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ECE200 – Computer Organization
Chapter 5 – The Processor:
Datapath and Control
Homework 5
5.5, 5.7, 5.9, 5.15, 5.16, 5.22, 5.24, 5.29
What we’ve covered so far
Computer abstractions and technology (Ch 1)
Defining, measuring, evaluating performance
(Ch 2)
Instruction set architecture and assembly
language programming (Ch 3)
Computer arithmetic (Ch 4)
Basic CPU organization (Ch 5)
Advanced CPU organization (Ch 6)
Caches and main memories (Ch 7)
Input/Output (Ch 8 and Motorola HC11
Multiprocessors (Ch 9) [if we get to it]
Outline for Chapter 5 lectures
Goals in processor implementation
Brief review of sequential logic design
Pieces of the processor implementation puzzle
A simple implementation of a MIPS integer
instruction subset
 Datapath
 Control
logic design
A multi-cycle MIPS implementation
 Datapath
 Control
logic design
Microcoded control
Some real microprocessor datapath and control
Goals in processor implementation
Balance the rate of supply of instructions and
data and the rate at which the execution core
can consume them and can update memory
instruction supply
execution core
data supply
Goals in processor implementation
Recall from Chapter 2
Time = INST x CPI x CT
INST largely a function of the ISA and compiler
Objective: minimize CPI x CT within design
constraints (cost, power, etc.)
Trading off CPI and CT is tricky
Brief review of sequential logic design
State elements are clocked devices
 Flip
flops, etc
Combinatorial elements hold no state
 ALU,
caches, multiplier, multiplexers, etc.
In edge triggered clocking, state elements are
only updated on the (rising) edge of the clock
Brief review of sequential logic design
The same state element can be read at the
beginning of a clock cycle and updated at the end
Example: incrementing the PC
Add input
Add output
PC register
Our processor design progression
(1) Instruction fetch, execute, and operand
reads from data memory all take place in a
single clock cycle
(2) Instruction fetch, execute, and operand
reads from data memory take place in
successive clock cycles
(3) A pipelined design (Chapter 6)
Pieces of the processor puzzle
Instruction fetch
Data memory
instruction supply
execution core
data supply
Instruction fetch datapath
Memory to hold instructions
Register to hold the instruction memory address
Logic to generate the next instruction address
PC +4
Execution datapath
Focus on only a subset of all MIPS instructions
 add,
sub, and, or
 lw, sw
 slt
 beq, j
For all instructions except j, we
 Read
operands from the register file
 Perform an ALU operation
For all instructions except sw, beq, and j, we
write a result into the register file
Execution datapath
Register file block diagram
 Read
register 1,2: source operand register numbers
 Read data 1,2: source operands (32 bits each)
 Write register: destination operand register number
 Write data: data written into register file
 RegWrite: when asserted, enables the writing of Write Data
Execution datapath
Datapath for R-type (add, sub, and, or, slt)
 R-type
instruction format:
26 25
21 20
16 15
11 10
6 5
Execution datapath
Datapath for beq instruction
 I-type
instruction format:
26 25
21 20
16 15
ALU output indicates if rs=rt (branch is taken/not taken)
 Branch target address is the sign extended immediate left
shifted two positions, and added to PC+4
 Zero
Data memory
Used for lw, sw (I-type format)
Block diagram
 Address:
memory location to be read or written
 Read data: data out of the memory on a load
 Write data: data into the memory on a store
 MemRead: indicates a read operation is to be performed
 MemWrite: indicates a write operation is to be performed
Execution datapath + data memory
Datapath for lw, sw
 Address
is the sign-extended immediate added to the source
operand read out of the register file
 sw: data written to memory from specified register
 lw: data written to register file from specified memory
Putting the pieces together
Single clock cycle for fetch, execute, and
operand read from data memory
3 MUXes
 Register
file operand or sign extended immediate to ALU
 ALU or data memory output written to register file
 PC+4 or branch target address written to PC register
Datapath for R-type instructions
Example: add $4, $18, $30
Datapath for I-type ALU instructions
Example: slti $7, $4, 100
Datapath for not taken beq instruction
Example: beq $28, $13, EXIT
Datapath for taken beq instruction
Example: beq $28, $13, EXIT
Datapath for load instruction
Example: lw $8, 112($2)
Datapath for store instruction
Example: sw $10, 0($3)
Control signals we need to generate
ALU operation control
ALU control input codes from Chapter 4
ALU control input
ALU operation
Used for
add, lw, sw
sub, beq
set on less than
Two steps to generate the ALU control input
 Use
the opcode to distinguish R-type, lw and sw, and beq
 If R-type, use funct field to determine the ALU control input
ALU operation control
Opcode used to generate a 2-bit signal called
ALUOp with the following encodings
 00:
lw or sw, perform an ALU add
 01: beq, perform an ALU subtract
 10: R-type, ALU operation is determined by the funct field
