Transcript Mobility

Individuals with Mobility Disabilities
and Emergency Preparedness
Natural Supports for Seniors and
People with Disabilities
Emergency Preparedness Information needs
to include how to utilize natural supports
Utilization of natural supports (i.e. family,
friends, civic organizations, church, etc.
The individual is ultimately responsible for
being prepared
Emergency Information and
Preparedness Materials
Seniors and people with disabilities function
on many different levels
Emergency announcements need to be
assimilated in multiple accessible formats
When preparing instructions for an
emergency preparedness kit the instructions
need to be accessible
Advocacy Organizations and Other
Relief Organizations
Advocacy Organizations are key in getting
the message out and consulting on many
different issues
Advocacy Organizations can offer insight if a
shelter is accessible
Organizations such as the Red Cross needs
to be consulted on accessibility because not
all people with disabilities need medical
Individual Preparedness
Raising Awareness
Educate the public through media (radio,
T.V., local news) so we can all plan togetherwe should never plan in isolation
Always incorporate disability specific
planning tips in general emergency planning
brochures, posters or media events
Everyone has a friend or family member with
a disability, who is elderly, or temporarily
disabled (due to illness, broken leg, etc.)
Individual Preparedness
Go-Kit items for People with Mobility
General items (see handout)
Disability specific: current medications,
gloves to use when pushing a wheelchair
across debris, supplies such as insulin or
catheter equipment, small hand air pump for
Service Animal-extra food, water bowl,
favorite toy, extra leash, treats
Individual Preparedness
One Go-kit is Not Enough!
You cannot plan where you will be when disaster
Have ready:
 Large kit at home with additional food items for
prolonged “sheltering in place”
 Small, easy to carry “To-Go” Kit that you can
grab and run or roll with.
 To-Go Kit for the car.
 To-Go Kit at work.
Individual Preparedness
Bed-Side Kit
Many individuals with mobility limitations require
assistance to get in or out of bed. If disaster
strikes overnight, you may be stuck in bed
until someone can get to you.
 Bed-side Kit can be kept velcroed to your
bed side. Kit would include:
 Cordless phone or cell phone and charger,
water, medicines, food, flashlight, and contact
phone numbers.
Individual Preparedness
Disability specific information
A person who is non-verbal, has a speech
impediment or who may have difficulty
breathing or talking when moving quickly or in
areas with smoke or poor air, may choose to
add a pre- printed card to their To-Go Kit.
This card can explain disability specific
information that you may want rescuers or
shelter workers to know.
Individual Preparedness
Introduction Card - Communication
A non-verbal person or person with a speech
impediment may have in their To-Go Kit an
alphabet and key word card that they can
spell with, that includes a brief pre-written
sentence explaining how they communicate
with the card and giving their name.
The card can also provide information on
using a communication device that may have
been packed in a backpack during
Individual Preparedness
Introduction Card - Medical Conditions
A person who may be prone to an asthma
attack or a diabetic incident could explain this
on a card along with information on what to
do and where in their kit the needed supplies
are kept.
If a person has a Medical Alert Bracelet, this
is also a good item to wear or carry in the ToGo Kit to alert those who may be assisting to
a particular medical condition.
Individual Preparedness
Who Needs a Support Team During
An Emergency?
All of us will need people we can count on
during a crisis.
Individual Preparedness
Increased Support Needs in EmergenciesMobility is Situational
Plan ahead and consider your abilities in disaster
During an emergency situation, there may be
conditions such as flooding, or debris that makes it
more difficult than usual to move around the
There may be a need to walk distances and carry
We may become fatigued, hungry, over heated or
cold, which can negatively affect mobility
These circumstances can create a need for more
support than we may require on a daily basis.
Individual Preparedness
Daily Support
For those of us who use a personal care
attendant on a daily basis and who rely on
others for transportation,
WHO will assist us with these tasks during an
Individual Preparedness
Support Team-Think 3
We may not be near our primary support
people when an emergency occurs.
Develop a Support Team of 3 people in each
setting you are routinely in during the week
who are willing to assist you if an emergency
occurs while you are there.
Individual Preparedness
Check Your Routine
Where are you routinely during the week?
Recreation activities
Individual Preparedness
Choosing the Right Support Team
Consider what type of assistance you will need
and identify people in each setting of your
weekly routine who may be able to help.
Individual Preparedness
Choosing the Right Support Team
Consider who may be able to assist you:
Do they have the physical stamina to provide physical
assistance (lifting, helping with transfers, pushing
wheelchair, etc.?)
Convenience of assisting (how many children do they
have of what age, is there space in their car for one
more, etc.).
If you require accessible transportation, would they be
available to stay behind with you until assistance
Individual Preparedness
Identify Then Ask
Talk to the 3 people you identify in each
Discuss the type of assistance you would
need in an emergency and find out if they
would be able and willing to assist you.
Individual Preparedness
Planning Ahead
If you can plan ahead for an emergency event such as a
 Contact your identified support team and find out if their
availability to assist has changed in any way.
 Determine ahead of time who will assist you-if you can,
rotate assistance among your support people
throughout the year so you are not always calling on
the same people.
 Physically connect with your support team early, so
there is no possibility that the storm may arrive early
and keep them from getting to you.
