Transcript Document

Chapter 12
Preparing for the Event
Convention Management and Service
Seventh Edition
© 2006, Educational Institute
Competencies for
Preparing for the Event
1. Explain the purpose of a pre-convention meeting
and the function of a key personnel roster.
2. Describe the format and uses of the resume
(specification sheet) prepared by the convention
service manager.
3. Describe the format and uses of the banquet event
order (function sheet) in servicing conventions and
group meetings.
4. Describe the importance of communication and
follow-up in servicing meetings.
© 2006, Educational Institute
Preconvention Meetings:
Westin’s Operation Excell
Held a day or two before delegation arrives
Meeting planner, convention service
manager, and department heads present
Review resume
Recognition pins for meeting planner and
the group’s planning staff
Postconvention meeting
© 2006, Educational Institute
Making Communication Easier
Key Personnel Roster
• List of key hotel contacts
• Often requested by meeting planners
• Many CSMs prefer that planners go
through CSMs; one channel
• Compromise: Give planners the
roster, but emphasize role of CSM
Recognition Pins for Group Planning Staff
Marriott’s Red Coat Service
© 2006, Educational Institute
Resume (Specification Sheet)
Also called the bible, summary, or master prospectus
Comprehensive overview of entire program
Details activities hour by hour and day by day
Prepared by CSM and meeting planner
Distributed at least a week in advance to all staff
servicing the convention
© 2006, Educational Institute
Banquet Event Order
(Function Sheet)
Also called event form; banquet event order
Covers functions within the larger event
Serves as guide for hourly employees
Includes seating layouts; decorations; visual
aids; covers; date; time; room name
Staging guides
© 2006, Educational Institute