Transcript Document

Disaster Recover Planning &
Federal Information Systems
Management Act Requirements
December 2007
Central Maryland ISACA Chapter
Samuel BowerCraft, MIS, CISA
Consulting Manager
Preliminary Items
• Ask and you shall receive.
– Questions?
– Thoughts?
– Focus!
• We will all get a break.
• Get coffee when you need it…I will.
• Federal Information Security Management
Act of 2002
• Places requirements on government
agencies to improve the security of federal
information and information systems.
• Who has ever done SOX work?
Purpose of FISMA
• Provide a consistent framework for
protecting information at the federal level.
• Provide effective management of risks to
information security.
• Provide for the development of adequate
controls to protect information and systems.
• Provides a mechanism for effective
oversight of federal security programs.
FISMA Summary
• Federal agencies are required to establish an integrated,
risk-based information security program that adheres to
high-level requirements governing how information
security is conducted within their agency.
• Agencies are required to:
– assess the current level of risk associated with their information
and information systems
– define controls to protect those systems
– implement policies and procedures to cost-effectively reduce risk
– periodically test and evaluate those controls
– train personnel on information security policies and procedures
– and manage incidents (incident response plan/process).
FISMA Dictates…
Responsibilities of chief security officers.
Actions required to assess risk.
Actions required to mitigate risk.
Security awareness training.
Testing of security practices and controls.
Procedures for responding to security issues.
Procedures for business continuity.
• National Institute of Standards and
• Mission: to promote U.S. innovation and
industrial competitiveness by advancing
measurement science, standards, and
technology in ways that enhance
economic security and improve our quality
of life.
• Provides guidance on FISMA that is
detailed and in-depth, and how!
• Vision includes:
• Standards for categorizing information and information systems by
mission impact.
• Standards for minimum security requirements for information and
information systems.
• Guidance for selecting appropriate security controls for information
• Guidance for assessing security controls in information systems and
determining security control effectiveness.
• Guidance for certifying and accrediting information systems.
• Goals Include:
The implementation of cost-effective, risk-based information security
The establishment of a level of security due diligence for federal agencies
and contractors supporting the federal government.
More consistent and cost-effective application of security controls across
the federal information technology infrastructure.
More consistent, comparable, and repeatable security control assessments.
A better understanding of enterprise-wide mission risks resulting from the
operation of information systems.
More complete, reliable, and trustworthy information for authorizing officials-facilitating more informed security accreditation decisions.
More secure information systems within the federal government including
the critical infrastructure of the United States.
FISMA Implementation Timeline
• Phase 1: Standards and Guidelines Dev.
– Focuses on the development of the security
standards and guidance required to effectively
implement the provisions of the legislation.
– The implementation of the NIST standards
and guidance will help agencies create robust
information security programs and effectively
manage risk
– 2003 - 2007
FISMA Implementation Timeline
• Phase 2: Credentialing Program
– Focus on the development of a program for
credentialing public and private sector organizations
to provide security assessment services for federal
– Security services involve the comprehensive
assessment of the management, operational, and
technical security controls in federal information
systems to determine the extent to which the controls
are implemented correctly.
– 2007 - 2009
Compliance Deadlines
• Legacy Systems: within one (1) year of
publication of NIST security standards.
• Systems under development: upon
Effective Security Program
Periodic Assessment of Risk
Policies and procedures based on risk.
Plans for providing adequate security.
Security awareness training.
Periodic testing of controls, at least annually.
A formal remediation process.
Security incident response process.
Business continuity procedures.
FISMA: Risk Assessment
Categorize the information system.
Select an initial set of security controls.
Supplement controls based on risk.
Document the controls in the security plan.
Implement the security controls.
Assess the controls (test).
Authorize systems based on risk.
Monitor and continually assess controls.
FISMA Risk Assessment
RA Category
1. Categorize
2. Select
3. Supplement
4. Document
5. Implement
6. Assess
7. Authorize
8. Monitor
Publication Reference
1. FIPS 199, NIST SP 800-60
2. FIPS 200, NIST SP 800-53
3. NIST SP 800-53, SP 800-30
4. NIST SP 800-18
5. It depends…
6. NIST SP 800-53A
7. NIST SP 800-37
8. NIST SP 800-37, SP 800-53A
Security Planning I/O
Publication Summary
FIPS 199
• Standards for Security Categorization of
Federal Information and Information Systems
– Categorization of information and/or information
– Based on potential impact based on certain
events being experienced by the organization.
Publication Summary
SP 800-60
• Guide for Mapping Types of Information and
Information Systems to Security Categories
– Assists in mapping information and information
systems to impact levels for:
• Confidentiality, Integrity, & Availability.
– Volume 1: Relevant to multiple agencies.
– Volume 2: Agency and mission specific.
Publication Summary
SP 800-53
• Guide for Assessing the Security Controls in
Federal Information Systems
– Guide to establish common methods and to
assess the effectiveness of controls (test).
– Designed to foster standardization, and consistent
and comparable assessments of information
Publication Summary
SP 800-53
• Recommended Security Controls for Federal
Information Systems
– Provides guidelines for selecting controls for
information systems.
– For ISACA and CISA and CoBIT lovers…
SP 800-53
Security Control Topic Areas
• Risk assessment
• Certification, Accreditation and
Security Assessments
• System Services and
• Security Planning
• Configuration Mgmt.
• System and Communications
• Incident Response
• Identification and Authorization
• Personnel Security
• Awareness and Training
• Physical and Environmental
• Media Protection
• Contingency Planning
• Maintenance
• System and Information
• Access Control
• Accountability and Audit
Publication Summary
SP 800-37
• Guide for the Security Certification and
Accreditation of Federal Information Systems
– Provides guidelines for the certification of
information systems to enable consistent,
comparable and repeatable evaluations of
security controls.
– Help achieve more secure systems.
Publication Summary
SP 800-18
• Guide for Developing Security Plans for
Federal Information Systems
– Provides background and a structure for
developing a security plan.
– Has Information System Security Plan Template!
FISMA Summary
• FISMA is about information security and a
formalized process to attest to the security
• The process flow is standard audit
• NIST provides clear guidelines on how to
document and proceed.
• Check out: