Family Literacy Night

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Family Literacy Night
Keith Schroeder
Library Media Spcialsit
Reasons Why Children Do Not Like To
• Reading is boring.
• Reading is not active.
• Reading takes too much time out of my
busy schedule.
• Reading means you have to sit still and
not do anything.
• Books are too long.
• I’d rather play computer games
Reasons Why Children Like to Read
• Books are fun.
• Books are exciting.
• Reading shows
you’re smart.
• Reading gives you
something to do.
• Reading helps
expand knowledge
and imagination.
• Books help me to be
more creative.
• Reading teaches me
about different lives
and different places
in the world.
• I learn new
vocabulary when I
read books.
Importance of Reading
Fundamental to success in life
Opens door to all other learning
Computer based world we live in
Read to succeed
How do people become avid readers?
Avid readers acquire their love of reading at home,
from their parents. No teacher can pass along a passion
for books the way a loving mother or father can. Good
readers remember cozy bedtime stories, sharing books
with friends and siblings, and , most importantly, the
freedom and encouragement to read whatever they
wanted to.
(Mary Leonhardt, author)
Early Reading Acquisition
• Emergent literacy
begins in infancy. The
moment you began
speaking to your child,
you became your child’s
first reading teacher.
• 48% of 6th grade
reading achievement is
attributed to home and
Early Reading Acquisition
• Talk, Sing, play with
your infant
• Read to them even
though they don’t
understand what you
are reading
• The inflection in your
voice is more important
than what you are
The Age of Wonder: Three to Five
What a magical age!
Children at this age are
willing to curl up with
you for story time, play
pretend games centered
around books or
practice early writing
skills by drawing. It is
important at this age for
your child to love
anything to do with
books, so don’t push
anything on them. Early
reading skills come
What Can I Do From Three To Five?
• Put on a teddy bear picnic in the park or back
• Designate a comfy corner near where the
family congregates
• Decorate a box to hold books for the child and
add a pillow and some favorite pals.
• Speak in silly rhymes.
• Make up simple lists.
• Start your home library.
Three to Five…
• Help your child guess which letters the
words for common objects start with.
• Label furniture and objects around the
house with colorful name tags
• Make reading special with costumes and
role playing.
• Read “predictable” books such as Brown
Bear, Brown Bear or The Napping House.
The Age of Discovery: Six to Eight
• This is a really exciting time, the years when
most children begin reading on their own.
Make sure they have plenty of really easy
reading material around. Make them feel like
they are great readers. Encouragement is
very important at this age. Celebrate their
literary milestones. This sends a very
important message to your child. Allow your
child to transition from picture books to
chapter books gradually. Visual children will
keep picture books around for a while and
that is okay.
What Can I Do From Six To Eight?
•Use books to build hobbies.
•Choosing one of your child’s
favorite activities and planning
a book activity around it.
•Write down your child’s
stories. Let them dictate little
stories that you help make into
•Let your child illustrate their
Six to Eight…
• Let your child help you
write a shopping list.
• Let your child distribute
the mail to everyone in
the house.
• Point out signs as you go
about your day.
• Let your child create a
menu for the meal you
are preparing.
• Ask older children to
read picture books to
their younger siblings.
• Listen to audio books in
the car.
• Read to your child often
and listen to your child
read to you.
• Talk to your child about
what they are reading.
The Age of Adventure: Nine to Ten
• Many children are into series books and
category fiction, such as mystery and
fantasy, by this age. Be aware that this is
the age when children are also
submerged in organized activities and
reading can very easily be crowded out of
children’s schedules. Don’t let that
happen! Children who start reading only
what they have to read for school start
slipping behind.
What Can I Do From Nine To Ten?
• Help your child
publish their writing.
• Have your child form
a reading club.
• Encourage family
members to give
books as gifts.
• Subscribe to a
magazine for your
• Act out parts of the
books you and your
child read for other
family members.
• Keep a dialogue
journal with your
child. This
encourages thoughts
about the reading
you are doing.
Nine to Ten…
• Have write-a-story parties with your child and
their friends.