ALU control input
Comparing instruction fields
26 25
lw (sw)
26 25
21 20
21 20
26 25
35 (43)
16 15
6 5
16 15
21 20
11 10
immediate (offset)
16 15
immediate (offset)
Opcode, source registers, function code, and
immediate fields always in same place
Destination register is
 bits
15-11 (rd) for R-type
 bits 20-16 (rt) for lw
 MUX to select the right one
Datapath with instr fields and ALU control
Main control unit design
Main control unit design
Truth table
Adding support for jump instructions
J-type format
26 25
Next PC formed by shifting left the 26-bit target
two bits and combining it with the 4 high-order
bits of PC+4
Now the next PC will be one of
 PC+4
 beq
target address
 j target address
We need another MUX and control bit
Adding support for jump instructions
Evaluation of the simple implementation
All instructions take one clock cycle (CPI = 1)
Assume the following worst case delays
 Instruction
memory: 4 time units
 Data memory: 4 time units (read), 2 time units (write)
 ALU: 4 time units
 Adders: 3 time units
 Register file: 2 time units (read), 1 time unit (write)
 MUXes, sign extension, gates, and shifters: 1 time unit
Large disparity in worst case delays among
instruction types
 R-type:
4+2+1+4+1+1 = 13 time units
 beq: 4+2+1+4+1+1+1 = 14 time units
 j: 4+1+1 = 6 time units
 store: 4+2+4+2 = 12 time units
 load: 4+2+4+4+1+1 = 16 time units
Evaluation of the simple implementation
Disparity would be worse in a real machine
 Even
slower integer instructions (e.g., multiply/divide in MIPS)
 Floating point instructions
Simple instructions take as long as complex ones
A multicycle implementation
Instruction fetch, register file access, etc occur
in separate clock cycles
Different instruction types take different
numbers of cycles to complete
Clock cycle time should be faster
High level view of datapath
New registers store results of each step
 Not
programmer visible!
Hardware can be shared
 One
ALU for PC+4, branch target calculation, EA calculation,
and arithmetic operations
 One memory for instructions and data
Detailed multi-cycle datapath
Multi-cycle control
First two cycles for all instructions
Instruction fetch (1st cycle)
 Load
the instruction into the IR register
IR = Memory[PC]
 Increment
the PC
PC = PC+4
Instruction decode and register fetch (2nd cycle)
 Read
register file locations rs and rt, results into the A and B
 Calculate
the branch target address and load into ALUOut
ALUOut = PC+(sign-extend (IR[15-0]) <<2)
Instruction fetch
Instruction fetch
Instruction decode and register fetch
A=Reg[IR[25-21]], B=Reg[IR[20-16]]
Instruction decode and register fetch
ALUOut = PC+(sign-extend (IR[15-0]) <<2)
Additional cycles for R-type
 ALUOut
= A op B
 Reg[IR[15-11]]
= ALUOut
R-type execution cycle
ALUOut = A op B
R-type completion cycle
Reg[IR[15-11]] = ALUOut
Additional cycles for store
Address computation
 ALUOut
= A + sign-extend (IR[15-0])
Memory access
 Memory[ALUOut]
Store address computation cycle
ALUOut = A + sign-extend (IR[15-0])
Store memory access cycle
Memory[ALUOut] = B
Additional cycles for load
Address computation
 ALUOut
Memory access
= A + sign-extend (IR[15-0])
= Memory[ALUOut]
Read completion
 Reg[IR[20-16]]
Load memory access cycle
MDR = Memory[ALUOut]
Load read completion cycle
Reg[IR[20-16]] = MDR
Additional cycle for beq
Branch completion
 if
(A == B) PC = ALUOut
Branch completion cycle for beq
if (A == B) PC = ALUOut
Additional cycle for j
Jump completion
 PC
= PC[31-28] || (IR[25-0]<<2)
Jump completion cycle for j
PC = PC[31-28] || (IR[25-0]<<2)
Control logic design
Implemented as a Finite State Machine
 Inputs:
6 opcode bits
 Outputs: 16 control signals
 State: 4 bits for 10 states
High-level view of FSM
Instruction fetch cycle
Instruction decode/register fetch cycle
R-type execution cycle
R-type completion cycle
Memory address computation cycle
Store memory access cycle
Load memory access cycle
Load read completion cycle
beq branch completion cycle
j jump completion cycle
Complete FSM
Evaluation of the multi-cycle design
CPI calculated based on the instruction mix
 For
23% loads (5 cycles each)
13% stores (4 cycles each)
19% branches (3 cycles each)
2% jumps (3 cycles each)
43% ALU (4 cycles each)
gcc (Figure 4.54)
= 0.23*5+0.13*4+0.19*3+0.02*3+0.43*4=4.02
Cycle time is calculated from the longest delay
path assuming the same timing delays as before
Worst case datapath: branch target
ALUOut = PC+(sign-extend (IR[15-0]) <<2)
Delay = 7 time units (delay of simple = 16)
Evaluation of the multi-cycle design
Time per instruction of simple and multi-cycle
 TPI(simple)
= CPI(simple) x cycle time(simple) = 16
 TPI(multi-cycle) = 4.02 x 7 = 28.1
Simple single-cycle implementation is faster
Multicycle with pipelining will be considerably
faster than single-cycle implementation
An exception is an event that causes a deviation
from the normal execution of instructions
Types of exceptions
 Operating
system call (e.g., read a file, print a file)
 Input/output device request
 Page fault (request for instruction/data not in memory – Ch 7)
 Arithmetic error (overflow, underflow, etc.)
