Earth Science - Harpursville Middle School

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Transcript Earth Science - Harpursville Middle School

I. Earth Science

Earth Science is the study of our planet (Terra Three), its changing systems, and its position in the Universe.

Earth Science investigates and tries to answer questions like:

I. Why do we have seasons? II.How can we predict the weather? III.Why are stars grouped and move together in the night sky? IV.What forms a landscape?

Earth Science covers many different disciplines (or branches of scientific study) such as:

Geology - the study of our planet (it’s structure, crust, composition, etc.). Meteorology - the study of the atmosphere; weather and climate.

Astronomy - the study of the Earth's motions and objects in space.

Oceanography - the study of the oceans.

The study of earth science divides the Earth up into three main parts: Lithosphere: The solid Earth Hydrosphere: All the water on Earth Atmosphere: All the gases surrounding the Earth

Why is earth science important?

Forecast potential disasters and help save lives and property.

Gain access to the Earth’s resources.

Protect the environment.

The Pathways to Discovery: The Scientific Method

The scientific method is a guide to scientific problem solving.

State the Problem

Observation An observation is an interaction of one or more of the senses (sight,hearing, touch, taste or smell) with part of the environment.

Care must be exercised when using the senses to prevent injury. (Taste is rarely used to prevent poisoning).

Instruments are devices invented to extend our senses beyond their normal limits.

Gather Information

Measurement A measurement is a means of expressing an observation with greater precision. Basic dimensional quantities include...

• • 1. Length – the distance between two points.

2. Mass – the amount matter in an object. Mass is the number of things (atoms, etc) an object has.

**Weight is a force caused by a gravitational attraction.*** Weight


• • 3. Time – a measurement that allows us to determine "when" an event occurred.

4. Temperature – a measurement of the average internal energy of an object.

Classification A classification is a grouping of similarly observed properties of objects or events to aid studying a subject.

Classification of our solar system

Planets Gas Planets Terrestrial (land) Jupiter Saturn Neptune Uranus Mercury Venus Earth Mars Pluto

Form a hypothesis

Hypothesis: a possible solution or explanation of a problem.

Test the Hypothesis

A hypothesis is tested by experimentation.

Each experiment has at least two variables.

Dependent variable: Data that you are measuring in your experiment. • Vertical axis of graph Independent variable: The data that you know ahead of time.

• Horizontal axis of graph

State a Conclusion

Inference. An inference is an interpretation (or conclusion) based on our observations, and is only as reliable as our best observations.

Inferences may or may not be correct.

Basic dimensional units (length, mass, time, temperature) can be combined to produced additional measurements that can assist in making observations and classifying properties of objects. 1. area is a length x width 2. volume – the amount of space an object contains or occupies.

• volume is Length x Width x Height.

3. speed – the distance an object covers in a given period of time.

Scientific Notation

Scientific notation is a method for expressing very large numbers in the form of small numbers which scientists work with. A number written in scientific notation is written in the form M x 10 n , where M is a number between 1 and 10 (but not 10), and n is the power it is raised to(how many places the decimal point was moved). Thus the number 254.3 is written as 2.543 x 10 2 .

Here’s a closer look of how it works.


First we want to make this into a number in between 1-10.

• 4.1562

• Remember how many places the decimal point was moved • Now plug into formula Mx10 n 4.1562 x 10 That’s it!

3 Now we can go in reverse to… 3.12 x 10 1 First we want to move the decimal place back.

• 31.2

• You’re done!

• REMEMBER if the exponent is positive, move in a positive direction. If the exponent is negative, move in the negative direction.

There are several Metric Prefixes that you must know:

kilo hecto 1000 100 deco 10

*metric unit*

deci centi 0.1


milli 0.001

Here’s a way to remember the order.

K ids H ate D ad M om D oesn’t C are M uch Practice 1.) 225.3m=_____km 2.) 32.1cm=_____mm 3.) 0.859cm=_____m 4.) 0.206km=_____mm

B. Error

No measurement is perfect! Measurements are limited by imperfection of the senses and instruments, and human error.

Percent Deviation (Percent Error) See front page of Ref. Table

% Deviation = (Accepted –Measured) x 100 (Accepted) Ex: measured mass = 36g accepted mass = 40g % Deviation = (40g – 36g) % Deviation = 40g 4g x 100 % Deviation = 40g 10% x 100

C. Density

Density is the concentration of matter an object has. (Front page of Reference Table) Density = Mass Volume Density is affected by anything that changes the volume an object occupies.

Temperature & Pressure


causes most objects to change their volume. As temperature increases, volume increases (most substances expand when heated), cooling causes volume to decrease.

Direct relationship Volume Temperature

Water is the exception!!!

As temperature increases, volume decreases.

As temperature decreases, volume increases.

Inverse (Indirect) relationship Volume Temperature

Water has its highest density (1.0 g/mL) at 4 o C (36 °F), as water cools its density decreases (opposite normal matter), hence ice floats on liquid water.

Matter that has a density less than 1 g/mL will float in water.

Matter that has a density more than 1 g/mL will sink in water.


affects the volume of a substance. As pressure increases the volume decreases.

Inverse relationship

D. Phases (states) of matter.

Matter is normally found in three phases or states, although, there is a fourth phase (state).

The phases are: 1. Solid – rigid structure, fixed volume & shape. (normally an object's highest density).

2. Liquid – fixed volume, will assume the shape of it's container.

3. Gas – no fixed structure, expands to fill the volume and shape of the container it is placed in. (normally an object's lowest density)

4. Plasma – exists in stars, not found on earth.

IV. Nature of change

A.Characteristics of change The Earth's environment is in a constant state of change. Change can be described as an occurrence of an event. The event (change in condition of properties of a substance) can occur over a long period of time or instantaneously.

C. Rate of Change

The rate at which change occurs.

Rate of change =Change in field value Time Most earth processes are slow, taking sometimes millions of years to evolve.

D. Cyclic Change

Changes that are repetitive in nature, (a repeating pattern). Singular occurring events are said to be non–cyclic.

Cyclic Change

E. Prediction of change

When change is cyclic or if a trend can be inferred, a prediction can be made relative to the data. Factors involved in change are called variables. The greater the frequency of observation and/or the fewer the variables involved, the greater the accuracy of the prediction of the change.