Algorithms (and Datastructures)

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Transcript Algorithms (and Datastructures)

Theory of Computing
Lecture 19
MAS 714
Hartmut Klauck
Subset Sum
• Input: set S of natural numbers, target t
• Is there a subset S’µ S such that the elements
in S’ sum to t?
• Theorem: Subset Sum is NP-complete
• Reduction from 3-SAT
Subset Sum
• Given formula of m clauses and n variables
– no variable is unused, xi and :xi not in same clause
Create 2 numbers for each variable: vi, wi
2 numbers for each clause: rc, sc
Numbers are base 10 and have n+m digits
t: 1 in each variable digit and 4 in each clause digit
vi: 1 at digit i and 1 for each clause digit with literal xi
wi: 1 at digit i and 1 for each clause digit with literal :xi
rc: 1 at clause digit c
sc: 2 at clause digit c
Subset Sum
Suppose sum of a subset of numbers equals t
Clearly: cannot contain both vi and wi
Set xi=1 iff vi is in the subset
Claim: Satisfying for F
rc and sc can contribute at most 3 to a clause
digit, but the sum is 4, hence the vi or wi in the
subset must have digit 1 for the clause->
clause in F is satisfied
Subset Sum
• Suppose there is a satisfying assignment to F
• If xi=1 take vi into the subset, else wi
• Sums all numbers, consider n most significant
digits: all are 1
• Consider the last m digits of the sum:
– For each clause digit value is at least 1, and up to 3
• Add appropriate numbers rc, sc to make the
sum equal to t
3-Dimensional Matching
• X,Y,Z are sets of n elements each
• E is a subset of X£ Y£ Z
• A 3D-matching is a set of triples that do not
share vertices
• Question: Is there a perfect matching, i.e., one
that contains every vertex in exactly one
• Recall: 2D-matching is in P
• We reduce from 3-SAT
• Formula F with n variables and m clauses
Variable gadget for xi:
Vertices: {ai,1,…,ai,2m } [{bi,1,...,bi,2m }
Edges: (ai,j, ai,j+1, bi,j)
In a perfect matching only bi,j for odd j or for even j
can be present (else some ai,j covered twice)
Covering even bi,j means xi=1
• Clause gadget:
– Vertices {cj, dj}
– Edges: connect clause gadget nodes with variable
gadgets: literal xi: connect with bi,2j, else with bi,2j-1
• Observation: Must choose exactly one edge per
clause gadget. This covers an odd or even bi,j
vertex. Can cover a-vertices only if either odd or
even bi,j are used, not both.
• More details: Need some extra gadgets to cover
unused b-vertices
• Suppose F is satisfiable.
• Choose the edges for the variable gadgets as
in x
• Then for a clause (l1Ç l2Ç l3) all true literals
have un-covered b-vertices that can be
covered using an edge that covers the clause
gadget vertices
• Similarly, given a perfect matching we can find
a satisfying assignment
• co-NP is the class of complements of
languages that are in NP
• It is widely believed that NP co-NP
• This would imply that NPÅco-NP does not
contain NP-complete problems
– Example: IntegerFactorization (decision version)
– We don’t know a polynomial time algorithm, but
the problem is likely not NP-complete
Intermediate Problems
• Ladner’s Theorem
– Unless P=NP, there exist problems in NP that are neither in P nor
• Candidate problems (their decision versions):
Integer Factorization
Graph Isomorphism
Discrete Logarithm
Group Isomorphism
Finding approximate short vectors in lattices
• Some of these problems can be used to define public key
– Such systems are hard to break if the underlying problems are
hard (e.g. for factorization/discrete log)
Other completeness notions
• P-completeness
– Reductions must be computed in logarithmic space
– implies (probably) that a problem cannot be solved in space
polylog n or parallel time polylog n
• EXP-completeness
– Implies that the problem cannot be solved in polynomial time
• NEXP-completeness
– Problem is not in NP
• PSPACE-completeness
– Problem is likely not in NP
– Many two-player games like generalized chess with time bound
New topic: Computability
• Question 1: Are all Boolean functions
• Answer 1: yes, by Boolean circuit families
– But those are not uniform, seems like cheating,
circuit family is an infinite object
• Question 2: Are all languages Lµ {0,1}*
computable by Turing machines ?
• Answer 2: NO.
