Transcript Slide 1

Meet the Buyer
November 2013
Serving the people of Cumbria
A Warm Welcome to Cumbria
County Council’s 2013 Meet the
Buyer Event
Conway Stewart
Senior Manager – Corporate
Serving the people of Cumbria
…..we want to work better with our
supply chain!
• To be as transparent as possible
• To share our drivers for change with you – national,
local and financial
• To engage with you, pre-procurement exercises
• To make the processes as fair and easy as possible
for you
• To consult you on our new Corporate Procurement
Serving the people of Cumbria
Corporate Procurement Strategy:
2014 – 2018
• New draft strategy
• Drivers for change – national, local and
• Principles
• Consultation
Serving the people of Cumbria
Corporate Procurement Strategy:
2014- 2018
So, why a new Procurement Strategy?
• Reflect public sector challenges
• Direction in national procurement
• EU Directives
• Current strategy expires end of 2013
• Cumbria County Council commitment
Serving the people of Cumbria
Where are we now?
Policy objectives set and embedded
Member and officer Procurement review 2012
Positive trend in local procurement
Consistency – historically, we could be better
Balance policy objectives with financial
• Centralisation (Commissioning, Procurement
and Contract Management)
Serving the people of Cumbria
Where do we want to be?
• Procurement as tool to deliver policy and
efficiency savings
• Clear, robust, consistent and simple
• Work with supply chain to add value
• Visible, open, transparent
Serving the people of Cumbria
Current County Council financial
• The County Council has already delivered £88m
savings between 2011/12 and 2013/14.
• It needs to deliver a further £80m savings over next 3
years (£24.415m in 2014/15)
• Within the above, it needs to save £900k through
contracts and a further £1m through staffing in
2014/15, through to 2016/17
Serving the people of Cumbria
Current Council financial backcloth
• The Council is currently out to formal consultation on
its Budget between 17 October 2013 and 20 January
• It is consulting on 35 propositions, which provide a
total estimated annual saving of £24.415m in 2014/15
(£33.110m in 2015/16 & £39.600m in 2016/17)
• The above propositions are grouped under four
Serving the people of Cumbria
• New Corporate Procurement Strategy in
place by May 2014
• We want to hear your views……
• Comments to:
[email protected]
Serving the people of Cumbria
Meet the team and find out about
Services here today
Attendees here at this morning’s session include:
• Strategic Investments &
• Health & Safety
• Highways & Transportation
• Finance Services
• Safer & Stronger Communities
• Equality & Diversity
• ICT Services
• Waste Management
Serving the people of Cumbria
Today’s session will cover…..
• Guidance on ‘How you can do Business with us as a Council’
• Examples and discussions on information required when suppliers
complete a PQQ/Online PQQ/RFQ/ITT – Including:
– Health & Safety
– Financial Information
– Equality & Diversity requirements
• Interactive question & answer session with panel
• Breakout out sessions for specific/detailed discussion about future
contract pipeline with officers responsible for such.
Serving the people of Cumbria
How to do Business with Cumbria
County Council…..
Serving the people of Cumbria
Use our Website for guidance…..
Register on our Tendering Portal The Chest…..
View our Contracts Register
Serving the people of Cumbria
Examples of details required when
completing a…
• Pre Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ)
• Invitation To Tender (ITT)
• Request For Quotation (RFQ)
Serving the people of Cumbria
The Council’s Financial Values And
Estimated Value / Amount
Invitation Method
£0 - £50,000Cumbria CC Financial Values And
2 written quotations or existing framework
£50,000 - £100,000
Minimum of 3 written quotations, sealed
via The Chest or existing framework
Exceeding £100,000 but less than EU Threshold
Formal written tender via The Chest or existing
Above EU Threshold
Supplies - £173,934
Services - £173,934
Works - £4,348,350
Formal written tender via Official Journal Of
European Union (OJEU), The Chest or existing
(Total contract value NOT per annum)
Serving the people of Cumbria
How to provide an ‘Excellent’ answer
• An Excellent answer answers the question…and then
• Think of a 3 stage answer –
1) how do you do it ?
