4th Grade Inferences and Interpretation, summary and

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Transcript 4th Grade Inferences and Interpretation, summary and

4th Grade Inferences and
Interpretation, summary and
generalization, analysis and
Use this slide show to
review for the OCCT
Read these two fables:
"The Bear and The Crow"
"The Baboon's Umbrella"
Lobel, Arnold. Fables. New York:
Harpercollins Childrens Books,
How do Bear’s feelings change in
the story?
A. Happy to Furious
B. Embarrassed to Confident.
C. Confident to Embarrassed.
D. None of the above.
C. Confident to Embarrassed.
Why did bear decide to change his
His other suit was too big.
His other suit was too small.
The Crow convinced him to do
The crow pecked a hole in his
other suit.
C. The crow convinced him to do
What does the author suggest to
the reader?
A. When the need is strong, there are
those who will believe anything.
B. Treat others the way you want to be
C. Love can be its own reward
D. If at first you don’t succeed, try
A. When the need is strong, there are
those who will believe anything.
From paragraph one you can tell:
A. Bear is not impressed with the
way he looks.
B. Bear needs a new hat
C. Bear is most impressed with his
D. Bear has good self esteem.
D. Bear has good self esteem.
What can you tell about the way
bear was treated in town?
A. Most people didn’t pay attention.
B. The townspeople liked his clothes.
C. The townspeople wanted to dress
like him.
D. The townspeople laughed at him.
D. The townspeople laughed at him.
What was Bear’s reaction to the
A. He was embarrassed.
B. He felt confident.
C. He didn’t care.
D. None of the above.
A. He was embarrassed.
The information in paragraph four
tells you that:
A. The bear is unsure about
changing his clothes.
B. The crow is confident that his
advice will win bear many friends.
C. The crow tells bear what people
are wearing.
D. The bear hurries home to change
his clothes.
C. The crow tells bear what people
are wearing.
What word best describes how
crow felt when the bear was made
fun of in town?
A. Sad
B. Furious
C. Indifferent
D. Happy
D. Happy
In the last paragraph, Crow tells
bear many things except for:
A. How to shine his shoes.
B. The truth.
C. How to dress well.
D. How to properly wear a pan on his
B. The truth.
What sentence best describes what
this story is about?
A. Always believe the opinions of
B. Clothes do not make a person; it’s
what’s in the heart that counts.
C. Always do your research before
considering the advice of others.
D. Always dress for success.
C. Always do your research before
considering the advice of others.
The main reason the baboon is
unhappy is because:
A. The sun is shining.
B. It is raining outside.
C. His umbrella is stuck.
D. He is not able to enjoy the
sunshine underneath his umbrella.
D. He is not able to enjoy the
sunshine underneath his umbrella.
What statement best describes
“The Baboon’s Umbrella?”
A. Treat others the way you want to
be treated.
B. Advice from friends is like the
weather. Some of it is good; some of
it is bad.
C. Never trust a stranger
D. Honesty is the best policy.
B. Advice from friends is like the
weather. Some of it is good; some of
it is bad.
Why umbrellas are important:
1. To protect against the sun
2. _____________________
Which statement should be added
to the outline?
A. As a fashion statement.
B. To protect against the rain.
C. As a means of defense.
B. To protect against the rain.
How are the stories “The Bear And
The Crow”, and “The Baboon’s
Umbrella” alike?
A. Both stories deal with the hazards
immediately trusting the advice of
B. Both Describe an adventure.
C. Both stories are about two friends.
D. Both tell about the beauty in nature.
A. Both stories deal with the
hazards immediately trusting the
advice of others.
Which statement is an opinion?
A. Umbrellas provide protection from
the sun.
B. Umbrellas provide protection from
the rain.
C. Umbrellas can be raised and
D. Black umbrellas are best.
D. Black umbrellas are best
What is a fact in the story?
A. The baboon cut holes in his
B. Brown baboons are the
C. All monkeys carry umbrellas
D. Gibbon intentionally lied to
A. The baboon cut holes in his
Slide show developed by Michael
Stokely, Carnegie Elementary Library
Media Specialist, March 2006.