Argument number 1
• A Turing machine can be described by a finite string
– list the elements of the 8-tuple
– Alternative: C++ program
• We can identify finite strings with natural numbers
– treat each character as a digit
• Conclusion: there are infinitely many Turing machines, but
the set of all Turing machines is countable
– A set S is countable if there is an injective mapping from S to the
natural numbers
– An infinite, countable set has the same cardinality as the natural
– Example: the rational numbers are countable, the reals are not
Argument number 1
• Theorem: the set of languages Lµ{0,1}* is
– Indeed has the same cardinality as the real
• Conclusion:
– Almost all languages are not computable by a TM
• No matter how much time the TM can spend
Proof of the theorem
• First we use Cantor’s method of diagonalization
to show that there is a language that cannot be
• Let M1, M2,… denote an enumeration of all Turing
• Let x1, x2,… denotes an enumeration of all inputs
in {0,1}*
• Consider the matrix A that has rows labeled by xi
and columns labeled by Mj and that contains 1 if
Mj accepts xi and 0 otherwise
Proof of the claim
• Each column j corresponds to the language of strings
accepted by Mj
• Consider the complement of the diagonal of A
– 0 with 1 and vice versa
• Consider the language L that contains string xi iff the ith diagonal element is 0
• L is not equal to any of the languages computed by the
Mj !
• Hence L is an un-computable language
• [For languages we use both terms
computable/decidable to mean that the language can
be decided by a TM that halts on all inputs]
Proof of the claim
• The same can be done if we replace the columns with any
enumeration of languages
• Hence the set of all languages is not countable, i.e., there
is no injective mapping from the set of all languages to the
natural numbers
• Note: the set of all languages has the same cardinality as
the reals
– Find an injective mapping from the reals to the set of all
• This means that `almost all’ languages are not computable
• But what about an explicit example?
• To answer this question we need another
property of Turing machine
• Universality means that there is a Turing
machine that can simulate all other Turing
• Compare: actual computers are universal, we
generally don’t buy/build a new computer for
a new application
• Fix some way to encode Turing machines
– Write <M> for the encoding of TM M (as a string)
• Definition: A universal Turing machine is a TM
that on input <M>,x accepts if and only if M
accepts on x
• Theorem: There is a universal TM U
• Note: Since U must be finite, we cannot simply read <M> into the internal
state of U
– in fact we cannot even read a state of M into U’s internal state
• Copy input x to a second tape (we assume that M has 1 tape)
• A third tape contains the current state of M
– w.l.o.g. this is 02Q
• We need to show that one step of M can be simulated
• Idea: search the transition function table in <M> to determine the new
state given the tape symbol on tape 2 and the current state on tape 3,
update both, move the head on tape 2
• Each step tests if the current state is accepting/rejecting
• We have a machine U that can simulate any 1-tape TM using 3 tapes
• Running time: we are interested in the running time in terms of |x|
• Fact: a universal TM U with time O(C n log n) exist, where C depends on M,
and U has the same number of tapes as M
Halting Problem
• On an input x, a machine M might not halt
– Infinite loop
• It would be nice to be able to decide if this
• HALT={<M>,x: M halts on input x}
• Theorem:
– HALT is not computable
• We try a similar argument to Cantor’s
• Consider a TM H that decides HALT
– halts on all inputs <M> and gives the correct output
• Consider inputs <M>,<M>
– These belong to HALT, if M halts on its encoding
• We define a new machine M that does the
– On input x, run H on x,x [use U, note that H halts]
– If H reports that x halts on x , go into an infinite loop
– Else halt
• What does M do on <M>?
• If M halts on <M>, H will say so, and M will go
into an infinite loop on <M>
• If M does not halt on <M>, then H will say it
does not halt, and M will halt on <M>
• Contradiction!
• Hence H does not exist!
• Definition: L many-one reduces to S is there is
a computable function f such that
x2L , f(x)2 S
• Notation: L· S
• Conclusion: if L is not decidable then S is not
• More general notion of reductions: Turing
reductions (using oracle Turing machine)
More uncomputable problems
• We are in a similar situation as in the theory
of NP-completeness
• We have an uncomputable/undecidable
problem, find more by reductions
• H={<M>: M halts on some input x2{0,1}*}
• Theorem: H is not computable because HALT· H
• Reduction: given <M>,x we construct a new TM
– Mx ignores its own input but writes x on the tape and
then simulates M on x
• Clearly: <M>,x2 HALT , <Mx>2 H
• Note: The description of <Mx> has to be
computable from <M> and x
• LM denotes the language accepted by M
– the set of strings that M accepts
• NEMPTY={<M>: LM  ;}
• Theorem: E is not decidable because HALT· NEMPTY
• Reduction:
Given <M>,x we create a new machine Mx
Mx reads the input and compares it to x
If input is not equal to x, then Mx rejects
If input is equal to x, then Mx simulates M
If M halts, accept
• We have: <M>,x2 HALT , <Mx>2 NEMPTY