 Undefined instruction
 Misaligned memory access (e.g., word access to odd address)
 Memory protection violation
 Hardware error
 Power failure
An exception is not usually due to an error!
We need to be able to restart the program at
the point where the exception was detected
Handling exceptions
Detect the exception
Save enough information about the exception to
handle it properly
Save enough information about the program to
resume it after the exception is handled
Handle the exception
Either terminate the program or resume
executing it depending on the exception type
Detecting exceptions
Performed by hardware
Overflow: determined from the opcode and the
overflow output of the ALU
Undefined instruction: determined from
 The
opcode in the main control unit
 The function code and ALUop in the ALU control logic
Detecting exceptions
Saving exception information
Performed by hardware
We need the type of exception and the PC of the
instruction when the exception occurred
In MIPS, the Cause register holds the exception
 Need
an encoding for each exception type
 Need a signal from the control unit to load it into the Cause
and the Exception Program Counter (EPC)
register holds the PC
 Need
to subtract 4 from the PC register to get the correct PC
(since we loaded PC+4 into the PC register during the
Instruction Fetch cycle)
 Need a signal from the control unit to load it into EPC
Saving exception information
Saving program information
Needed in order to restart the program from the
point where the exception occurred
Performed by hardware and software
EPC register holds the PC of the instruction that
had the exception (where we will restart the
The software routine that handles the exception
saves any registers that it will need to the stack
and restores them when it is done
Handling the exception
Performed by hardware and software
Need to transfer control to a software routine to
handle the exception (exception handler)
The exception handler runs in a privileged mode
that allows it to use special instructions and
access all of memory
 Our
programs run in user mode
The hardware enables the privileged mode,
loads PC with the address of the exception
handler, and transitions to the Fetch state
Handling the exception
Loading the PC with exception handler address
Exception handler
Stores the values of the registers that it will
need to the stack
Handles the particular exception
Operating system call: calls the subroutine associated with the call
Underflow: sets register to zero or uses denormalized numbers
I/O: handles the particular I/O request, e.g., keyboard input
Restores registers from the stack (if program is
to be restarted)
Terminates the program, or resumes execution
by loading the PC with EPC and transitioning to
the Instruction Fetch state
FSM modifications
The Intel Pentium processor
Introduced in 1993
Uses a multi-cycle datapath with the following
steps for integer instructions
 Prefetch
(PF): read instruction from the instruction memory
 Decode 1 (D1): first stage of instruction decode
 Decode 2 (D2): second stage of instruction decode
 Execute (E): perform the ALU operation
 Write back (WB): write the result to the register file
Datapath usage varies by instruction type
 Simple
instructions make one pass through the datapath using
state machine control
 Complex instructions make multiple passes, reusing the same
hardware elements under microcode control
The Intel Pentium processor
The Pentium is a 2-way superscalar design as
two instructions can simultaneously execute
U pipe
V pipe
Ideal CPI for a 2-way superscalar is 0.5
Conditions for superscalar execution
 Both
must be simple instructions
 The result of the first instruction cannot be needed by the
 Both instructions cannot write the same register
 The first instruction in program sequence cannot be a jump
The Intel Pentium Pro processor
Introduced in 1995 as the successor to the
The basis for the Pentium II and Pentium III
Implements a 14-cycle, 3-way superscalar
integer datapath
 Very
high frequency is the goal
Uses out-of-order execution in that instructions
may execute out of their original program order
 Completely
handled by hardware transparently to software
 Instructions execute as soon as their source operands become
 Complicates exception handling
Some instructions before the excepting one may not have executed,
while some after it may have executed
The Intel Pentium Pro processor
Pentium Pro designers (and AMD designers
before them) used innovative engineering to
overcome the disadvantages of CISC ISAs
 Many
complex X86 instructions are internally translated by
hardware into RISC-like micro-ops with state machine control
 Achieves a very low CPI for simple integer operations even
on programs compiled for older implementations
Combination of high frequency and low CPI gave
the Pentium Pro extremely competitive integer
performance versus RISC microprocessors
 Result
has been that RISC CPUs have failed to gain the
desktop market share that had been expected
The Intel Pentium 4 processor
20 cycle superscalar integer pipeline
Extremely high frequency (>3GHz)
Major effort to lower power dissipation
 Clock
gating: clock to a unit is turned off when the unit is not
 Trace
cache: caches micro-ops of previously decoded complex
in use
instructions to avoid power-consuming decode operation