2) why do you do it that way ? and
3) what continuous improvement, outcomes and
innovations are demonstrated ?
• If maximum word count attached – use bullet points
Serving the people of Cumbria
Health & Safety
Serving the people of Cumbria
Sharon McCubbin
Joy Telford
Health Safety & Wellbeing Team Manager
Corporate Health and Safety Team
Cumbria County Council
Serving the people of Cumbria
Demonstrating H&S Competency
• Demonstrating a good approach to H&S not only
gains scores on tenders but has positive impacts for
your company longer term - impressive for future
• The reasons are Legal – Moral – Financial
• Failure to demonstrate this, results in a poor score
and could rule your business out during the selection
Serving the people of Cumbria
How do we expect you to
demonstrate a good H&S approach?
• Provide your Health and Safety Policy
• Who is the Person responsible for H&S in the company
– senior?/experience/ qualifications/
• Do you have 3rd party accredited - UKAS/ or prequalified
• Who provides competent safety advice
Serving the people of Cumbria
Key Areas
• Arrangements for H&S including monitoring, reviewing
and managing risks
• Enforcement, prosecutions during the last five years, for
H&S reasons
• RIDDOR Accident/incident statistics
• Staff training and supplier/ sub contractor H&S checks
• You would have to adhere to our Contractors Code of
Conduct – 1st June 2013
Serving the people of Cumbria
Serving the people of Cumbria
Allan Graham
Cumbria County Council
Serving the people of Cumbria
Why do we request the Finance
Attempt to establish financial stability
Are there resources to deliver contract
On what is appraisal Based?
Sound business judgement
Not mechanistic computer says no
Serving the people of Cumbria
Scope of analysis
What do we look at?
Warning Signals
Overall Evaluation
Judgement if org has finances and resources
to deliver contract
• Mitigating Financial Risks
• Use of guarantees and bonds
Serving the people of Cumbria
Equality & Diversity
Serving the people of Cumbria
Jane McKeon
Equality & Diversity
Cumbria County Council
Serving the people of Cumbria
The Legal Framework
• The Equality Act (2010) sets out anti-discrimination law
in the UK.
• It identifies ‘protected characteristics’, age, disability,
gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex,
sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity and
marriage and civil partnerships.
• The Act sets out the public sector equality duty (PSED)
which applies to public authorities in England and:
– Organisations carrying out a public function
– Including private companies or voluntary sector
organisations for work funded by the Council
– Sub-contractors working for organisations on Council funded
Serving the people of Cumbria
Requirements for Contractors
• To ensure that the Council meets the PSED we ask the
following from all contractors:
– To have an Equality policy in line with legislation
– For organisations with more than 150 staff to monitor
staff diversity by protected characteristic, with a
minimum of age, gender, ethnicity and disability
– To ensure that staff have access to basic information
or training on equality
• At Pre-Qualification Stage the Council will check that
these requirements are being met
• We may exclude a prospective tenderer who has been
found in breach of national laws about equal treatment of
Serving the people of Cumbria
Invitation to Tender and Equality
• When producing a tender the Council will decide if
Equality is relevant. This will depend on:
– Whether the contractor works directly with people who
share a protected characteristic
– Whether the delivery of the contract will directly
support the Council to address the Public Sector
Equality Duty
• Where this applies the Service Specification may include:
– Specific equality requirements including monitoring
– Evidence of previous work with people who share a
protected characteristics
• Where applicable this will inform the way in which tenders
are scored and contacts awarded.
Serving the people of Cumbria
Questions & Answers
Serving the people of Cumbria
Session Closedown, opportunity to
attend individual directorate
breakout sessions
Serving the people of Cumbria
Breakout information (Morning)
Room 1 – Strategic Investments & Property
Room 2 – Highways
Room 3 – Transportation
Room 4 – Safer & Stronger Communities
Room 5 – ICT
Room 6 – Waste Management
Serving the people of Cumbria