time (8-hours) would get.
People would not get equal compensation because people get
paid by the hour; People who work unpleasant jobs get paid more
than the people who work pleasant jobs. It’s up to the utopians to
decide how many hours the work. Regular hours of work are parttime and full-time, but people an also work over time if they want.
Utopians must work to make a living for themselves.
VII Leisure Paragraph
Utopians do many things during their leisure time,
some things they might do would be to play sports, do
yoga, go on vacation, or anything else they find relaxing.
During the week Utopians are busy with work. But
Sunday is a free day, when Utopians get to do anything
they want. Recreation time is very important because if it
were all work and no play, it would be a lot of stress
imposed on that person. Any sports are available in they
community. You can participate in these leisure activates
by being on a team, or scheduling a day when you can
be with your friends and play. Leisure time is very
important in our Utopia because it reduces stress.
VIII. Economics:
In our utopia our economy is based on labor and production of services. Our currency that we use are dollar bills and coins such as
quarters, nickels, pennies, etc. The money you have must be earned through your jobs. Therefore, there is no trading for goods.
Our utopia would be based on some common ownership and some private property. Common ownership would take place in a
classroom when if someone does something wrong to a privileged activity everyone loses, or in another place when everyone has to share supplies.
Private property would take place in homes and stores or in any place in general where people use their own things to be productive. They own their
own things and therefore are responsible for them.
In our society, we believe that people should live their life to the fullest, so everybody can try to be as wealthy as they can; there is no
limit to their wealth.
To make our own money, our utopians will manufacture technology, mainly computers. We will also grow produce such as tomatoes,
corn, rice etc, on our vast farming land.
Many jobs are dangerous and unpleasant; to avoid that amount of people getting hurt at such jobs, we will import supplies that would
be to dangerous or unpleasant to make from scratch. We will export our goods that we make on our island for money.( That will be the merchants
We cannot prosper on our technology and produce alone, so we have tariffs. We will tax the people monthly. They will be taxed on
three levels. There will be local taxes, state taxes and national taxes. The local taxes will benefit the local areas such as the libraries, schools, etc. The
state taxes will benefit freeways, highways, streets etc. The national taxes benefit the airports, train stations, army etc.
We want people from all over to see and enjoy our wondrous island so we allow tourism. The tourists like all other citizens must also
follow the rules. Upon their arrival they must check in at the immigration office so we can keep an update on them. They also must give us the
schedule of their activities they plan to do so we know where they are going to be throughout the day. This way we can check on them and make sure
they don’t act up.
Our utopia has a strong economy in which we have a role in making it stronger.
IX. Values:
There are many ideas that are important to the people of our Island. Some ideas are
religion, work, family, justice, and leisure time. Our Island’s values are based upon simple
characteristics; which are to be a good Samaritan, open-minded, caring, hard-working, law abiding,
responsible, punctual, and friendly. The goals of our Utopia is to make it as democratic as it can
be. We want all people to feel they have a voice if they want something to be changed. We value
the Utopians inputs and comments. We want our people to be generous to the general good. Our
goal is to make it the best, where people would want to come to and feel safe. There are values and
goals that our Utopians share. In addition to that, individuals can choose to make more goals and
values for themselves.
In the Giver no one is allowed to be unique, everyone must dress the same, act the
same, eat the same foods etc. In our society we don’t want everyone to be the same, we want to be
unique and diverse.
X. Antisocial Behavior or Conflict Resolution:
We want our Utopia to be as safe, and happy as it can be. So everyone must behave. Good people should behave in a respectful manner, towards others. They should be
kind and courteous to everyone of every race , age and size. They must also be respectful to animals.
The help someone shows towards their friends depends entirely upon their bond with that friend. But someone should also be willing to help a stranger if they need help.
For example if a young girl is stranded in the rain and instead of just passing her by, they should ask if she needs a ride or would like to borrow her cell phone so she can call home
to have someone come pick her up. The fact that someone would want to hurt their enemies depends on what they did to hurt them or a love one. But, if their confrontation gets
further than a polite conversation, they will be arrested.
The way we enforce the laws is simple. The police patrol the area for any trouble makers. If they see someone act up they give them a warning for their first offense.
For their second offense their “behavior” is recorded on their permanent record, so we can keep track of them. On their third offense they’re arrested. Their jail sentence depends
entirely upon how serious the crime was.
For those who harm others they MUST undergo psychiatric treatment. If they do not participate in the activities that are a part of the their treatment, they will be place
in an insane asylum. However they can redeem themselves for getting points on good behavior, and eating well and doing what they’re supposed to do.
For criminal behavior we have a formalized system: On their first offense it’s just a warning. On the second offense their “actions” get recorded on their permanent
record. On the third and final offense that person will get arrested. Their jail sentence depends on how serious the crime was.
