The Chef’s Amazing Soup - Bell Mountain Math Grade 7

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Transcript The Chef’s Amazing Soup - Bell Mountain Math Grade 7

The Chef’s Amazing
Adding and Subtracting
The Chef’s Amazing
In a far-off land, there was once a
team of amazing chefs who cooked
up the most wonderful soups ever
They prepared their mixtures over a
huge cauldron, and their work was
very delicate and complex. During
the cooking process, they frequently
had to change the temperature of
the cauldron in order ot bring out
certain flavors and cook the soup to
The Chef’s Amazing
They adjusted the temperature of
the soups either by adding special
hot cubes or cold cubes to the
cauldron or by removing some of
the hot or cold cubes that were
already in the cauldron. The cold
cubes were similar to ice cubes
except they didn’t melt, and the hot
cubes were similar to charcoal
briquettes, except they didn’t lose
their heat.
The Chef’s Amazing
One positive and Soup
one negative make
a zero pair!
= 1°
== -1°
If the number of hot cubes in the
cauldron was the same as the
number of cold cubes, the
temperature of the cauldron was 0°
on their temperature scale. For each
hot cube that was put into the
cauldron, the temperature went up
one degree; for each hot cube
removed, the temperature went
down one degree. Similarly, each
cold cube put in lowered the
temperature one degree and each
cold cube removed raised it one
The Chef’s Amazing
Remember: One positive
and one negative make a
zero pair! So cross out all
zero pairs.
4 – 3 = 1°
The chefs used positive and
negative numbers to keep track of
the changes they were making to
the temperature.
4 hot cubes were added
Then 3 cold cubes were
The Chef’s Amazing
Remember: One positive
and one negative make a
zero pair! So cross out all
zero pairs.
The chefs used positive and
negative numbers to keep track of
the changes they were making to
the temperature.
2 – 4 = -2°
2 hot cubes were added
Then 4 cold cubes were
The Chef’s Amazing
There are no zero pairs,
so you need to find out
how many cold cubes all
The chefs used positive and
negative numbers to keep track of
the changes they were making to
the temperature.
2 cold cubes were added
-2 -5 = -7°
Then 5 more cold cubes
were added
The Chef’s Amazing
Hey wait a minute! I don’t have
cold cubes to remove! Add zero
pairs so I can remove 4 cold
cubes without changing the
value of 3 hot cubes.
The chefs used positive and
negative numbers to keep track of
the changes they were making to
the temperature.
3 hot cubes were added
3 – (-4) = 7°
Then 4 cold cubes were
The Chef’s Amazing
Practice: Try this on your own with
blue and red squares or plus and
minus signs. Then check your
4 cold cubes were added
-4 + 3 = -1°
Then 3 hot cubes were
The Chef’s Amazing
Practice: Try this on your own with
blue and red squares or plus and
minus signs. Then check your
2 cold cubes were added
Then 6 hot cubes were
-2 + 6 = 4°
The Chef’s Amazing
Practice: Try this on your own with
blue and red squares or plus and
minus signs. Then check your
2 hot cubes were added
2 – (-4) = 6°
Then 4 cold cubes were
The Chef’s Amazing
Practice: Try this on your own with
blue and red squares or plus and
minus signs. Then check your
8 cold cubes were added
-8 – (-3) = -5°
Then 3 cold cubes were