Transcript Document

For the Outdoor
Plan Ahead and Prepare
• Know and follow all site regulations
• When selecting equipment for work
assignment, choose tools to minimize
impact to the resource
• Carry supplies to facilitate Leave No Trace
(bags for trash and recycling)
• Be prepared for extreme weather, hazards
and emergencies.
What do you need to
• Conservation Corps has:
– Tents, cooking gear, dishes, food
You’ll need:
Sleeping bag & pad
Head lamp
Entertainment (books, cards, games)
Clothes/toiletries etc
Comfy shoes for around camp
Camp chair, Other?
Travel and Camp on
Durable Surfaces
• ALWAYS respect trail designations, road
closures and private property
• Protect cultural and natural resources by
insuring that all gates and posted
closures are observed
Travel and Camp on
Durable Surfaces
• At the Worksite
– Choose areas that have had previous use as
worksite staging areas. Avoid places where
impacts are just beginning
– Do not create new work areas unless there is
no alternative
– A good worksite is a clean worksite
– Rehabilitate the site when finished, leaving it
Travel and Camp on
Durable Surfaces
• On Roads and Trails
– Stay on Roads and Trails to protect wildlife,
habitats, plant ecosystems, cultural sites
– Avoid travel on roads and trails when extreme
environmental conditions exist
– Travel on the most durable surface
– Walk or ride on established trails ONLY
– Don’t create new trails or shortcut switchbacks
– Walk single file in the middle of the trail, even
when wet or muddy
Does this surface look
Travel and Camp on
Durable Surfaces
• At the Campsite
– Protect riparian areas and trails by camping at
least 200 feet (~70 steps) from lakes, streams
and trails
– Good campsites are found, not made. Altering a
site is not necessary
– Evaluate the area: in popular areas concentrate
use on existing sites; in pristine areas disperse to
prevent creation of new campsites and avoid
places where impacts are just beginning
A cozy spike
Livin’ large
Dispose of Waste
• Pack out all trash- yours and others. IE:
cigarette butts, lunch or snack wrappers,
unused work materials, and equipment fuels
and lubricants
• Remove all flagging as you complete project
• Keep the wild in wildlife: don’t bury or leave
behind any food or food scraps
Dispose of Waste
• When a latrine isn’t available, deposit solid
human waste in a cathole dug 6-8 inches deep
at least 200 feet from water, trails and
worksites. Cover and disguise cathole when
• Use TP sparingly and don’t leave it on the
ground. Pack out all TP and hygiene productsdon’t burn them (fire hazard). Carry a zip lock
baggy to make this an easy carry out.
Dispose of Waste
• Take water to camp, not chores to the waterit creates an unnecessary use trail.
• To wash your hands/dishes, carry water 200
feet away from water source like streams or
lakes. Use biodegradeable soap in small
• Never burn trash- it releases noxious
chemicals and pollutants
Dishwashing is a
community sport
Type of Litter
Length of Biodegradation
Aluminum cans
80-100 years
Nylon fabrics
30-40 years
Paper containers with Plastic Coating
5 years
Paper containers
2 weeks to 5 months
Fecal Matter
1-4 weeks, pathogens can last up to a
Toilet Paper
Orange Peels
1 week to 6 months
Leave What You Find
• Leave rocks, plants and
other natural objects as
you find them
• Avoid introducing or
transporting non-native
species- brush off boots
and clothes before getting
into truck, rinse trucks
Minimize Campfire
-Stay up to date on current fire weather conditions
and burn bans.
- When using an official established fire ring, keep
fires small, gather only dead and downed wood.
- Never leave fire unattended, burn all wood and
coals to ash, put out campfire completely.
-Any time an unofficial fire ring is found, break it
apart and rehabilitate the site
Respect Wildlife
• Do not disturb animals or their homes, and
respect wildlife travel paths and feeding areas.
• Observe wildlife from a distance. Give them
plenty of space, avoid loud noises, sudden
movement and never follow or approach an
• Never feed animals or leave scraps that might be
eaten. It damages their health, alters natural
behaviors and exposes them to predators and
other dangers.
Be Considerate of Other
• Let nature’s sounds prevail. Avoid loud
voices or noises, which can often travel
great distances in some natural areas.
Travel quietly to be more aware of the
environment and strive to be
inconspicuous, including at the worksite.
• Respect visitors and protect the quality of
their experience. Many people go to sites
to enjoy the peace and solitude found
there. Be courteous of others.