Transcript CHAPTER 2

Lecture Set 1
Part B: Understanding Visual
Studio and .NET – Structure and
1/16/2010 12:04 PM
Introduction to Visual Studio, .NET, & the IDE
Understand basic terminology – Visual Studio,
.NET. Solutions, Projects, Applications, etc.
Learn how to create new Solutions, new
General navigation around the Solution
Explorer and Forms and applications windows
in the Visual Studio IDE
Compiling and running programs
This will be presented in the first lab - LIVE
1/15/2010 6:34 PM
Visual Studio, .NET, and the IDE
Visual Studio 2010 is a suite of products that
includes the .NET Framework and the
Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
you will be using
The .NET Framework supports four
programming languages
Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual C++, Visual J#
Also COBOL, with more to come
The Visual Studio IDE is your interface to .NET
-- it is used to develop applications in any of
the supported programming languages
7/29/2013 12:05 PM
The .NET Framework
Provides a common set of services that can be
used when programming in any supported
Enables you to write programs that run on any
operating system on any hardware platform
Main components …
.NET Framework Class Library (FCL)
Common Language Runtime (CLR)
We will learn a lot more about these in a bit and
explain the rest of the terms in the next slide 
1/16/2010 12:06 PM
The .NET Framework (raising the bar)
.N E T A p p lic a tio n s
V isu a l B a sic
V isu a l C #
V isu a l C + +
V isu a l J#
.N E T F ra m e w o rk
.N E T F ra m e w o rk C la s s L ib ra ry
W in d o w s F o rm s cla sse s
A S P .N E T cla sse s
O th e r cla sse s
C o m m o n L a n g u a g e R u n tim e
M a n a g e d a p p lica tio n s
C o m m o n T yp e S yste m
In te rm e d ia te L a n g u a g e
O p e ra tin g S y s te m a n d H a rd w a re
W in d o w s 2 0 0 0 /2 0 0 3
W in d o w s X P
O th e r O p e ra tin g S yste m s
7/29/2013 12:07 PM
Introduction to
the Framework Class Library
Contains files of pre-written code organized as
The classes themselves are organized
(grouped) into Java-like packages called
The groupings are done according to the
functionality of the classes
There are many classes and many namespaces
8/10/2008 6:34 PM
Introduction to
The Common Language Runtime
The CLR manages the execution of .NET
programs (called managed code)
Coordinates essential functions …
Memory management
Code execution
Other services
Common Type System (CTS) is a component of
the CLR that ensures that all .NET applications
use the same basic data types regardless of the
language they are coded in
7/29/2013 12:07 PM
Introduction to
The Integrated Development Environment
The IDE is the interface between the
programmer and the .NET tools he or she uses
Includes design components for Console, Web,
and Windows development (to name a few)
Includes an editor for all .NET languages as
well as XML and HTML
Includes a comprehensive set of tools for forms
design and code organization
Attributes (aka properties or data stores or …)
Many other features (some shown next) 
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8/10/2008 6:34 PM
Compiling & Running a VB Application
You will create a project made up of many files
The project will be contained within a solution
The compiler builds (translates) your VB source
code into an intermediate language (MSIL) 
The result of this translation is packaged into a
special container called an Assembly.
An Assembly is an (almost) ready to execute
file with either a .dll or .exe extension
The Assembly is managed by the CLR
(to be discussed in more detail in Lecture Set 2)
6:34 PM
Compiling and Running an Application
V is u a l S tu d io
.N E T F ra m e w o rk
In te g ra te d
D e v e lo p m e n t
E n v iro n m e n t
V is u a l B a s ic
c o m p ile r
Com m on
R u n tim e
S o lu tio n
A s s e m b ly
P ro je c t
In te rm e d ia te L a n g u a g e (IL )
S o u rc e file s
C la s s re fe re n c e s
1/16/2010 12:08 PM