Individual Preparedness
Be Pro-active
Orient your support team ahead of time to key tasks
that you will need them to assist you with. This may
include practicing helping you to transfer into a car,
how to fold your wheelchair, or the proper way to turn
off or charge up a battery or communication device.
Put it on your calendar to touch base with your support
team once every quarter to see if their circumstances
or ability to assist has changed in any way. Be sure to
keep them updated on your contact information,
including your home, cell and work phone numbers.
Communicating Emergency
When planning any method of communication
during an emergency, the planner should
consider how this method of communication
will be adapted for people with hearing,
visual or mobility disabilities.
Planning Must Be Inclusive
People with mobility limitations access
information through media the same as
everyone else.
People with mobility disabilities may also
have a secondary disability such as hearing
or vision loss.
Keys to Effective Communication
• Ensure that news coverage of impending emergency
situations are close captioned including breaking alerts.
Make sure that writing on the screen does not cover line
21, the close captioning line on TV screens.
• When issuing an audio alert on TV indicated by the
“beep” then followed by writing on the screen, make
sure that whatever is written is also verbally provided so
that individuals with visual disabilities will also know
what is going on.
Keys to Effective Communication
If a police car goes through a neighborhood
with a siren to alert people to a danger, they
should also use blinking lights.
If an officer walks door-to-door to let people
know about an emergency, they should have
something in writing also on a card that they
can be ready to show someone who cannot
hear what they are saying.
Evacuating People Using
Mobility Devices
Individuals who normally use a power
wheelchair but who take their manual in an
emergency may need extra assistance –
they may not be able to push themselves in
their manual chair.
Those who have only a power wheelchair or
who are at work or the mall in their power
wheelchair when an emergency occurs, will
require accessible transportation.
The Importance of Mobility Devices
If someone is separated from their
wheelchair, they are no longer mobile and
independence is greatly jeopardized.
Common equipment that will be left behind in
an evacuation include shower chairs or
benches, Hoyer lifts, transfer boards,
grabbers and reachers, walkers and an
alternate wheelchair.
Mobility Barriers To Evacuation
Cost of transportation
Ability to get to pick-up points
Whether the evacuation vehicles are accessible
(including a wheelchair lift and tie downs)
Traveling together-people who use accessible
transportation need to ride with their family, friends,
or support team-to stay with, and not be separated
from, whoever will be assisting them. This includes
service animals.
Mobility Issues During Rescue
People with mobility disabilities often have very
individualized ways that we need assistance being
carried or transferred to avoid injury.
When possible, rescue workers should ask what is
the best way to assist us.
We can have this information pre-printed on a card if
we have difficulty speaking or explaining.
What Makes a General Population
Shelter Accessible
All shelters should meet basic A.D.A. standards for
accessibility and accommodations.
There should be an entrance with no steps, and
wheelchair accessible restrooms.
Nothing should protrude into walkways that a person
with a visual disability would not see and might walk into.
When announcements are made verbally, they should
also be posted in writing to accommodate someone with
a hearing disability.
What Makes a General Population
Shelter Accessible
Be ready to orient someone with a visual
disability to where things are in the shelter and
to guide them if they need to walk to another
building or to transportation.
Service animals should be welcomed.
Sometimes an accommodation is as simple as
providing an extra pillow so someone who needs
to sleep with their head elevated due to a heart
condition or sleep apnea can do so.
The Next Level of Support
Some additional items and services that could be added to
a general population shelter to make it more accessible
and accommodating would include:
 Higher cots to make it easier to transfer into from a
 Having a transfer board and Hoyer lift available
 If phones are available for shelter residents to use, have
a TTY available for persons who are deaf
 A sign language interpreter for shelter announcements
 A refrigerator for medicines that must be kept cold
 A generator for individuals who depend on technology
that requires electricity
Future Planning/Next Steps
People with Disabilities at the
Planning Table
People with disabilities are the experts on
ourselves and our needs.
The way a person with a disability
accommodates themselves on a daily basis is
the foundation on which services and supports
during a crisis will need to be based.
Our goal in planning will be to maximize and
maintain independence during and after the
Future Planning/Next Steps
Participating in Local Planning
Locally, we know the strengths and weaknesses of
current services.
We know how people with disabilities access
transportation, housing and supports in our
We know whether many of the buildings and public
places that may be considered for shelters are
accessible or we could assist to survey them.
We can offer suggestions based on our experience in
our locality that can help make planning more
efficient and thorough.
We can also help get the word out to other people
with disabilities that we may know in our area.
Future Planning/Next Steps
Accommodations to Participate in
Planning Meetings
May need communication access-Braille, large
print, CART, or sign language interpreter.
May need accessible transportation or funds to
pay for transportation to attend meetings.
May need a personal care attendant to assist
during meetings (with setting up books,
papers, communication device or to assist in
restroom, etc.) or funding to pay an attendant.
Future Planning/Next Steps
People with Disabilities are a Vital Part
of Our Communities
People with disabilities are the largest minority
group, cutting across ethnic, cultural, gender,
and socio-economic lines.
Group is larger still when you add those with an
illness, temporary disability (i.e. broken limb),
and those who are elderly.
Effective planning must include and meet the
needs of those with mobility, visual and hearing
Future Planning/Next Steps
When Planning is Inclusive
Then we can all work together and support
each other with our unique abilities and
Surviving a disaster takes the cooperation and
talents of everyone!