Transcript Document

Women, peace and security
concepts, mandates and the
National Action Plan on Women,
Peace and Security
Outline of the presentation
• What is the situation of women and men in
times of peace?
• What is the current peace and conflict
situation in the country?
• How does conflict affect women and men?
• What has been done so far in addressing
women’s issues and concerns in the context of
What is sex and gender?
• Natural, biological
characteristics of being a
man or a woman
• Physical attributes
pertaining to a person’s
chromosomes, body
contour, features, genitals,
hormones, genes,
chromosomes and
reproductive organs
(Social construction of) Gender
• Socially differentiated roles,
characteristics and
expectations attributed by
culture to women and men.
• Social behaviour of women
and men and the relationship
between them.
• May vary according to age,
class, race, ethnicity, religion
and other beliefs and
ideologies, socio-economic
and political environments
Building blocks to gender analysis (1):
Gender division of labour
Reproductive roles
Productive roles
managing roles
Community politics
Child bearing and
Work being done for
pay in cash or in kind
Activities at the
community level to
accomplishment of
reproductive roles
Activities at the
community level that
are within the frame
of local and national
politics; provides
status or power in
the community
Usually unpaid
Can be paid or
Usually attributed to
Men are usually
expected to do
productive roles
Women are paid
lower than their
male counterparts
undertaken by
Usually done by men
Building blocks to gender analysis (2):
Practical and strategic gender needs
Practical gender needs
Formulated from concrete conditions
Strategic gender needs
Formulated by an analysis of women’s
subordination in society
Do not challenge the subordinate position Challenge the nature of the relationship
of women
of men and women
May include:
• Water
• Health care
• Income for household
• Housing and basic services
• Family food provision
May include:
• Alleviation of burden of domestic work
and child care
• Rights to land or property
• Access to credit and other resources
• Freedom of choice over child bearing
• Measures against violence
Building blocks to gender analysis (3):
Manifestations of gender bias
Manifestations of
gender bias
Multiple burden
Performance of multiple roles despite limited time, energy and
Assigning unquestioned and unexamined roles, beliefs and
perceptions on women and men
Relegating women and men in traditionally acceptable activities,
connected with gender division of labour
Lower status attributed, most especially to women, brought
about by gender stereotyping
Any harm inflicted against a person’s will.
Maybe physically, sexual, psychological, economic or sociocultural (see also RA 9262 or Anti-VAWC Law)
Building blocks to gender analysis (4):
Levels of empowerment
Levels of
Level of women’s material welfare (income, food, health care)
relative to men
Level of women’s access to factors of production (land, labour,
credit, training, market facilities, etc.) on an equal basis with
Level of conscious understanding of the difference between sex
and gender and that gender division of labour should be fair
and agreeable to both sexes
Level of women’s equal participation in decision-making
processes, policy-making, planning and administration
Level of women’s control over the decision-making process
In times of peace, there are
already existing inequalities
between women and men.
Such inequalities are exacerbated
in times of conflict.
Differentiating conflict, violence
and armed conflict
• Conflict
– A state of affairs wherein
2 or more key players
have or perceive that
they have opposed goals
– May be handled
constructively or
• Violence
– Is one way of handling
– A destructive means of
pursuing one’s goals
• Armed conflict
– A state of affairs where key
players in a conflict
relationship engage in violent
acts that are purposefully
enacted to hurt other key
Closure Area:
Closure Area:
Negros-Panay Island
Samar Island
Areas Affected by the
CARAGACompostela ValleyDavao Corridor
Bangsamoro Fronts
Central Mindanao
and ARMM
How does conflict affect women and men?
During conflict situations
Elements of conflict situations
Possible gender dimensions
Mobilization of people for conflict. With men’s mobilization for combat, women
Everyday life and work disrupted.
have often taken over traditionally male
occupations and responsibilities.
Women have challenged traditional gender
stereotypes by becoming combatants and taking
on non-traditional roles.
Material shortages
Women’s role as provider of everyday family
needs may mean increased stress and work as
basic goods are more difficult to locate.
Non-combatant men may also experience stress
related to their domestic gender roles if they are
expected, but unable to provide for their families.
Gender Equality and Peacebuilding: An Operational Framework, 2001
How does conflict affect women and men?
During conflict situations
Elements of conflict situations
Possible gender dimensions
Psychological trauma, physical
violence, casualties and death
Women and girls are often victims of
sexual violence during times of
Social networks disrupted and
destroyed – changes in family
structures and composition
Gender relations can be subject to
stress and change. The traditional
division of labor within a family may
change for survival. Women may
become responsible for an increased
number of dependents.
Gender Equality and Peacebuilding: An Operational Framework, 2001
How does conflict affect women and men?
During conflict situations
Elements of conflict situations
Creation of refugees and displaced
Possible gender dimensions
Women and men refugees (as well as
boys and girls) often have different
needs and priorities.
Scarcity of employment or incomegenerating opportunities in the
camps increases vulnerability of
women and children for trafficking
Gender Equality and Peacebuilding: An Operational Framework, 2001
How does conflict affect women and men?