• Have a joke book party.
• Plan a play-reading party.
• Have a big brother/little brother bookstore trip.
• Have a father/son habit of reading the daily
scores in the newspaper.
• A grandmother/granddaughter project of
making family history scrapbooks is nice.
• Start a mother/daughter reading club.
Coming of Age: Eleven to Thirteen
• This is the age when
many children tire of
children’s books.
Friends are
becoming very
important, so aim for
social activities that
involve books. It is
very important to set
the stage for
independent reading
in high school.
What Can I Do From Eleven To Thirteen?
• Subscribe to a sports magazine
or other magazines.
• Try audiobooks.
• Take trips to book-related places.
• Include incentives for reading.
• Find a genre that they enjoy and
build on it.
Eleven to Thirteen…
• Ask your child to read to younger siblings.
• Plan a book party for your children and
their friends and then take them to see
the movie or rent it. Compare and
contrast the movie and the book.
• Limit time in front of the television, on
computers or gaming.
• Too much time spent sitting contributes to
obesity and illiteracy.
Three Levels of Reading
• Independent
– Successfully reads without assistance (98 –
100% accuracy)
• Instructional Level
– Reads with assistance (95 – 97%)
• Frustration
– Unable to read the material with
Independent Level
• 30 minutes of reading at independent
level is equal to 30 minutes of actual
reading instruction
• Reading at this level improves reading
• Choice of “just right” book is extremely
Goldilocks Test
Too hard if. . .
1. A lot of words they don’t know
2. Too many words on the page or print too
3. Work very hard to read it or feel
4. Don’t understand the story
5. Need a lot of help to read the book
Goldilocks Test
Just right if. . .
1. If you sometimes get stuck on a word
2. Feel comfortable reading the book
3. Tell someone the story or what you
4. Sometimes reread a section to
5. Read with little help
Five Finger Method
• Find a full page of words in the middle
• Hold all five fingers out and read that page to
see any places you have difficulty
• Every time you come to a word you don’t know,
place a finger down
• If all five fingers are down before you get to the
end, it might be too difficult (vice versa)
• If you have less than five, but more than one
finger up when you finish reading the page, the
book is just right (2-3 fingers is perfect)
I PICK Method
I – Choose a book
Purpose – Why do I want to read it?
Interest – Does it interest me?
Comprehend – Am I understanding what I
• Know – Do I know most of the words?
Homework Tips on Reading
• Have your child read aloud to you every
• Ask your child to tell you in her own
words what happened in a story.
• Before getting to the end of a story, ask
your child what they think will happen
next and why.
Homework Tips on Reading
• Occasionally pause and ask your
child questions about the characters
and events in the story.
• Choose a quiet place, free from
distractions, at which your child may
do her nightly reading assignments.
Homework Tips on Reading
• Ask your child why they think a character
acted in a certain way
• Support the answer with information from
the story.
• After your child has stopped to correct a
word they have read, go back and reread
the entire sentence to make sure they
understand what the sentence is saying.
Homework Tips on Reading
• When your child reads aloud to you and
makes a mistake, point out the missed
words and help to read the word correctly.
• As your child reads, point out spelling and
sound patterns such as cat, pat, hat.
Reading Together:
• Read in a cozy place. •
• Read anything the child
• Read and sing.
• Select books with
colorful pictures.
• Involve the child.
• Read a book you
create together.
• Hold a prop while
Keep books where
they can reach.
Read predictable
stories and series.
Make Time To Read
Develop reading rituals.
Select several books to read at a time.
Allow ½ hour before bed to read.
Give older children a choice between
napping or reading.
• Schedule time into vacation for reading.
• Set aside a family time for reading
• Get your child a
library card
• Visit the the library
• Allow your child to
explore different
genres of literature
• Spend more money
on books than
• Keep books,
audiobooks, and
magazines in the car
and encourage
reading on the go.
• Let your child read as
long as he wants to.
• Resolve that reading
will be the most
important educational
goal for your child.
• Everyone loves to be
read to.
• Become involved
• Model reading
• Read to your child
• Talk to your child
about books.