Transcript HoD Meeting - Sacred Heart Canossian College
Senior Secondary Education Subject Choice Seminar 5-March-2013
Senior Secondary Studies Subject Choice Seminar Aims : 1.To understand the Senior Secondary Education Curriculum Framework 2.To understand the importance of subject choice 3.To understand the purpose and procedure of Mock Subject Selection
The Senior Secondary Education Curriculum Framework 4 Core Subjects
: Chin Language, Eng Language, Mathematics, Liberal Studies (45-55%)
3 Elective Subjects
out of 13 subjects
Subject Choice
Other Learning Experiences moral and civic education, community service, aesthetic and physical development, career-related experiences
The importance of subject choice
S1 S2
S4 S5 S6
Senior Secondary Studies University History subjects combination ?
Subject choice ?
4 cores (Eng, Chin, Math, LS) 3 electives Economics Chinese History BAFS Combined Science (Bio + Chem) Chinese Literature ICT E & RS Chemistry Literature in English Geography Biology Physics
Before you make your choices……
To set a clear goals for yourself (study + career ) To understand your personalities, your interests , your abilities and your career aspirations interests and abilities , To know more about the Senior Secondary Curriculum and the courses provided by Universities To discuss with your parents and teachers
Decision is made according to concrete and realistic information and with serious thinking
Senior Secondary Studies Subject Choice Seminar Aims : 1.To understand the Senior Secondary Education Curriculum Framework 2.To understand the importance of subject choice to your senior secondary education, university studies and career path 3.To understand the purpose and procedure of Mock Subject Selection
The purpose of the Mock Subject Selection To know your preference To fine tune the arrangement subject to the school resources To fit the needs of majorities
Subjects for S4 students taken in Physics Chinese History Chemistry Biology Combined Science (Bio + Chem) Chinese Literature Literature in English ICT E & RS History Geography Economics BAFS
Tips for choosing Mathematics module
Only students who are
top 35% in Mathematics
of the Form can choose to take Mathematics module (module 1 or 2)
Mock Subject Selection
Students will arrange all subjects in order of their preferences using the online application form Login ID & Password same as the
eClass login ID and password
Elective subject preference Maths module preference
Mechanism of
Elective Subject Allocation Students will be ranked according to • No. of subjects failed • Average mark of the
1st Term Examination result
Mechanism of
Elective Subject Allocation Students with
higher rank
will be allocated first Students’ first three choices will be entertained as far as possible unless the subject she selected is full The 4th – 13th choices will then be considered until 3 subjects have been allocated
Elective Subject Selection
Submission period:
5/3 – 15/3
The result of the mock allocation will
affect the actual allocation taken place in April