For people who harm themselves they MUST undergo counseling and psychiatric treatment, the same rules for people who harm others, apply to them as well.
Conflicts between individuals are to be settled in a polite positive manner. And, if it get out of hand they will be arrested.
In our utopia people aren’t permitted to carry any weapon except a gun as long as they have a legal permit to have one.
We ban any other weapons except guns because the police force needs to use them and people who have permits need them.
Optional Pages: Plant & Animal Life
In our utopia people what food a person eats is each individuals’ choice.
Agriculture would utilize pesticides and chemical fertilizers only when needed, we will try to stay organic.
Animals raised and slaughtered for food would be cows, chickens, pigs, and other poultry.
The animals raised and slaughtered for food would not live in a factory like they do now. Instead, they will
live on a farm, and will be as pampered as they can be. Then when they come of age they will be slaughtered. Their
meat will be sanitized and then sold at the market. The leftover bones will be burnt in a fire pit far away from any farm
land and society, on a barren wasteland.
There will be no hunting animals on our island because it is cruel and insensitive.
Animals may be used in laboratory testing, but the U.P must check the facility and see if using animals is
really necessary.
People can keep animals as pets, as long as they understand the responsibility of having an animal. We
don’t tolerate animal cruelty. Any animal can be kept as a pet, as long as they don’t belong in the wild or pose a threat
to society. For example tigers, crocodiles, zebras etc, are all animals that aren’t domestic and are happier free.
Optional Pages: Transportation
In our utopia people will travel by car,
airplane, buses, cable cars, trains, or trucks to get
around our island. We will allow people to own
their own form of transportation. One nuclear
family will only be allowed up to four cars. That
should be enough for a family of 10( 2 parents & 8
children. You cannot have more than 10 people in
your family because you are only allowed to have
up to 8 children if you get paid maximum wage.)
This helps our island because if people carpool
their will not be so much smog in the air and that
results into a cleaner atmosphere.
How the Elderly Are Taken Care of.
When people get sick, old, infirm, lazy, or rebellious they
get taken into a retirement home. When the elderly retire they go
to a retirement home for the rest of their life. Their retirement
home is on the Island.
Optional Pages: Gender Differences/Relationships
In our utopia we have very definite ideas about what should be permitted in relationships. In our Island we
want to retain the nuclear family. If men and women choose to live together; it is their choice. The roles of men and
women would not vary. Both genders have the same rights. Women can do anything that men can. Men and women are
equal in our society.
Marriage is going to be retained in our utopia. The Officiant will conduct the ceremonies. In our utopia you
are not allowed to get married until the age of 19. In our utopia you can start to dating when you turn 15 years old. If
you date before this age then we will postpone your dating age to 18 years old.
Gay marriages are allowed on our Island. Alternative relationships will be permitted. Alternative relationships
would have the same rights and obligations as married people.
Optional Pages: Alcohol and Other Drugs
In our utopia we allow drugs but they have restrictions to using
them. Alcohol will be allowed in our utopia but only in a safe way. There is
no drinking alcohol after 10:00p.m and no drunk driving. Tobacco will be
permitted in our Utopia. You can only smoke Tobacco in certain area, and no
smoking under the age of 23.Only medical marijuana is allowed in our
Utopia. Marijuana used otherwise is illegal. In fact you can’t get marijuana
unless you have a prescription from the doctor. No other drugs would be
allowed unless it was medically needed.
Extra-credit Options
Extra-credit Options
Today is Friday. It’s just like every other day of the week. I go to school early in the morning at 8:15
a.m. and get dismissed at 2:55 p.m. from Laurel Elementary School. At school we study
history, geography, math, science and Language Arts. We also have physical education or P.E
for short. I guess P.E is fun but it’s tiring. Then after school is over, I aboard the school bus
and come home. Usually by then Mom is home, because she only works part-time, and then
Dad gets home later because he works full-time. Then we eat dinner, and I take a shower and
get ready to go to sleep.
Today is Saturday. Today I sleep in until 10:00 a.m. because today I don’t have school. Around
11:00 a.m. I have breakfast. By then my Mom has already woken up. She doesn’t go to work
today so we spend the whole day together without Dad. (He works today.) We go out to eat at
our favorite restaurant down the street, to enjoy our favorite food: Ravioli. I love watching
movies, so we go to Blockbuster and rent some movies to watch at home with some buttered
popcorn. Me and mom watch movies all night, that I end up sleeping on the couch with the
movie still playing.
Today is a glorious day. It’s Sunday!! Today Dad doesn’t work! I’m so happy! Today Dad promised
me that we could go to the park and play soccer. (My favorite game to play at the park.) Then
we’re going on a picnic by the lake. I love going to the lake, because it so peaceful, and quiet,
and lots of times I can catch a glimpse of the newborn duckling.