Families may struggle to surmount
the debts they have incurred, to
rebuild homes and businesses, to
recuperate from ill health, and to
return children to schools.
IDPs who settle with kin or host
communities or in temporary
makeshift camps may have little
access to services provided by the
government and international
The Asia Foundation, 2010
How does conflict affect women and men?
Many women complain of lack of
privacy for bathing or dressing
and the constant presence of
unknown armed men in IDP
Lack of food, clean water and
sanitary facilities promotes
diseases with diarrheal illnesses
and pneumonia as major causes of
IDP deaths.
The Asia Foundation, 2010
How does conflict affect women and men?
Many lacked privacy and felt
unsafe at night because of the lack
of electricity (no lights) and the
passing through of military in the
camps. (WASH, July 2009)
Displaced women often become source of
extremely cheap labour and the money they
make is often below the minimum necessary
to survive.
The adverse impact of forced
displacement on women’s physical
and mental health and livelihoods
affects their diet, which is of special
significance when accompanying
pregnancies and motherhood.
IDMC, June 2011
How does conflict affect women and men?
Young men in conflictaffected areas of
Mindanao are forced to
take on adult roles and
responsibilities many of
them are not ready for.
Widespread firearms and constant
insecurity encourage young boys
to carry arms. Armed groups use
children in their ranks, mostly for
non-combat duties, despite all
groups maintaining a policy of
non-recruitment of children for
direct hostilities.
IDMC, June 2011
How does conflict affect women and men?
During reconstruction and rehabilitation
Elements of conflict
Possible gender dimensions
Political negotiations and
Men’s and women’s participation in these
planning to implement peace process tends to vary, with women often
playing only minor roles in formal
negotiations or policy making
Demobilization of
Combatants often assumed to be male. If
priority is granted to young men, women do
not benefit from land allocation, credit, etc.
Gender Equality and Peacebuilding: An Operational Framework, 2001
Beijing Platform
for Action (1995)
- International Bill of
Rights for Women
12 Critical Areas of
Concern including
- General
Recommendation 30
(2013): on women in
conflict prevention,
conflict and postconflict situations
‘women and armed
‘the girl-child’
Criminal Court
VAW in armed conflict
(e.g. rape and sexual
violence) recognized as
Women, Peace
and Security
- war crimes
- crimes against
- crimes constitutive of
Progressive Gender-Sensitive Developments in IHRL and IHL
International Legal and Normative
Frames on WPS
United Nations Security
Council Resolutions
Women’s participation in
peacebuilding, peacekeeping and
UNSCR 1325
UNSCR 1889
Prevention of and protection
from sexual violence
UNSCR 1820
UNSCR 1888
UNSCR 1960
UNSCR 2122
UNSCR 2106
NAP-WPS around the world
What is the National Action Plan on
Women, Peace and Security (NAP)?
• Adopted in 2010
• Response to UNSCRs 1325 and 1820 and
anchored on Republic Act 9710 or Magna Carta of
• Contains two main pillars stated in UNSCRs 1325
and 1820, with indicators:
– Protection and Prevention
– Empowerment and Participation
• Contains two support pillars, with indicators:
– Promotion and Mainstreaming
– Monitoring and Evaluation
National Law Basis
• Bill of Rights of Filipino
• Translation of CEDAW into
Philippine context
• Contains provisions on
protection from violence
in situations of armed
conflict and militarization,
women affected by crisis
situations, women in the
National Policy
• Chapter 8 on Peace
Development (updated)
- “Human security is the ultimate
aim of national security.”
- Ensure women’s participation in
the peace process (Track 1) and in
conflict resolution, peacebuilding,
and post-conflict rehabilitation
- “Strengthen capabilities and skills
of security forces and services
delivery agents to respond to
sexual and gender-based violence
in affected areas, and be able to
provide victims with appropriate
- “Mainstreaming
conflictsensitive, peacebuilding, and
gender-sensitive lens.”
PAMANA Partners/Implementing Agencies
National Steering Committee on
Women, Peace and Security
Office of the Presidential Adviser in the
Peace Process (OPAPP) --- Chair
Philippine Commission on Women
(PCW) --- Vice-Chair
Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD)
Department of Justice (DOJ)
Department of National Defense (DND)
Department of the Interior and Local
Government (DILG)
Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)
National Commission on Indigenous
People (NCIP)
National Commission on Muslim
Filipinos (NCMF)
PAMANA Implementing Agencies
• Commission on Higher Education
• Department of Agriculture (DA)
• Department of Agrarian Reform
• Department of Health (DOH)
• Department of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH)
• Philippine Insurance Corporation
• Technical Educational Services
Development Authority (TESDA)
• National Electrification
Administration (NEA)
NAP strengthens the
gender mainstreaming
strategy of the government, •
particularly in the context of
NAP programs, activities and
projects (PAPs) should be
present in
GAD Plans and Budgets and
GAD Accomplishment Reports.
(e.g. protection
(e.g. capdev of
women ground
GAD in the
context of